Plot sounding from RUC Analyses/Forecasts

For up-to-date information about the status of RUC runs, see the RUC forum. (You can subscribe to this forum to get email copies of new posts.) Please also see the RUC FAQ.
Input Data Source: Op40 (to 12h, NCEP 13km RUC on 40km grid, hourly, formerly "RUC2") or
Bak40 (to 48h, Backup 13km RUC on 40km grid, hourly, formerly "MAPS")

Input valid time -- year: month: day: hour: UTC
Location: Longitude: , Latitude: OR:
Airport ID: (overrides lat/lon) (list of airports)

-- OR --
Always get the latest RUC sounding for a particular location.
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Input Data Source: Op40 (to 12h, NCEP 13km RUC on 40km grid, hourly, formerly "RUC2") or
Bak40 (to 48h, Backup 13km RUC on 40km grid, hourly, formerly "MAPS")

Location: Longitude: , Latitude: OR:
Airport ID: (overrides lat/lon) (list of airports)

Page developed by Bill Moninger,

Last modified: Thu May 14 16:28:26 GMT 2009