Forest Health Protection
Aerial Survey Data

Aerial survey data for 1980-2007 are available in both .e00 and shapefile formats; both types of files are projected in Albers, NAD 83; see data dictionary for projection parameters. Select a zip file (below) to download the insect and disease observations in Oregon and Washington for a particular year. See the data dictionary for a description of the data. Contact Julie Johnson (503-808-2998) for more information. Learn more about current aerial surveys. For a historic perspective, view a 1955 manual (a 6.8 MB pdf file). Aerial survey observations and other data have been summarized in Forest Health Highlights, Conditions Reports, and other related reports.

View the 2008 schedule for aerial survey flights, or maps of flight lines from aerial surveys conducted in previous years.

Warning! Due to problems with our national Forest Service webserver, large .pdf or .zip files (such as most map files on this page) may not load correctly. If you encounter this problem, consider trying again later (the problem is intermittent), or during non-business hours. You can also contact Julie Johnson or Kathy Sheehan to receive specific files by email. We encourage Forest Service users who encounter problems to submit tickets to EUSC to raise the visibility of this problem.

New:  Create maps interactively at the new FHP Geospatial Portal
View Aerial Survey Maps for 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, or 2008
Animated Aerial Survey Maps for
Mountain Pine Beetle and Western Spruce Budworm

Insect and Disease Aerial Survey Data
-- downloadable zip files --

Theme Name Description E00 File Shapefile Associated
r6id1980 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 1980 1.8 MB 1.2 MB conditions
r6id1981 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 1981 1.0 MB 0.7 MB conditions
r6id1982 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 1982 1.1 MB 0.7 MB conditions
r6id1983 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 1983 1.2 MB 0.8 MB conditions
r6id1984 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 1984 1.0 MB 0.8 MB conditions
r6id1985 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 1985 1.6 MB 1.3 MB conditions
r6id1986 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 1986 1.9 MB 1.5 MB conditions
r6id1987 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 1987 2.0 MB 1.6 MB  
r6id1988 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 1988 3.0 MB 2.4 MB conditions
r6id1989 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 1989 4.5 MB 3.2 MB conditions
r6id1990 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 1990 5.1 MB 3.8 MB conditions
r6id1991 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 1991 4.1 MB 3.2 MB conditions
r6id1992 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 1992 2.8 MB 1.9 MB conditions
r6id1993 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 1993 3.0 MB 2.0 MB conditions
r6id1994 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 1994 2.1 MB 1.4 MB conditions
r6id1995 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 1995 2.7 MB 1.8 MB highlights
r6id1996 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 1996 1.8 MB 1.1 MB highlights
r6id1997 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 1997 2.4 MB 1.5 MB conditions
r6id1998 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 1998 2.1 MB 1.3 MB conditions
r6id1999 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 1999 6.0 MB 4.0 MB conditions
r6id2000 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 2000 6.3 MB 4.8 MB conditions
r6id2001 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 2001 6.2 MB 4.1 MB conditions
r6id2002 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 2002 8.4 MB 5.9 MB conditions
r6id2003 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 2003 7.7 MB 5.2 MB conditions
r6id2004 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 2004 7.4 MB 5.0 MB conditions
r6id2005 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 2005 8.7 MB 5.9 MB conditions
r6id2006 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 2006 10.6 MB 7.2 MB conditions
r6id2007 Insect and Disease survey data on all forested lands in OR & WA -- 2007 10.7 MB 7.4 MB  highlights:

* note: "conditions" = Forest Insect and Disease Conditions Reports (large .pdf files), "highlights" = Forest Health Highlights (websites). View a complete listing of available Conditions Reports, Forest Health Highlights, or other related reports -- including .pdf versions that are best for printing.

Similar aerial survey maps are now available online for Alaska, parts of the Rocky Mountains (Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, and portions of Wyoming and South Dakota), and the Lake States (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri). Access much of this data interactively at the new FHP Geospatial Portal.

Our Canadian colleagues with the British Columbia Ministry of Forests and Range have aerial survey information available online in the form of reports, maps, and tables.

More FHP Data and Maps

This webpage was last updated on August 6, 2008.

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