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Galileo Keyword Search

To search, simply enter a query -- type the words you want to search for in the 'enter search keyword' box (or follow the instructions from your client as to how to enter a search). If you enter two or more words, then any document that contains ANY of the words will be found. (For example, if you search for Europa ocean, then any document with either Europa or ocean will be on the list.) If you want only documents containing BOTH Europa AND ocean, then use AND between the words; your query would be: Europa and ocean. See the list below for a full description of searching options and their effect.

The result of this search will be a list of the documents which satisfy your search request (or a reply that indicates that NO documents match). The list is ordered by 'relevancy rank' (highest first), which very roughly corresponds to the number of times the word you searched for occurred in the document versus the size of the document.

The following is a list of all the search options available:

Wildcard queries -- Expand Your Search
The query 'astro*' will find documents containing the words 'astronomy' as well as 'astrophysics'. If you are not sure of the spelling or form of the word used in the documents, use this.

'And' queries -- Narrow Your Search
The query 'red and blue' will find the intersection of all the documents containing the words 'red', and 'blue'.The use of 'and' limits your retrieval.

'Or' queries -- Expand Your Search
The query 'red or blue' will find the union of all the documents containing the words 'red' and 'blue'.The use of 'or' increases your retrieval.

'Not' queries -- Narrow Your Search
The query 'red not green' will find all the documents containing the word 'red', and excluding the documents containing the word 'green'.The use of 'not' limits your retrieval.

Nested queries -- Complicated Searches
The query '(red and green) or blue not pink' will find the union of all the documents containing the words 'red', and 'green'. It will then add (union) all documents containing the word 'blue'. Finally, it will exclude all documents containing the word 'pink'.

This page is maintained by Ron Baalke (ron@jpl.nasa.gov), and it was last modified on January 2, 2001.