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Patient Version   Health Professional Version
Last Modified: 4/17/2008     First Published: 7/7/2006  
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BCG With or Without Gefitinib in Treating Patients With High-Risk Bladder Cancer

Alternate Title
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Alternate Title

Phase III Randomized Study of BCG With Versus Without Gefitinib in Patients With High-Risk Superficial Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder

Basic Trial Information

Protocol IDs

Phase III



18 and over


NCT00352079, BL11

Trial Description


Biological therapies, such as BCG, may stimulate the immune system in different ways and stop tumor cells from growing. Gefitinib may stop the growth of tumor cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth. Giving BCG together with gefitinib may kill more tumor cells. It is not yet known whether BCG is more effective with or without gefitinib in treating bladder cancer.

This randomized phase III trial is studying BCG and gefitinib to see how well they work compared to BCG alone in treating patients with high-risk bladder cancer.


Eligibility criteria include the following:

Final eligibility for a clinical trial is determined by the health professionals conducting the trial.


Patients will be randomly assigned (have an equal chance of being placed) to one of two treatment groups.

Patients in group one will receive BCG into the bladder once a week for 6 weeks. They will then receive BCG into the bladder once a week for 3 weeks as maintenance therapy. Treatment with maintenance therapy may repeat at 3 and 6 months and then every 6 months for up seven courses.

Patients in group two will receive BCG into the bladder once a week for 6 weeks. They will also receive gefitinib by mouth once a day for 12 weeks. Patients will then receive BCG into the bladder once a week for three weeks and gefitinib by mouth once a day for 12 weeks as maintenance therapy. Treatment with maintenance therapy may repeat at 3 and 6 months and then every 6 months for up to seven courses.

Quality of life will be assessed periodically. After finishing treatment, patients will be evaluated every 3 months for 2 years, every 6 months for 4 years, and once a year thereafter.


For more details about this trial, refer to the Health Professional version of the trial summary.

If you are interested in participating in a clinical trial, contact your doctor for a referral or call a trial contact person listed below. You may see the same contact person listed at more than one site, however, if you call the number listed you can ask to speak to the study coordinator or person involved with the specific trial you are interested in. If you have questions about cancer or clinical trials, call the Cancer Information Service at 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237). General information about clinical trials, including risks, benefits, and costs, can be found on NCI's Web site.

Trial Contact Information

Trial Lead Organizations

NCIC-Clinical Trials Group

Louis Lacombe, MD, Protocol chair
Ph: 418-691-5561

Trial Sites

British Columbia
 University of British Columbia
 Alan I. So
Ph: 604-875-4111
 McMaster Institute of Urology at St. Joseph Healthcare
 Anil Kapoor
Ph: 905-522-6536
 London Regional Cancer Program at London Health Sciences Centre
 Jonathan Izawa
Ph: 519-685-8550
 Princess Margaret Hospital
 Michael A.S. Jewett
Ph: 416-946-2909
  Quebec City
 Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Quebec
 Louis Lacombe
Ph: 418-691-5O50
 CHUS-Hopital Fleurimont
 Michel Carmel
Ph: 819-346-1110

Registry Information
Official Title A Phase III Study of IRESSA® in Combination with Intravesical BCG Versus Intravesical BCG Alone in High Risk Superficial Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder
Trial Start Date 2006-04-12
Trial Completion Date 2012-04-12 (estimated)
Registered in NCT00352079
Date Submitted to PDQ 2006-05-19
Information Last Verified 2008-02-26

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