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Capital Implementation Program

The Capital Implementation Program division of the City of Albuquerque administers the process by which capital improvement projects are planned, selected and proposed for adoption by the City Council. The capital plan covers a 10-year period, and is reviewed and updated biennially. Under the guidelines promulgated by the Mayor and adopted by the City Council on May 6, 2002, City departments developed and extensively reviewed projects and programs to arrive at the 2003-2012 capital improvements program. The project proposals contained in this document describe the capital requirements for the City of Albuquerque to be funded with general obligation bonds. These projects represent the first two-year cycle of the current Decade Plan.

Selection of Projects

The general obligation bond projects summarized in this document have been through several stages of review and public comment including:

  • Staff Review Committee – Selected staff members rated all projects based on Council adopted criteria. Individual ratings were averaged to determine the overall rank of the projects. Members of the committee included staff from the Office of Management and Budget, the Planning Department, the Public Works Department, and the Capital Implementation Program. City departments made informal presentations to the staff review committee and formal presentations to the CIP Review Committee.
  • CIP Review Committee – Ranked projects were evaluated by senior City management, including the Chief Administrative Officer, the Chief Financial, Operating and Public Safety Officers, and the Directors of the Department of Finance and Administrative Services and the Planning Department. The Director of City Council Services also participates as an ex-officio member of the CIP committee. Funding recommendations were made to the Mayor by this committee. In order to conform to the policies, priorities, and criteria established in F/S R-02-30 [pdf, 681kb], some project requests were reduced, and some were deferred to future years.
    * The selection criteria requires that no more than 10% of the G.O. bond funds may be used for projects that have been ranked low. Excluding Council-Neighborhood Set-Aside projects, only 6% of funds in the 2003 program are proposed for low ranked projects.
  • Environmental Planning Commission (EPC) Public Hearing [pdf, 42kb] – EPC reviewed the Mayor's proposed program at a public hearing on January 16, 2003. The commissioners found that the program conformed to the policies and criteria established by the City Council. There were no other recommendations.
  • Albuquerque City Council Review and Plan Adoption – After receiving the findings from the EPC, the Mayor finalized his recommendations and forwarded the program to the City Council. By ordinance the Council must conduct at least one public hearing prior to adoption of the program that will be placed on the ballot. The City Council considered the 2003 capital program during two meetings of the Committee of the Whole, and amended and adopted the program at a regular meeting on May 5, 2003 (R-02-215, pdf, 492kb). Two public hearings were conducted, one during committee deliberations and one during final action. A further amendment to the program was adopted on June 23, 2003, after two public hearings. (R-03-265, pdf, 39kb)

The City Council considered the 2003 capital program during two meetings of the Committee of the Whole, and amended and adopted the program at a regular meeting on May 5, 2003. Two public hearings were conducted, one during committee deliberations and one during final action. A further amendment to the program was adopted on June 23, 2003, after two public hearings.

Approval by Voters

Projects approved by the City Council for the next general obligation bond election on Tuesday, October 28, 2003 were grouped into 10 ballot questions, which were approved by the City Council on August 4, 2003.As such, the City Council made corresponding fund appropriations during the first quarter of 2004. At this time, implementing agencies throughout the City will begin to take action on the authorized capital improvement projects.

The Capital Implementation Program has administrative responsibility for oversight and tracking of all capital expenditures and, as part of that responsibility, reports the status of projects to the City Council. The Division also has responsibility for implementation of a variety of capital projects, for selection of design contractors, for contract administration and for administration of the public art program.

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