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Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Vaccines & Immunizations

Recommendations & Guidelines:

Strategies for Increasing Adult Influenza Vaccination Rates

This page lists strategies for increasing adult immunization rates and suggests how to apply these strategies to immunization against influenza. These strategies are most appropriately used in years when the influenza vaccine supply is adequate. A general discussion of these strategies can be found at:

Standing Orders

A standing order is helpful during influenza campaigns when a large number of people need vaccination, and an individual physician’s order for each patient is impractical.

The Immunization Action Coalition also provides an example of an influenza standing order:www.immunize.org/catg.d/p3074.pdf Adobe Acrobat print-friendly PDF file (exit)

Computerized Record Reminder

An office computer can be programmed to print a list of patients with medical conditions that put them at high risk for serious complications from influenza and for whom the influenza vaccine is recommended.

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Chart Reminder

Chart reminders can range from a colorful sticker to a comprehensive checklist. These reminders can be placed in prominent positions in the charts of high-risk patients, indicating that they will need influenza vaccine at the next visit. 

Performance Feedback

This strategy can inform providers about the number and percent of total high-risk patients vaccinated. During influenza season, physicians can use a wall chart to track the number of patients vaccinated and measure the actual number vaccinated against an established goal.

Physicians can also ask office staff to randomly select patient charts and review them for immunization coverage. These samples of coverage can be used to indicate immunization coverage across the practice. Staff can use CoCASA software to help with the estimates.

Home Visits

Organizations that offer home visits can include influenza vaccinations as one of the services for homebound patients.

Mailed/Telephoned Reminders

Office staff can call a patient or send a postcard or letter reminding patients to come in for influenza or other needed vaccinations. Patients are offered the opportunity to schedule an appointment.

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Expanding Access in Clinical Settings

Offering "drop-in" clinics, "express lane" vaccination services, Saturday clinics, and influenza vaccination at convenient retail outlets are some ways to expand vaccination services during influenza season.

Patient Education

The Influenza Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) is useful for providing basic information about this season's influenza vaccine and allows patients to ask questions and get feedback.

Personal Health Records

These records help patients keep track of the vaccinations that they have received and can indicate when additional vaccinations are needed, such as the annual influenza vaccination.

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This page last modified on May 22, 2007
Content last reviewed on May 23, 2007
Content Source: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases

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Vaccines and Immunizations