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DSA Advisory Council


The Advisory Council consists of twelve (12) voting members, eight (8) appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council, two (2) appointed by the Bernalillo County Commission, one (1) member appointed by the Village of Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, one (1) member appointed by the Village of Tijeras.

Current Members:

Joe Armijo, Chairman

Victoria Godwin, Vice Chairman

Kenneth J. Carson, Sr., Representing Council District 4

Robert Barela, Representing Bernalillo County

Tina King, Representing Tijeras

Business meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 12:30pm with the exception of August; there is no meeting.  Changes of time and place are at the discretion of the Council. Call 764-6469 for more information.  The next meeting will be held on Monday, September 15, 2008 at Bear Canyon Senior Center.


  • Promote awareness and education on senior issues, increasing community involvement and commitment to seniors.
  • Advocate on behalf of seniors, insuring the senior population is represented and the policies support the mission of the Department of Senior Affairs.
  • Support the program development by acting as the ears and eyes of the Department, assessing needs and skills of seniors, become knowledgeable of available services in the community, assessing and giving recommendations on program development and delivery of services and supporting the funding development activities.
  • Support the development of strategic alliances, identifying and encouraging essential partnerships between DSA and other entities.

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