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Table 2.5
Year 2004 discharges, by type of service and reason for discharge: TEDS 2004
Number, percent distribution, and median and average lengths of stay
[Based on linked admission and discharge data reported to TEDS by 28 States and jurisdictions.]
Type of service (all discharges) Total4 Reason for discharge, transfer, or discontinuance of treatment
Completed Transferred Dropped out Terminated Other
Outpatient1   399,037 145,426  46,611 108,605 41,913  56,482
Intensive outpatient1   114,440  43,119  20,441  26,561 16,025   8,294
Short-term residential1    78,423  48,222  11,189  11,025  4,906   3,081
Long-term residential1    95,087  40,771  11,851  26,727  7,326   8,412
Hospital residential1     8,080   5,597   1,200     884    214     185
Detoxification1,2   211,161 131,476  28,706  34,570  4,512  11,897
Methadone3    51,263   8,528   8,170  23,930  4,407   6,228
No. of discharges    957,491 423,139 128,168 232,302 79,303  94,579
Column percent
Outpatient1  41.7  34.4  36.4  46.8  52.9  59.7
Intensive outpatient1  12.0  10.2  15.9  11.4  20.2   8.8
Short-term residential1   8.2  11.4   8.7   4.7   6.2   3.3
Long-term residential1   9.9   9.6   9.2  11.5   9.2   8.9
Hospital residential1   0.8   1.3   0.9   0.4   0.3   0.2
Detoxification1,2  22.1  31.1  22.4  14.9   5.7  12.6
Methadone3   5.4   2.0   6.4  10.3   5.6   6.6
Total  100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Row percent
Outpatient1 100.0  36.4  11.7  27.2  10.5  14.2
Intensive outpatient1 100.0  37.7  17.9  23.2  14.0   7.2
Short-term residential1 100.0  61.5  14.3  14.1   6.3   3.9
Long-term residential1 100.0  42.9  12.5  28.1   7.7   8.8
Hospital residential1 100.0  69.3  14.9  10.9   2.6   2.3
Detoxification1,2 100.0  62.3  13.6  16.4   2.1   5.6
Methadone3 100.0  16.6  15.9  46.7   8.6  12.1
Total  100.0  44.2  13.4  24.3   8.3   9.9
Median length of stay (days)
Outpatient1  69 104  29  45  53  70
Intensive outpatient1  42  52  42  28  37  41
Short-term residential1  20  25  19   7  14  10
Long-term residential1  46  79  35  21  36  41
Hospital residential1  11  14   9   7  12  13
Detoxification1,2   3   3   4   2   2   1
Methadone3  42  28  52  30 125  80
Average length of stay (days)
Outpatient1 107 138  77  82  93 112
Intensive outpatient1  72  82  81  55  61  79
Short-term residential1  26  27  28  17  28  21
Long-term residential1  74  97  77  44  58  69
Hospital residential1  29  30  17  39  30  44
Detoxification1,2  11   8  23  13  16  14
Methadone3 154 144 180 124 227 199
1 Excludes records where methadone use was planned.
2 Includes free-standing residential detoxification (n = 189,870; 90 percent), hospital detoxification (n = 14,672; 7 percent), and ambulatory detoxification (n = 6,619; 3 percent).
3 Includes records where use of methadone in treatment was planned. May represent any service type.
4 Excludes records where Reason for discharge was unknown (n = 80,608; 8 percent).
SOURCE: Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS). Data received through 2.1.2006.

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