Natural Resources

King County's mission is to protect public health and the natural environment. The community indicators below reflect the state of the natural environment throughout the county, while the performance measures demonstrate King County's role in improving the environment.

Chart showing the commutity indicators and performance measures for Natural Resources

King County by the numbers

Indicators: Performance measures:
Natural Resources Resource Consumption Forest and Farmland Freshwater Marine Atmosphere Biodiesel use Recycling rate Energy implementation plan Residential wastewater cost of service  Wastewater permit compliance Land and resource conservation Permit efficiency Permit timeliness Reclaimed water volumes met Residential wastewater cost of service  Wastewater permit compliance  Facility resource use reductions Biosolids recycling rate Reclaimed water volumes met  Solid waste tipping fee per ton Solid waste facility compliance Land and resource conservation Flood safety Stormwater permit compliance Single family stormwater rate Salmon Watchers program participation  Biodiesel use Wastewater biogas conversion Facility resource use reductions Conversion of landfill methane Corporate King County GHG emissions Resource Consumption - Green buildings Marine - Marine sediment quality Freshwater - Stream insects Resource Consumption - Solid waste disposal Resource Consumption - Energy consumption Freshwater - Chinook Freshwater - Streams Forest and Farmland - Forest and impervious cover Forest and Farmland - Forrest and famr acreage Freshwater - Small lakes Atmosphere - Air particulates Marine - Shoreline armoring Marine - Offshore water quality Atmosphere - Community GHG emissions