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Case Studies

Local Comprehensive Clean Indoor Air Ordinance in Texas


Estimated labor costs  $  0.00
Estimated cost of materials, promotional efforts, printing, etc.  $  34500.00
Estimated total cost of conducting policy and/or program intervention  $  0.00

Budget Notes

The Texas Division of the American Cancer Society provided the coalition with a $5,000 grant to support printing (e.g., fact sheets, buttons) and postage costs associated with the campaign.

The coalition worked with an ad agency to produce the educational TV spot on secondhand smoke for $2,000, plus $8,000 to air the ad. TRUST for a Smoke-Free Texas (the Texas SmokeLess States project), provided a grant of $2,500 to support placement of the print advertisement, which was developed on a pro bono basis by the ad agency.

Following enactment of the ordinance, El Paso City/County Health and Environmental District sent an educational mailing to 18,000 El Paso businesses. The American Cancer Society paid for the printing of an educational brochure (about $2,000), the Health and Environmental District paid for nonsmoking decals to be posted by businesses (about $3,000), and the Paso del Norte Health Foundation paid the mailing costs ($10,000).

The ANR Back to Basics training cost approximately $2,000, and Lawrence Banegas conducted his Community Mobilization training on a pro bono basis.

Funding Sources

Funding Notes

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation’s grant to the American Cancer Society supported the staff person who served as coalition coordinator, and paid for the ANR training, the educational TV ad, and the postage costs for the business mailing. The foundation’s funds could only be used for educational efforts; they could not be used to support direct lobbying efforts.

The Texas Division of the American Cancer Society provided funding to support postage, printing and other materials development (e.g., copying materials for city binders, buttons for supporters to wear at the hearing, etc.).

Project TRUST (the Texas SmokeLess States Coalition) provided funding to run the print ad.


Page last modified 07/25/2007