Patents > Search Colections > MPEP > 903.08 Applications: Assignment and Transfer - 900 Prior Art, Classification, and Search

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903.08 Applications: Assignment and Transfer - 900 Prior Art, Classification, and Search

903.08 Applications: Assignment and Transfer

The titles "supervisory patent examiner" and "primary examiner," as used in this Chapter 900, include in their definition any person designated by them to act on their behalf. It is recognized that authority to accept or refuse the transfer of an application may be delegated when such authority is deserved.

The Technology Center (TC) to which an application is assigned is responsible for its examination until such time as the application is officially transferred to another TC.

The primary examiners have full authority to accept any application submitted to them that they believe is properly classifiable in a class in their art unit.

Applicants may be advised of expected application transfers by using form paragraph 5.03.

¶ 5.03 Reassignment Affecting Application Location

The Art Unit location of your application in the USPTO has changed. To aid in correlating any papers for this application, all further correspondence regarding this application should be directed to Art Unit [1].

Examiner Note

This paragraph should be used in all Office actions when the location of an application is changed due to a reassignment of the art, transfer of the application to a different Art Unit, or transfer of an examiner and the examiner's docket.

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