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Case Studies

Strategic Planning Process to Address Tobacco-Related Disparities in Wisconsin

Resources Required

Describe the individuals and groups whose paid or unpaid participation was essential.

Title/ Position Responsibilities/ Skills Required Source Hours/ Duration
Project Coordinator Write proposal, organize project, provide needed materials to the workgroup, recruit workgroup members and actively maintain member attendance and encourage participation. Attend all meetings, write preliminary and final draft of strategic plan. Provide leadership to develop marketing strategy for strategic plan. Project Staff 10 hours per week for 13 months
Meeting Facilitator Conduct meetings keeping workgroup on track with appropriate momentum. Foster and maintain participation of workgroup members in the meetings. Make assignments for tasks to be completed between meetings. Maintain workgroup documents on company web site. Attended CDC trainings on own time. Consultant 12 hours per meeting for eight meetings over thirteen months.
Project Assistant Attend workgroup meetings and provide support to the project team. Substitute for evaluator when not present. Adapt CDC tools for Wisconsin. Help to plan meetings, coordinate with facilitator, develop and disseminate materials before and after meeting. Coordinate tasks of marketing plan including the open forum teleconferences and web-based trainings. Project Staff 10 hours per week for thirteen months
Evaluator Observe all meetings, maintain field notes, administer exit surveys, develop and conduct telephone interviews and a focus group, review project documents and write final evaluation report incorporating results of surveys, interviews and focus group. Consultant 200 hours over thirteen months

Additional Staff and Information:


Materials/Resources Required

In-kind donations were required from the Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services, Division of Public Health, Comprehensive Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. The time of two high level Tobacco Control Program staff members at 25 percent each was dedicated to the project. The in-kind staff time provided was essential to the success of the project. Collection of data was provided by a Bureau epidemiologist. Students at the University of Wisconsin provided help in gathering and presenting relevant data. Support to the workgroup was provided by the Program along with support of the marketing plan and distribution of the strategic plan.


Page last modified 07/25/2007