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ORS 339-020-000 CE
The Rules define Continuing Education (CE) as "participation in courses, classes, workshops, and other means for the purpose of developing and updating professional skills to provide appropriate occupational therapy services."

The current rules require 30 points of CE for all licensees when they renew their license.  The CE points may be obtained anytime within the two years previous to the renewal period.  
The exceptions are a first time licensee who has just pass their NBCOT exam and has been licensed for only one year is required to show 15 points of CE during the renewal process; and a first time licensee who just passed the NBCOT exam who has been licensed for less than a year is not requried to show CE points for the first year. 
Licensees by endorsement, from another state must show they have 30 points of CE when they apply for an Oregon license.  They also must show they have 30 points of CE in the past two years when they renew. 
The actual rules state:
339-020-0010 CE Requirements for Current Licensees
(1) All current licensees shall obtain a minimum of 30 points of CE from Board approved categories during the two years immediately preceding the date of the license renewal.
(2) Exception:  Current licensees who have had their licenses for less than two full years, but more than one year, shall obtain a minimum of 15 points of CE from Board approved categories during the year immediately preceding the date of the license renewal.    
For applicants for licensure the rules now required the following:
339-010-0016 CE Requirements for Applicants for Licensure                          
(1) All applicants for licensure who have passed the NBCOT certification examination and have been unlicensed for up to three years will need 15 points of board approved continuing education a year prior to becoming licensed in Oregon.
(2) All applicants for licensure who have passed the NBCOT certification examination more than a one year ago and have been unlicensed for more than three years will:
(a) successfully complete a Board approved Re-Entry Program specifically designed for occupational therapists preparing them for re-entry into the field of occupational therapy; or
(b) successfully retake and pass the NBCOT examination within the previous year.
(3) The Board has the discretion to waive requirement for license application requirements. 
A person has not been licensed for more than three years must either go through a Re-Entry Program  or retake the NBCOT examination. 

Licensees are obliged to complete their license renewal applications and sign a statement that they have completed a minimum of 30 CE points from Board approved categories.  A licensee renewing their license is exempt from CE requirements only if they have been licensed for less than a full year.  If the licensee has been licensed for only one year they must sign a statemement that they have completed a minimum of 15 CE points from Board approved categories. 
NOTE:  Be sure to check the new one time requirement for PAIN CE.
DIV 20 Administrative Rules  339-020-0020  CE Categories and Points
These numbers refer to a two year total of 30 points.  Credit for CE shall be calculated on a point basis in the following categories and must relate to occupational therapy services. It is the responsibility of the licensee to demonstrate how specific classes contribute to the development of the occupational therapy skills. “Application to OT Services” (CE Log) must be included for credit. Unless stated otherwise, one point equals one contact hour. Sixteen to 30 required CE points must come from categories 1-11. A limit of 14 of the required CE points may be accrued from categories 12-18.  
(1) Attendance at university, college or vocational technical adult education courses at or above practice level: Four points per credit hour. Documentation of successful completion required.
(2) Attendance at seminars, workshops, or institutes: One point per direct hour of content.
(3) Completion of educational telecommunication network or on-line courses: Points as awarded by certificate or per credit, see (1). Certificate of successful completion required.
(4) Attendance at educational sessions relating to occupational therapy sponsored by OTAO, AOTA,
AOTA approved providers, and NBCOT or professional academic institutions relating to occupational therapy: One point per hour of attendance. Certificate of attendance required.
(5) Satisfactory completion of American Occupational Therapy Association approved courses/materials
or courses/materials offered by AOTA approved providers: Points per certificate on completion.
Documentation of satisfactory completion required.
(6) Publication – Copy of publications required.
(a) Publication of article in non-peer reviewed publication (e.g. OT Practice, SIS Quarterly, Advance, etc.): Five points per article.
(b) Publication of article in peer-reviewed professional publication (e.g. journals, book chapter, research 
 paper): Ten points per article.
(c) Publication of chapter(s) in occupational therapy or related textbook: Ten points per chapter.
(7) Professional presentation (person presenting): Presentation must be at practice level for credit, e.g.
CNA training would not be acceptable: Two points per hour with no additional points for subsequent
presentation of same content. Course outline must be provided.
(8) Development of alternative media (computer software, video or audio tapes): Three points/hr of
finished product. Outline required.
(9) Completing requirements for occupational therapy specialty certification (initial or recertification
one time only for each specialty): 12 points. Copy of certificate required.
(10) Research, provided an abstract of the research is retained to prove participation: Principal – Eight points.  Associate – Six points.
(11) Development and implementation of a school approved Level II student program (one time only and
completed within a year): Four points. Copy of program must be provided.
(12) In-service training: One point per hour of attendance.
(13) Attendance at videotaped presentations of educational courses, seminars, workshops or institutes
(group viewing with discussion): One-half point per direct hour of viewing with additional points for
discussion, not to exceed seven points.
(14) Student supervision, Level I Fieldwork: One point for 8 hours of supervision.
(15) Student supervision, Level II Fieldwork: One point for 8 hours of supervision.
(16) Mentoring; as defined in OAR-339-010-0005(5): One point for every eight hours contract mentoring with documentation.  Points may be obtained for both the mentor and the mentee.   
(17) Professional leadership on a Board or Commission relating to OT – Volunteer services to organizations, populations, and individuals that advance the reliance on and use of one’s occupational therapy skills and experiences to the volunteer setting or experience: 10 hours equal two points. Up to four points a year with documentation.
(18) Re-Entry Supervisors:  Therapists providing supervision under OAR 339-010-0016: One point for 8 hours.

The Board randomly selects to audit a percentage of the logs, to determine whether courses relate to CE as defined in OAR 339-020-000 — that the course "develops and updates professional skills".
The Board does not allow credit for CPR, for workshops on time management, Day Planners, Time Quests, etc. (unless it can be demonstrated that they would fit the CE definition), performance appraisal workshops, courses that are part of the basic OT and/or OT Assistant degree curriculum, etc. Some CE entries that have required additional information are "Diabetes Education", "Nutritional Management", massage classes, PPS , "Safety Inservice", "Environment of Care", etc. The classes must relate to OT practice, and the CE Log must provide enough information to support the relationship.
Licensees may be required to mail in a CE log listing the courses completed, the presenter, the CE categories, dates of attendance and number of CE points with the Certificate if they are audited. Only a percentage of the CE logs are audited, but everyone is obligated to keep CE records and make them available to the Board on request. Records must be kept for a minimum of four years.

In order to provide a service to applicants and occupational therapists the board will give information on upcoming CE events.   We will especially try to let you know of any free events that are coming up.  Always confirm with the facility putting on the event.
Oregon Occupational Therapy Association:  For events and CE put on by your state Association go to their web site at  www.otao.com
The OTAO Annual Conference is held in Salem this year on Friday Oct. 24 - Sunday, October 26, 2009.  
Go to www.otao.com to register.  
A big advantage of joining the Oregon OT Association is the CE events your state association sponsors and the reducation in fees for the classes.  Many CE providers also provide information in on their web site.  They also have listing of job openings on their web site !
Pacific University, Call the OT Office at 503-352-7268 
The web site to obtain more information is http://www.pacificu.edu/ot/
FREE CE in Therapeutic Riding and Equine Assisted Psycholtherapy:
Sat. Sept. 27, 2998 www.blueheavenacademy.org or e-mail carrie@blueheavenacademy.org  
FREE:  Hearing and Speech Institute, 2008 Brown Bag Series from 12 - 2  the fourth Wed. of each month on topics such as sleep disturbances, autism, postural control, health insurance appeals, coaching.  presentations are open to colleagues in the community in their conference room at the clinic at 1675 SW Marlow Suite 200 Portland, OR 97225 503-228-6479. 
OHSU Integrative Medicine Lecture:  Contact them to see what classes they have coming up: cam@ohsu.edu or  www.cancer.gov

CE Calendar
Mental Health Continuing Education February 6, 2008 - Vol. 10 Issue 2
Published by athealth.com - http://www.athealth.com
You can subscribe to the CE Calendar. Subscribe at
e-mail support@athealth.com or call 888-284-3258.

1.   iaedp - Eating Disorders Symposium 2008
2.   Menninger Continuing Education – Borderline Personality Disorder
3.   American Neuropsychiatric Association – 19th Annual Meeting
4.   UCLA Extension/Lifespan Learning Institute - Attachment Conference
5.   Ben Franklin Institute - Summit for Clinical Excellence
6.   College of Executive Coaching - Personal and Exec Coach Training
7.   Center for Anger Resolution - Anger Resolution Therapist Training
8.   NCPTSD - Stress, Violence, and Trauma Conference
9.   NSVT - Getting Started With Neurofeedback
10.  MA School of Professional Psychology – High Conflict Families

CE Activities Log Form in MS Word  or
CE Activities Log Form in PDF  

Information about filling in your CE log form and getting CE approved
HERE ARE TIPS FOR YOU on CE and Renewals
First, keep the Board informed of changes to your contact information.  We spend a lot of time on undeliverable letters and tracking down licensees to determine whether they wish to renew.  It takes an inordinate amount of time which could be spent more effectively on other matters.
Second, if your name changes, send in a copy of the legal document showing the name change along with any changes to address, phone, or e-mail in writing. We will be more efficient without having to ask for documentation during the busiest time of the year. 
Third, complete the entire form.  There were over 100 renewals either without the signature, without questions answered, without the number of CE points, without the check, or without the form included.  There is a reason for all the questions and the signature and date are required.   
Fourth, the CE audit shows that the Board needs better inform licensees about continuing education.  You must have your required 30 points of CE by or before May 1st when you renew!  Do not leave it until the last minute.  Here is a list of the problems that came up:
  • CE must be related to OT practice and be at practice level:  The following facility health related in-services are not approved: HIV/AIDS, incontinence, patient bowel and bladder needs, in-patient training protocols and restraint training, and emergency procedures.  More information was needed for approval of Functional Independence Measurement training (too basic), Journal Club on Bone Density, and insurance reimbursement.
  • Management:  The Board recognizes that enhancing professional skills, although not clinically based in terms of patient care, demands more in terms of management so the Board  approved some of the points for educational management courses.  Medicare training may be approved depending on documentation and how it related to OT.  Recently the board approved workers compensation classes on changes to Independent Medical Examinations and impairment findings for workers compensation claims.
  • Documentation: First, all documented in-services might not be approved.  Insurance reimbursement was not approved.  For in-services make sure you keep track of the information needed in the log form, the date, who provided it, and how it specifically related to OT at the  practice level.  If your facility does not do this then you must obtain the documentation.  Since you do not know ahead of time if you will be audited it is prudent for you to keep records in a file if you plan to use them for CE and are audited.
  • CE for an in-service given by an OT Assistant at a facility on testing was not approved for an OT.  Why?  First, since the OT Assistant can only gather testing information, this would not be at practice level for the OT (it might for an OT Assistant).  The OT Assistant cannot interpret data since this would be beyond the OT Assistant’s scope of practice.
  • If you are audited you must send in the log form and the certificates:  It is a random audit.  Keep track of this information.  The members of the Board are volunteering their time doing these reviews.  The log form helps organize what kind of credit to give for CE and improperly filled forms or missing certificates increases the work at the busiest time of the year.  It also delays issuing renewals on time.  Yours is just one of many renewals the Board is dealing with. Keeping problems at a minimum means we can deal with the most important issues quickly, and get the last minute licenses issued before they lapse. 
  • Statement of Supervision: If you are an OT Assistant the license will not be issued without a Statement of Supervision.  This year we sent information about supervision to all OT Assistants in February as a reminder.  There were about 40 statements not received prior to or with the renewals of the OT Assistant.  Keeping track of all the incomplete renewals takes time that could be used more efficiently.
Also in filling out the log keep in mind:
- fill out the information in chronological order
- keep it legibile
- include documentation, especially for facility inservices
- include evidence of student internship (e.g. copy of first page only of AOTA student evaluation  
   with student scoring and comments removed)
- If you have doubt whether something qualified for CE contact the Board prior to registering for
   the course; don't wait until CE is due !
The good news is that most of you have more than the required 30 points.  There were about fifty renewals that had over 60 CE points.  If you have over the required 30 points in this last licensing period and obtained it in March, April or May of 2008, you can use these points for the next renewal period for 2008 – 2010.
Finally, waivers or extensions to CE requirements for “physical disability or illness, or undue hardship” must be in writing two months prior to license expiration which is March 31, 2010!  You are required by rule to keep your CE information for four years.  Contact us if you have questions.

The Board does not pre-approve CE.  Licensees should look to the CE definition and determine whether the courses relate to OT practice and be prepared to demonstrate how the credit relates if requested.
You will have no problem if your continuing education comes from educational sessions relating to occupational therapy sponsored by OTAO, AOTA, AOTA approved providers, and NBCOT or professional academic institutions relating to occupational therapy.  You can receive one point per hour of attendance, with documentation. 

The Board may, in individual cases involving physical disability or illness, or undue hardship, grant waivers of the minimum CE requirements or extensions of time within which to fulfill the same or make required reports. Applications for waivers shall be made to the Board in writing at least two months prior to license expiration. If you are requesting a waiver for medical reasons, you must provide letter from treating physician.
Some requests approved by the Board:
  • Extended illness
  • Death in the family
  • Pregnancy complications
Some requests not approved:
  • High cost of CE
  • Inconvenience
  • Isolation, difficult to obtain CE

Licensees will have two-years within which to obtain 30 points of CE
The Board now issues two-year licenses.  When licensees renew their license they must show they have 30 CE points in the last two years. 
If  the licensee obtained more than the required points in the past renewal period, they may use the extra points they earned in March, April and May of 2008 for their next renewal period time in 2010. 
A randum number of licensees are picked for CE audit each renewal period.  Send in the log form and documentation only IF you are being audited.  It will clearly state on the renewal form that you are being audited. 

Under OAR 339-020-0020(16)  in order to receive mentorship CE credit, a written mentorship agreement must be signed by both parties, the mentor and the mentee, including a description of the planned and collaborative experience and the goals to be achieved under the plan.  Points may be obtained for both the mentor and the mentee.  One point is give for each eight hours of contract mentoring with the documentation. 
The definition of mentorship is found under OAR 339-010-0005(5) which states:
339-010-0005 Definitions (see (5) below
(1) "Supervision," is a process in which two or more people participate in a joint effort to promote, establish, maintain and/or evaluate a level of performance. The occupational therapist is responsible for the practice outcomes and documentation to accomplish the goals and objectives. Levels of supervision:
(a) "Close supervision" requires daily, direct contact in person at the work site;
(b) "Routine supervision" requires the supervisor to have direct contact in person at least every two weeks at the work site with interim supervision occurring by other methods, such as telephone or written communication.
(c) "General supervision" requires the supervisor to have at least monthly direct contact in person with the supervisee at the work site with supervision available as needed by other methods.
(2) "Leisure," as it is used in ORS 675.210(3) means occupational behavior that is developed as part of an individual occupational therapy evaluation and treatment process. This process is goal oriented toward the maximum health of the patient by the interaction of self-care, work and leisure, and is not used as an isolated recreation activity. The use in this way does not include leisure activities as used by therapeutic recreation specialists.
(3) "Licensed occupational therapy practitioner," for purposes of these rules, means an individual who holds a current occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant license.
(4) "Occupational therapy aide," as it is used in OAR 339-010-0055, means an unlicensed worker who is assigned by the licensed occupational therapy practitioner to perform selected tasks.
(5) "Mentorship," as it is used in these rules, is a collaborative experience of direct contact between currently licensed occupational therapy practitioners for the purpose of updating professional skills. Mentorship may include, but is not limited to, mentee observation of the mentor's practice, classroom work, case review and discussion, and review and discussion of professional literature.
If you have questions, e-mail the Director Felicia.M.Holgate@state.or.us or write to the Occupational Therapy Licensing Board, 800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 407, Portland, Oregon 97232 or Fax it to us at 971-673-0226.  If you have any questions call the office at 971-673-0198.

Look under Other Links for information about online CE

New one time mandatory CE on Pain for Occupational Therapists
the 2007 legislature passed a bill adding Occupational Therapists to the list of health care professionals that the Pain Management Commission requires to have one time Pain Managament CE. 
The final rules are now written and will be final soon.  All Occupational Therapists are required to obtain CE in Pain Managment as part of their 30 points prior to their renewals in 2010.
The Board is working with OTAO to have Pain CE relevant to Occupational Therapists.   The web site for the Pain Commission is http://www.oregon.gov/DHS/pain/   You can view the one-hour free online presentation on this site.  Just click on the site and then go to
the Healthcare Professionals link, and then go to "Take the online Introduction to Pain Management  presentation".
The OT Licensing Board is working to have an Occupational Therapist added to the Pain Commission.  The Board has already improve the reference to OT in the video. 
If you have any comments or suggestions please contact the Board Director, Felicia Holgate at 971-673-0198 or Felicia.M.Holgate@state.or.us

If you received help regarding CE please fill out this very short survey
Click here for the customer survey
Information will help us improve out service.  We do want to know how to serve you better. 

Page updated: September 09, 2008

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