Graphic showing NOAA logo NCDC / Clim. Monitoring / Climate-2003 / Jul / U.S. Regional Drought / Search / Help

U.S. Department of Commerce logo and link to site Climate of 2003 - July
Idaho Drought

National Climatic Data Center, 14 August 2003

NOAA logo and link to site

As noted by the National Weather Service (Jay Breidenbach) and the USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (Ron Abramovich), unusually hot and dry conditions resulted in low streamflows, high evaporation rates, and rapidly depleting reservoirs across southern Idaho:
  • This year marks the first time Howell Canyon, in south central Idaho, has had four consecutive springs with below normal April-June precipitation. Precipitation during these three months is critical for rangelands.
  • Snowpack, streamflow, and reservoir conditions in the Oakley Basin were well below average.
  • Three-year mean streamflow in the Salmon Falls and Big Lost River basins was at or near record low levels.
  • Lake levels at Bear Lake, in southeast Idaho-north central Utah, were near record low levels for the end of July. Idaho state officials estimated that, even pumping Bear Lake water for irrigation, supply would not meet demand and water users would probably be taking a 15-20% cut in their irrigation amounts.
  • The governor declared drought emergencies in 5 additional Idaho counties during July and early August.

Statewide Precipitation Ranks
for Idaho , 2002-2003
Period Rank
Jul 16th driest
Jun-Jul 8th driest
May-Jul 14th driest
Apr-Jul 36th driest
Mar-Jul 50th driest
Feb-Jul 38th driest
Jan-Jul 39th driest
Dec-Jul 43rd driest
Nov-Jul 32nd driest
Oct-Jul 19th driest
Sep-Jul 21st driest
Aug-Jul 19th driest
Idaho statewide precipitation departures, January 1998 - present
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Idaho statewide Palmer Z Index, January 1998 - present
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Idaho statewide precipitation, July      1895-2003
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Idaho statewide Palmer Hydrological Drought Index, January 1900 - July      2003
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Graphic showing NOAA logo NCDC / Clim. Monitoring / Climate-2003 / Jul / U.S. Regional Drought / Search / Help
Downloaded Thursday, 25-Sep-2008 17:39:52 EDT
Last Updated Friday, 18-Nov-2005 14:12:00 EST by
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