The American Cooperative School, La Paz, Bolivia

17 October 1997

In April 1997, Bolivian GLOBE students at the American Cooperative School in La Paz and La Unidad Campesira Agropecuaria de Tiahuanacu hosted United Nations Goodwill Ambassador and GLOBE friend, Dr. John Francis. Dr. Francis met with these students to discuss environmental issues and concerns. Dr. Francis is walking around the world to raise environmental awareness.

Dr. Francis began his walk 18 years ago around the United States. He has walked through Canada and many parts of South America. In October 1997, he will begin walking through Bolivia, Argentina, and Uruguay.

Pictured here with GLOBE students in Bolivia, Dr. Francis meets with students and answers questions such as, Where do you walk? Where do you sleep? What do you eat?" The question Dr. Francis is asked most often, and the one he likes the best is, " What can we do about the environment?" The answer is simple, says Dr. Francis. "The environment is different and specific to each one of us, and it is an individual decision how and where to get involved. The important thing is to recognize that protection of the environment takes commitment, that is does not happen all at once, but rather, like walking, it happens one step at a time."

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