Official Nebraska Government Website
Assistive Technology Partnership - Discover the benefit of technology ... for the home, at school, on the job, in the community.

About ATP

The Assistive Technology Partnership (ATP) is dedicated to helping Nebraskan's with disabilities, their families and professionals obtain assistive technology devices and services since 1989.

Nebraska was one of the first nine states to receive a grant under the Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-407) and is now in its eighteenth year of operation. The intended outcomes of the programs created under the Tech Act has been to increase access to, availability of, and funding for assistive technology for individuals with disabilities.

The Nebraska Assistive Technology Partnership is a collaboration between private, non-profit and governmental agencies and organizations that has resulted in the establishment of a comprehensive program of technology-related services for Nebraskans with disabilities. Partnering agencies provide us with support through grants and contracts to provide public awareness, information and referral services, on-site technical assistance, a mobile assessment and evaluation service, funding coordination, training for their staff, equipment loans and equipment recycling, and funding for assistive technology devices and home modifications.

Individuals can access services through the partnership regardless of their age, disability, or location in the state.

Disclaimer: The Assistive Technology Partnership does not in any way endorse the companies, products or vendors listed on our site.

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AssistiveTech is a diverse resource for assistive technology. Their Searchable database helps you target solutions, determine costs, and find vendors of Assistive Technology products.

Our Partners

ATP Advisory Council

The role of the Assistive Technology Partnership's Advisory Council is to give advice regarding the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the activities carried out through the Assistive Technology Act of 2004, PL 108-364. The majority of the Council members are individuals with disabilities and their family members to ensure that the Council is both consumer-responsive and consumer-driven.

Nebraska's State Plan

Advisory Council Members

ATP Marketing/Print Materials

ATP Brochure - PDF

AT4ALL Brochure - PDF Brochure - PDF

2008 Assistive Technology & Home Modifications Conference Summary and Plans - PDF

© Assistive Technology Partnership, 2008  
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