Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
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Respite Service

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What is Respite Service?

Sometimes caregivers need a temporary break from care-giving so they can come back refreshed and ready to provide good care again.

Respite Service pays someone to come into the home, take care of an individual with special needs, and give the primary caregiver a temporary break.

Who needs Respite Service?

  • Ongoing, continuous caregivers
  • Spouses who care for partners with disabilities
  • Parents of adults with disabilities
  • Adult children caring for siblings with disabilities
  • Parents of children with disabilities
  • Adult children caring for parents with disabilities
  • Others

More questions and answers about Respite Service

PDF Contact someone who can answer your questions about Respite Service.

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Information on becoming a provider of this service


Do I qualify for Respite Service?

You may qualify for respite service if you reside with and care for an individual and you are not able to pay for respite due to limited income and resources.

You must first qualify for a DHHS program that has the Respite service, and a need for this special service must exist.

How do I find out if I can receive respite?

Dial 1-866-RESPITE (737-7483) or

  1. If you’re an adult with disabilities, contact your local:
    DHHS office, PDF Independent Living Centers, or Developmental Disabilities (DD) Office
  2. If you’re aged 65 and above, contact your local Area Agency on Aging, Developmental Disabilities Office, DHHS office
  3. If you’re the parent of a child with disabilities, contact your local DHHS Office, Developmental Disabilities Office (DD)

What does Respite mean for a caregiver?

Respite could mean…

  • A break
  • A chance to get away
  • A chance to shop
  • A chance to spend time with other family members
  • A chance to recharge batteries
  • Time to take care of personal business
  • Time to get medical care

Who may qualify to be a respite provider?

Respite providers must be:

  • Over age 19 (for some programs)
  • Qualified and experienced to provide for the activities of daily living or medical needs of the client with disabilities

How do I locate a Respite Provider in my area?

You can contact the Nebraska Respite Network. The network consists of Respite Coordinators across the state who:

  • Recruit respite providers and volunteers
  • Offer training to providers and caregivers
  • Have information about help in paying for respite
  • Can provide a list of providers in any area of the State of Nebraska

How can I reach the Respite Network Coordinator in my area?

Where can I read the DHHS regulations for programs with Respite service?

Title 464 -- Respite Subsidy Program

Title 473 -- Social Services for Aged and Disabled Adults, Click on Chapter 5; scroll down to 473 NAC 5-013

Title 480 -- Home and Community-Based Waiver Services and Optional Targeted Case Management Services, Click on Chapter 5; scroll down to 480 NAC 5-005.K

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I need assistance for: A child with disabilities, An adult age 18-64 with disabilities or An adult over 65.

I need assistance for:

A child with disabilities

An adult age 18-64 with disabilities

An adult over 65