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Table 9.10
Year 2004 discharges from METHADONE OUTPATIENT treatment1
by employment status (aged 16 and over), according to reason for discharge: TEDS 2004
Number, percent distribution, and median and average lengths of stay
[Based on linked admission and discharge data reported by 23 States and jurisdictions that offered methadone outpatient substance abuse treatment and reported these data to TEDS.]
Employment status Total Reason for discharge, transfer, or discontinuance of treatment
Completed Transferred Completed or
Terminated Other
Total discharges
aged 16 and over
31,729 3,828 5,536 9,364 14,057 4,089 4,219
Employed  8,702 1,148 1,266 2,414  4,103 1,206   979
Full time  6,192   853   807 1,660  2,979   890   663
Part time  2,510   295   459   754  1,124   316   316
Unemployed 10,537 1,047 1,888 2,935  4,500 1,699 1,403
Not in labor force 11,486 1,404 2,258 3,662  5,138 1,069 1,617
No. of discharges  30,725 3,599 5,412 9,011 13,741 3,974 3,999
Column percent
Employed  28.3  31.9  23.4  26.8  29.9  30.3  24.5
Full time  20.2  23.7  14.9  18.4  21.7  22.4  16.6
Part time   8.2   8.2   8.5   8.4   8.2   8.0   7.9
Unemployed  34.3  29.1  34.9  32.6  32.7  42.8  35.1
Not in labor force  37.4  39.0  41.7  40.6  37.4  26.9  40.4
Total  100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Row percent
Employed 100.0  13.2  14.5  27.7  47.2  13.9  11.3
Full time 100.0  13.8  13.0  26.8  48.1  14.4  10.7
Part time 100.0  11.8  18.3  30.0  44.8  12.6  12.6
Unemployed 100.0   9.9  17.9  27.9  42.7  16.1  13.3
Not in labor force 100.0  12.2  19.7  31.9  44.7   9.3  14.1
Total  100.0  11.7  17.6  29.3  44.7  12.9  13.0
Median length of stay (days)
Employed 120 177 145  94 128 157
Full time 125 177 152  95 140 165
Part time 108 167 126  90 106 146
Unemployed 107 145  91  83 147 151
Not in labor force 113 140 112  92 133 159
Total  113 154 107    89 139 156
Average length of stay (days)
Employed 237 303 282 194 237 282
Full time 242 310 290 197 245 291
Part time 225 284 266 186 213 264
Unemployed 210 244 198 175 245 269
Not in labor force 227 271 244 191 229 276
Total  224 274 237   186 238 275
1 Clients includes methadone outpatient (n = 30,343; 95 percent) and methadone intensive outpatient (n = 1,485; 5 percent).
SOURCE: Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS). Data received through 2.1.2006.

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