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Data Systems

Send us your data quality finding.

Data Plots

ARM Program data is available in daily diagnostic plots that can be easily grouped into daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly increments. By visualizing ARM data in thumbnail-sized data plots, users experience highly-browsable subsets of data available at the Data Archive including complimentary data products derived from data processed by ARM. These thumbnails will help you to quickly scan for a particular type of condition, like a clear day or a day with persistent cirrus. From a diagnostics perspective, you may use the data plots to look for missing data, for data exceeding a particular range, or for loading multiple variables (e.g., shortwave fluxes and precipitation), and to determine whether a certain science or data quality condition is associated with some other parameter (e.g., high wind or rain). For a complete listing of ARM data streams, please see the Data Archive's Catalog.

Data Plot Example
ARM Data Plot Example.

The following types of data plots are available: