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NOTE: iMAP requires a high-speed Internet connection.

Map Sets are collections of map layers that have been pre-selected to focus on particular subjects.

  • To launch iMAP and begin using one of the map sets click a Start icon—Start button icon.
  • To learn about a map set, including which map layers are available in the set, click an Info icon—Info button icon.
  • Click on any hyperlinked map layer name in the lists of available map layers below to see the metadata for that layer (from the KCGIS Spatial Data Catalog).

Map Sets



blue arrow bullet

City of Newcastle

start button: City of Newcastle map set

get information button: City of Newcastle map set

blue arrow bullet

Electoral Districts

start button: Districts map set

get information button: Districts map set

blue arrow bullet

Groundwater Program

start button: Groundwater Program map set

get information button: Groundwater Program map set

blue arrow bullet

Hydrographic Information

start button: Hydrographic Information map set

get information button: Hydrographic Information map set

blue arrow bullet

King County Levy Rates & Districts

start button: King County Levy Rates & Districts map set

get information button: King County Levy Rates & Districts map set

blue arrow bullet

King County Parks

start button: King County Parks map set

get information button: King County Parks map set

blue arrow bullet

Noxious Weed Locations

start button: Noxious Weeds map set

get information button: Noxious Weed Locations map set

blue arrow bullet

Property Information

start button: Property Information map set

get information button: Property Information map set

blue arrow bullet

Sensitive Areas

start button: Sensitive Areas map set

get information button: Sensitive Areas map set

blue arrow bullet

Shoreline Master Program

start button: Shoreline Master Program map set

get information button: Shoreline Master Program map set

blue arrow bullet


start button: Stormwater map set

get information button: Stormwater map set

blue arrow bullet

WRIA 9 Habitat Projects

start button: WRIA 9 Habitat Projects map set

get information button: WRIA 9 Habitat Projects map set

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City of Newcastle


This map displays information specifically for the city of Newcastle. All data displayed is city specific and comes directly from the City of Newcastle Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 2003, Newcastle Wetland Inventory (2005) and Newcastle Stream Inventory (2001)

This map is intended for informational and educational use only. For answers to more specific questions, please contact the City of Newcastle at (425) 649-4444.

Possible Uses

  • Find out what a property is zoned.

  • Locate streams, wetlands and their associated buffers.

  • Locate the schools and parks in Newcastle.

  • Find your way through Newcastle on foot with the trails layer.

Start iMAP button

City of Newcastle Map Set

Available Map Layers

Newcastle Zoning
Newcastle Streams & Buffers
Newcastle Wetlands & Buffers
Newcastle Trails
Newcastle Bike Trails
2005 Newcastle Aerial Photos
City Halls
Fire Stations
Property Sales in the Last 3 Years
Illegal Drug Lab Properties
Urban Growth Area Line
Potential Annexation Area
SAO Erosion
SAO Landslide
SAO Coal Mine
Sensitive Area Notice on Title
(9kb PDF)
Lakes and Rivers
Kroll Map Index
Thomas Guide Page Index
Thomas Guide Row-Column Index
PLSS Township - Range
PLSS Sections

Zip Codes

Mountain Peaks
Aerial Photos

- 2002, natural color
- 2000, natural color
- 1998, black/white

Elevation Data

- Contours (100ft)
- Contours (5ft)
- Shaded-relief image,
- created from lidar-derived
- digital ground model


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Electoral Districts


This map set provides district boundary information for King County, including King County Council, Legislative, Congressional and minor taxing district boundaries. The map set also includes general basemap information such as streets and parcels.

When started, the map displays City names and boundaries, King County Council boundaries and highways.

The district data layers in this map set are maintained by King County Records, Elections and Licensing Services Division and reflect district boundaries eligible for election.

They do not include service area boundaries.

Possible Uses

  • View a district by selecting the desired jurisdiction layer in the table of contents.

  • View or create maps of districts and/or precincts.

  • Overlay different district types to view their geographic relationships.

  • List all districts for a given parcel using the Property Search button and "Get Districts Report" link

  • Create precinct walking maps.

  • Identify where a district boundary lies in relationship to a parcel.

Start iMAP button

Electoral Districts Map Set

Available Map Layers

Voting districts (precincts)
King County Council districts
Legislative districts
Congressional districts
Water districts
Water and sewer districts
Sewer districts
Seattle school board director districts
Fire protection districts
Hospital districts
Parks and recreation districts
School districts
King County district court electoral districts
Rural library district
Lakes and Rivers
Kroll Map Index
Thomas Guide Page Index
Thomas Guide Row-Column Index
PLSS Township - Range
PLSS Sections

Zip Codes

USGS topographic maps
Mountain Peaks
Aerial Photos

- 2005, natural color
- 2002, natural color
- 2000, natural color
- 1998, black/white
- 1936, black/white

Elevation Data

- Contours (100ft)
- Contours (5ft)
- Shaded-relief image,
- created from lidar-derived
- digital ground model


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Groundwater Program


This map set provides information about groundwater and water supply in King County, as maintained by the Groundwater Program of the Water & Land Resources Division.

Possible Uses

  • Find out who supplies drinking water to a particular area in the county (view Water Service Areas).

  • Learn how groundwater contamination travels through different types of soil at different rates (view Wellhead Protection Areas).

  • Identify areas where groundwater is close to the surface beneath permeable ground layers, such as sand or gravel (view High Groundwater Contamination Risk).

  • See where plans are being developed to protect groundwater (view Groundwater Management Areas).

Start iMAP button

Groundwater Program Map Set

Available Map Layers

Drainage Sub-basins
Water Resource Inventory Areas
Water Service Areas
Wellhead Protection Areas
High Groundwater Contamination Risk
Groundwater Management Areas
Groundwater Sources
Groundwater Quality Sampling Sites
Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas
Lakes and Rivers
Kroll Map Index
Thomas Guide Page Index
Thomas Guide Row-Column Index
PLSS Township - Range
PLSS Sections

Zip Codes

King County Council Districts
USGS topographic maps
Mountain Peaks
Aerial Photos

- 2005, natural color
- 2002, natural color
- 2000, natural color
- 1998, black/white
- 1936, black/white

Elevation Data

- Contours (100ft)
- Contours (5ft)
- Shaded-relief image,
- created from lidar-derived
- digital ground model


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Hydrographic Information


This map set presents the hydrographic features of King County, including wetlands and drainage basins. The opening view shows drainage basins, drainage sub-basins and wetlands on a countywide basemap of rivers, streams, and lakes.

The hydrographic data layers in this map set are maintained by the King County Water and Land Resources Division.

Possible Uses

  • Identify drainage basin management areas and learn their boundaries.

  • Review wetland- and drainage-related land development issues relative to zoning, land use, or individual parcels.

Start iMAP button

Hydrographic Information Map Set

Available Map Layers

Drainage Sub-basins
Water Resource Inventory Areas
Wetlands Inventory
Lakes and Rivers
Monitoring buoys
Kroll Map Index
Thomas Guide Page Index
Thomas Guide Row-Column Index
PLSS Township - Range
PLSS Sections

Zip Codes

King County Council Districts
USGS topographic maps
Mountain Peaks
Aerial Photos

- 2005, natural color
- 2002, natural color
- 2000, natural color
- 1998, black/white
- 1936, black/white

Elevation Data

- Contours (100ft)
- Contours (5ft)
- Shaded-relief image,
- created from lidar-derived
- digital ground model


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King County Levy Rates and Districts


This map set displays property tax levy code boundaries and levy rate information for King County.

Property tax levy totals are calculated according to the state constitution, statutory levy limits set by the legislature, and excess levies approved by the voters. The total tax rate on your property results from: a) dividing the dollar amount required for a taxing district in which your property is located by the total value of property within the district, and b) adding up the rates of all of the various districts in which your property is located. This combined rate, multiplied by the assessed value of your property, produces a tax amount which is your fair share of the total property tax levy in your area.

The distinct, bounded areas in this map set represent levy codes. They are shaded according to the levy rate that is associated with each code-darker colors represent higher rates. You can use iMAP's "Identify" tool to click on the map and find out the component parts of the total levy rate for that location on the map. You can see a further breakdown of the rate, and access additional resources related to tax levies and property taxes, by clicking on the levy code link that appears below the map when you use the "Identify" tool.

Possible Uses

  • View King County levy code boundaries.

  • Identify any levy rate and get links to additional resources.

  • Determine what taxing districts a parcel pays into.

  • View just the school district, fire district, or city district levy boundaries using the appropriate map layers.

More Information

Start iMAP button

King County Levy Rates and Districts Map Set

Available Map Layers

Fire District
School District
City District
KCA Levy Rates
Lakes and Large Rivers
Kroll Map Index
Thomas Guide Page Index
Thomas Guide Row-Column Index
PLSS Township - Range
PLSS Sections

Zip Codes

King County Council Districts
Aerial Photos

- 2005, natural color
- 2002, natural color
- 2000, natural color
- 1998, black/white
- 1936, black/white

Elevation Data

- Shaded-relief image,
- created from lidar-derived
- digital ground model


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King County Parks


This map set displays parks within King County that are owned by the county as well as those owned by other jurisdictions. Available data include regional trails, county owned and managed park facilities, park classifications, and the King County Parks and Recreation Division's administrative districts, used for the maintenance and management of individual park properties.

For more information see the King County Parks Internet site and the intranet pages of the King County Parks GIS Section (King County intranet only).

Possible Uses

  • Locate a park or trail.

  • Discover what facilities you can find in your favorite park.

  • Print a park map that includes facility symbols and an aerial photo image.

Start iMAP button

King County Parks Map Set

Available Map Layers

Park Facilities
Resource Coordinator Districts
Maintenance Districts
King County Council Districts
Lakes and Rivers
Kroll Map Index
Thomas Guide Page Index
Thomas Guide Row-Column Index
PLSS Township - Range
PLSS Sections

Zip Codes

Mountain Peaks
Aerial Photos

- 2005, natural color
- 2002, natural color
- 2000, natural color
- 1998, black/white
- 1936, black/white

Elevation Data

- Contours (100ft)
- Contours (5ft)

- Shaded-relief image,
- created from lidar-derived
- digital ground model


return to top of page

Noxious Weed Locations


This map set displays information about noxious weed locations as determined by the 2005 Noxious Weed Survey. The survey is conducted annually by the Noxious Weed Control Program in the Water & Land Resources Division.

For this map set, noxious weeds are very loosely classified by color into four habitat categories:

  • Aquatic-blue
  • Urban/Park-green
  • Open Space-red
  • Pasture-orange

Users can display the noxious weed information in two ways:

  • Display only the four most widespread noxious weeds: Giant Hogweed, Purple Loosestrife, Spotted Knapweed, and Tansy Ragwort.

  • Display all of the more than forty noxious weed species found in the survey. With this option, users may view all of the weed symbols in the standard iMAP legend frame, or launch a separate floating legend window (by clicking on the"All Noxious Weeds" layer name in the iMAP interface).

Possible Uses:

  • Find out how many noxious weed locations were surveyed in your city or near your favorite natural feature, such as a wetland, lake, or stream.

  • Learn about individual weed species: use iMAP's "Identify" tool to click on a weed symbol on the map, and then click on the corresponding species link when it appears below the map.

Start iMAP button

Noxious Weed Locations Map Set

Available Map Layers

Noxious Weeds Survey Locations
Water Resource Inventory Areas
King County Council Districts
Urban Growth Area Line 
Lakes and Rivers
Kroll Map Index
Thomas Guide Page Index
Thomas Guide Row-Column Index
PLSS Township - Range
PLSS Sections

Zip Codes

King County Council Districts
King County Owned Lands
Publicly Owned Lands
Mountain Peaks
Aerial Photos

- 2005, natural color
- 2002, natural color
- 2000, natural color
- 1998, black/white
- 1936, black/white

Elevation Data

- Contours (100ft)
- Contours (5ft)
- Shaded-relief image,
- created from lidar-derived
- digital ground model


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Property Information


This map set brings together basic property information for all of King County such as parcels, property sales records for the last 3 years and King County owned property with planning information for unincorporated King County including current zoning classifications, planned land-use designations, and the Urban Growth Boundary. When started, the map display initially shows the countywide growth pattern and general basemap information. The rest of the data will become available when you zoom in to an appropriate scale.

Possible Uses

  • View information about King County owned properties.

    Search for parcels by Parcel Number, address or by navigating the map, and retrieve information about any selected parcel

    Examine sales records and patterns for properties and neighborhood for the past 3 years and obtain links to King County Recorder's Office documents regarding sales when available.

    View land-use planning patterns and trends over large areas.

  • Determine planning and zoning status for small areas, including individual properties.

Start iMAP button

Property Information Map Set

Available Map Layers

Property Sales in the Last 3 Years
King County Owned Property
Famland preservation properties
Illegal Drug Lab Properties
Agricultural Production District Line
Forest Production District Line
Urban Growth Area Line
Comprehensive Land Use Plan
County Growth Patterns
Lakes and Large Rivers


City Halls
Community Areas / Centers
Federal Government
Local Courts
Local Government
Kroll Map Index
Thomas Guide Page Index
Thomas Guide Row-Column Index
PLSS Township - Range
PLSS Sections

Zip Codes

King County Council Districts
Mountain Peaks
Aerial Photos

- 2005, natural color
- 2002, natural color
- 2000, natural color
- 1998, black/white
- 1936, black/white

Elevation Data

- Contours (100ft)
- Contours (5ft)
- Shaded-relief image,
- created from lidar-derived
- digital ground model


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Sensitive Areas


This map set includes DDES* map layers that may indicate the presence of environmental factors that could affect the desired or permitted use or development of land parcels in unincorporated King County (see Sensitive Areas Criteria). The original data represented by the map layers in this set resulted from work done in 1991 as part of the Sensitive Areas Ordinance, and the layers are updated periodically according to King County Code section 21A.24. In addition, this map set contains several layers important for the Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO). These include not only the CAO layers themselves, but also the Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas layer and the 2005 Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) layers.

Possible Uses

This map set should be used for only general reviews of property characteristics. Even if the map set shows no sensitive areas coincident with a particular property, you should contact DDES* prior to making decisions about the potential use or development of a property.

*King County Department of Development and Environmental Services.

Start iMAP button

Sensitive Areas Map Set

Available Map Layers

Shoreline Management Designation
CAO Tributary Basins
CAO Basin Conditions
CAO Shoreline Conditions
2005 SWDM Flow Control
2005 SWDM Water Quality
2005 SWDM Landslide Hazards
Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas
Lakes and Rivers
Fish and Ditch
Wildlife Network
SAO Streams
FEMA Floodway
FEMA Floodplain
Channel Migration Hazard Areas
Sole Source Aquifer
SAO Wetland
SAO Landslide
SAO Coal Mine
SAO Seismic
SAO Erosion
Chinook Distribution
Sensitive Area Notice on Title
(9kb PDF)
Drainage Complaints
Landslide Hazard Drainage Area
Areas Susceptible to Ground Water Contamination
Kroll Map Index
Thomas Guide Page Index
Thomas Guide Row-Column Index
PLSS Township - Range
PLSS Sections

Zip Codes

King County Council Districts
Mountain Peaks
Aerial Photos

- 2005, natural color
- 2002, natural color
- 2000, natural color
- 1998, black/white
- 1936, black/white

Elevation Data

- Contours (100ft)
- Contours (5ft)
- Shaded-relief image,
- created from lidar-derived
- digital ground model


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Shoreline Master Program


This map set provides an inventory of the existing shoreline conditions in King County. The Shoreline Master Program applies to marine shorelines, large lakes and rivers. The areas that are within 200 feet of shoreline edge, floodplains and wetlands in unincorporated King County are included in the shoreline jurisdiction.

Possible Uses

  • Find existing shoreline conditions by defined reaches.

  • View information about shoreline ecology, public access, land use and historic resources.

Additional Resources

Start iMAP button

Shoreline Master Program Map Set


Available Map Layers

Shoreline Jurisdiction
Shoreline Reaches
Shoreline of Statewide Significance
Shoreline Facilities
Shoreline Public Access
Final Ecology Reach Quality
Light Energy Ecology Reach Quality
Large Woody Debris Ecology Reach Quality
Nitrogen Ecology Reach Quality
Pathogen Ecology Reach Quality
Phosphorus Ecology Reach Quality
Sediment Ecology Reach Quality
Tidal Influence Ecology Reach Quality
Toxins Ecology Reach Quality
Hydrologic Cycle Ecology Reach Quality
Wave Energy Ecology Reach Quality
Historic Landmarks
Water Resource Inventory Areas
Drainage Basins
Urban Growth Area
Agricultural Production District Boundary
Forest Production District Boundary
Potential Annexation Area
Lakes and Rivers
Kroll Map Index
Thomas Guide Page Index
Thomas Guide Row-Column Index
PLSS Township - Range
PLSS Sections

Zip Codes

King County Council Districts
Mountain Peaks
Aerial Photos

- 2005, natural color
- 2002, natural color
- 2000, natural color
- 1998, black/white
- 1936, black/white

Elevation Data

- Contours (100ft)
- Contours (5ft)
- Shaded-relief image,
- created from lidar-derived
- digital ground model


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This map set provides information about King County stormwater facilities, studies, and drainage projects managed by the Stormwater Services Section (SWS)*. In addition, several reference themes are included to assist SWS in processing and reviewing drainage complaints. These include Kroll and Thomas Brothers map pages, sensitive areas, topography, aerial photos, and tax parcels.

Possible Uses

  • Locate residential and commercial stormwater facilities.

  • Locate drainage features, including drainage basin boundaries, lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands.

  • Locate Stormwater Services Section work products including studies and capital improvement projects (drainage and water quality complaints to be added at a later date).

  • Assist in the preparation of offsite analysis for development applications.

  • View aerial photos and topographic information.

*King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks, Water and Land Resources Division.

Start iMAP button

Stormwater Map Set

Available Map Layers

SWS Drainage Study Sites
SWS Neighborhood Drainage Projects
SWS Regional Stormwater Facilities
SWS Commercial and Residential Facilities
King County Drainage Basins
Lakes and Rivers
FEMA floodplains
Drainage Complaints
Kroll Map Index
Thomas Guide Page Index
Thomas Guide Row-Column Index
PLSS Township - Range
PLSS Sections

Zip Codes

King County Council Districts
USGS topographic maps
Mountain Peaks
Aerial Photos

- 2005, natural color
- 2002, natural color
- 2000, natural color
- 1998, black/white
- 1936, black/white

Elevation Data

- Contours (100ft)
- Contours (5ft)
- Shaded-relief image,
- created from lidar-derived
- digital ground model


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WRIA 9 Habitat Projects


This map set depicts the locations* of potential and funded salmon habitat restoration and protection projects in the Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed (Water Resource Inventory Area 9).

The projects shown on the map (or listed in the Un-mapped Projects Report) are those inputted into the WRIA 9 project database by both King County and local jurisdictions and partners. This database and map set assists managers by informing them about current efforts in WRIA 9, and may be used to identify future habitat acquisition and restoration project needs.

Possible Uses

  • Locate the approximate location of current salmon habitat restoration and protection projects within WRIA 9

  • Learn more about specific projects by clicking on the "Available" link under "More Details" in the attribute table.

  • View a list of all projects (both mapped and unmapped) by clicking here.

  • Project partners can update project information by logging in here.

* The locations of potential projects are general and do not necessarily indicate endorsement by jurisdictions or approval by property owners.

Start iMAP button

WRIA 9 Projects

Available Map Layers

All WRIA 9 Projects (Phase)
WRIA 9 King Conservation District Funded Projects (Phase of Project)
WRIA 9 Salmon Recovery Funding Board Projects (Phase of Project)
WRIA 9 Ecosystem Restoration Projects (Phase of Project)
King County Drainage Basins
Lakes and Rivers
King County Cities
Kroll Map Index
Thomas Guide Page Index
Thomas Guide Row-Column Index
PLSS Township - Range
PLSS Sections

Zip Codes

King County Council Districts
Aerial Photos

- 2005, natural color
- 2002, natural color
- 2000, natural color
- 1998, black/white
- 1936, black/white

Elevation Data

- Contours (100ft)
- Contours (5ft)
- Shaded-relief image,
- created from lidar-derived
- digital ground model


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Revised June 23, 2008


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