Hot Topics: Citrus Longhorned Beetle  Emerald Ash Borer   Douglas-fir Tussock Moth    Invasive Species    Port-Orford-Cedar Root Disease    Sudden Oak Death

Field Guides and General Websites:

Bark & Wood Boring Beetles of the World --

Conifer Defoliating Insects of British Columbia - Canadian Forest Service

Field Guide to Diseases and Insect Pests of Northern and Central Rocky Mountain Conifers -- US Forest Service

Forest Pests --

Forestry Images --

Invasive Species --

Macromoths of Northwest Forests and Woodlands -- US Forest Service

An Online Catalog of
Western Forest Insects and Diseases


General Forest Diseases

identification, biology, & management


mistletoe (general)

Douglas-fir dwarf mistletoe

hemlock dwarf mistletoe

larch dwarf mistletoe

lodgepole pine dwarf mistletoe

true fir dwarf mistletoe

true mistletoes

western dwarf mistletoe

Root Diseases

root diseases (general)

Annosus root rot

Armillaria root disease

black stain root disease

Laminated root rot

Port-Orford-Cedar root disease

Sudden Oak Death

Rots and Decays

brown crumbly rot

brown cubical butt rot

brown trunk rot

dark brown cubical rot

decay of aspen

gray saprot

pocket dry rot / pecky rot

mottled rot

red heart rot

red ring rot

red rot of Ponderosa pine

rust red stringy rot

tomentosus root rot

white mottled rot

white trunk rot of aspen

yellow brown top rot

Foliage Diseases

foliage diseases (general + other)

brown felt blight

cedar leaf blight

Elytroderma needle blight

larch needle blight

larch needle cast

Lophodermella needle casts

red band needle blight

Rhabdocline needle cast

Swiss needle cast


cankers (general + other)

Atropellis canker

Hypoxylon canker

Phomopsis canker of Douglas-fir

pitch canker


other rusts

Comandra blister rust

fir broom rust

incense cedar rust

spruce broom rust

spruce cone rust

stalactiform rust

western gall rust

white pine blister rust

Seedling Diseases

western conifers (general)

damping off

Fusarium root rot

gray mold

Phytophthora root rots of seedlings

Rhizina root rot

General Forest Insects

identification, biology, & management

Bark Beetles

bark beetles (general)

cedar bark beetles

Douglas-fir beetle

Dutch elm beetle

fir engraver

Jeffrey pine beetle

mountain pine beetle

pine engravers (Ips species)

Pseudohylesinus beetles

red turpentine beetle

roundheaded pine beetle

spruce beetle

western balsam bark beetle

western pine beetle

Wood Borers

wood borers (general)

ambrosia beetles

Asian longhorned beetle

carpenter ants

citrus longhorned beetle

emerald ash borer

flatheaded borers (buprestids)

horntail wasps

longhorned (roundheaded) borers

marine wood borers

pitch moths

powderpost beetles




defoliators (general)

other defoliators

cypress tip moth

Douglas-fir tussock moth

elm leaf beetle

fall webworm

gypsy moth

hemlock sawfly

larch casebearer

larch sawfly

needle miners (Coleotechnites spp.)

pine butterfly

Ponderosa pine budworm

satin moth

silverspotted tiger moth

spearmarked black moth

tent caterpillars

western blackheaded budworm

western hemlock looper

western spruce budworm

Seed and Cone Insects

cone beetles

Douglas-fir cone midge

Douglas-fir cone moth

Douglas-fir seed chalcid

fir coneworm

leaf-footed bug

spiral spruce cone borer

spruce seed moth

Shoot, Twig, & Terminal Insects

other shoot & twig insects

Coneworms (Dioryctria spp.)

Douglas-fir twig miner

European pine shoot moth

Lodgepole terminal weevil

Nantucket pine tip moth

Southwestern pine tip moth

white pine weevil

Sucking Insects

sucking insects (general + other)

balsam woolly adelgid

black pineleaf scale

boxelder bug

Cooley spruce gall aphid

pine needle scale

spruce aphid

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This webpage was last updated on May 8, 2008.

horizontal rule with trees

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