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Table 8.10
Year 2004 discharges from DETOXIFICATION1
by employment status (aged 16 and over), according to reason for discharge: TEDS 2004
Number, percent distribution, and median and average lengths of stay
[Based on linked admission and discharge data reported by 26 States and jurisdictions that offered substance abuse detoxification and reported these data to TEDS.]
Employment status Total Reason for discharge, transfer, or discontinuance of treatment
Completed Transferred Completed or
Terminated Other
Total discharges
aged 16 and over
209,949 130,598 28,587 159,185 34,426 4,476 11,862
Employed  39,873  27,754  3,730  31,484  4,456   482  3,451
Full time  29,287  20,487  2,656  23,143  3,334   337  2,473
Part time  10,586   7,267  1,074   8,341  1,122   145    978
Unemployed  71,609  46,710 11,654  58,364 10,412 1,235  1,598
Not in labor force  83,714  48,993  9,478  58,471 17,954 2,298  4,991
No. of discharges  195,196 123,457 24,862 148,319 32,822 4,015 10,040
Column percent
Employed  20.4  22.5  15.0  21.2  13.6  12.0  34.4
Full time  15.0  16.6  10.7  15.6  10.2   8.4  24.6
Part time   5.4   5.9   4.3   5.6   3.4   3.6   9.7
Unemployed  36.7  37.8  46.9  39.4  31.7  30.8  15.9
Not in labor force  42.9  39.7  38.1  39.4  54.7  57.2  49.7
Total  100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Row percent
Employed 100.0  69.6   9.4  79.0  11.2   1.2   8.7
Full time 100.0  70.0   9.1  79.0  11.4   1.2   8.4
Part time 100.0  68.6  10.1  78.8  10.6   1.4   9.2
Unemployed 100.0  65.2  16.3  81.5  14.5   1.7   2.2
Not in labor force 100.0  58.5  11.3  69.8  21.4   2.7   6.0
Total  100.0  63.2  12.7  76.0  16.8   2.1   5.1
Median length of stay (days)
Employed   1   1   4   2   2   1
Full time   1   1   4   2   2   1
Part time   1   1   4   2   2   1
Unemployed   3   3   4   2   2   3
Not in labor force   4   4   4   2   2   1
Total    3   3   4     2   2   1
Average length of stay (days)
Employed  10   7  25  17  19   4
Full time   9   7  25  16  17   4
Part time  11   8  25  20  24   4
Unemployed  12   8  26  15  17  17
Not in labor force  11   9  25  10  13   5
Total   11   8  25    13  15   7
1 Includes free-standing residential detoxification (n = 189,870; 90 percent), hospital detoxification (n = 14,672; 7 percent), and ambulatory detoxification (n = 6,619; 3 percent). Excludes records where methadone use was planned.
SOURCE: Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS). Data received through 2.1.2006.

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