FETCH21 - Forest Entomology Textbook CHallenge for the 21st Century

Welcome to the FETCH21 home page. There are three sections on this page. In this header, new additions or special features that may have been added or modified are indicated. In the middle section there is information for the current offering of the third year forest entomology course at UBC. The third section, where this web site originally started, are a series of linkages to web pages around the world that would be of interest to undergraduate and graduate students in forest entomology. They are grouped by the guilds insects belong to. There is a bias towards the economically significant insects but all insects are welcome.

Aug 2004: Read an account of the spruce beetle outbreak in the Upper Bowron Valley in the late 1970's.

Aug 2005: "FOREST PEST MANAGEMENT", a chapter from the 2005 Fifth Edition of the UBC Forestry Handbook, by J.A.McLean, B.Van der Kamp, and A.L.Behennah. Read the web version, or download a pdf version. (Copies of the Handbook are available from UBC Forestry).


Information for Forestry 308 - Forest Entomology Students

The following resources are provided for the students enrolled in Forestry 308 at the Faculty of Forestry, U.B.C. However, these resources may also serve as a useful reference for any one interested in the forest insects of B.C.

FETCH21 Resources and Links

These pages are ordered first by feeding guilds that follow the life of the trees from seed to seedling, regeneration, young stands, older stand pests such as defoliators and bark beetles, log attacking insects and insects that attack wood in service. Associated topics then follow beginning with linkages to Forest Practices Code Booklets where appropriate. Use the Main Menu button to return to this list from any of the pages.

Pages indicated with the logo in this section contain original images from the Forest Entomology Laboratory at UBC.

The guilds of insects listed are


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Last Updated: August, 2007

John A. McLean, UBC Faculty of Forestry, john.mclean@ubc.ca