[design image slice] U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service on faded trees in medium light green background [design image slice] more faded trees

Rocky Mountain Region

[design image] green box with curved corner
[design image] green and cream arch

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U.S. Forest Service
Rocky Mountain Region
740 Simms St
Golden, CO 80401

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United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Forest Insect & Disease Aerial Survey

How Surveys are Flown:

Each year during the summer and early fall, aerial surveys are conducted to map forest insect and disease activity in forested areas of Region 2. We use aerial surveys because of the ability to monitor forest health conditions over large areas much more efficiently and economically than other methods. An observer in the aircraft records areas of activity either by drawing the affected area on a map or using a new digital system that incorporates a touch screen and GPS technology (Fact sheet on digital sketch mapping system, PDF, 240 kb). Aircraft used for these flights are typically small high-wing planes such as the Cessna in the photograph to the right. Surveyor from State cooperatoring agencies assist the Forest Service observers in surveying the forests lands.

Aerial Survey Aircraft; photo courtesy of W. Ciesla

Mountain Pine Beetle mortality in Ponderosa Pine; photo courtesy of W. Ciesla

The surveyor looks for certain characteristics to distinguish the trees species and the type of damage that has occurred. These characteristics or "signatures" include the shape of the crown of the tree, which is used to identify the tree species, and the color of the trees, which indicates the type of insect or disease activity. For example, bark beetles will result in the death of the tree causing the needles to fade in color to a yellow or straw color and then turn red. The photo to the left shows bark beetle mortality. In contrast, defoliators remove some of the foliage, resulting in a stand of trees with a discoloration, such as a gray, red, or yellow tinge.

Due to the nature of aerial surveys, the data on these maps will only provide rough estimates of location, intensity and the resulting trend information for agents detectable from the air. Many of the most destructive diseases are not represented on these maps because the agents are not detectable from aerial surveys. The data presented on these maps should only be used as a partial indicator of insect and disease activity, and should be validated on the ground for actual location and casual agent. Areas show locations where tree mortality or defoliation were apparent from the air. Intensity of damage is variable and not all trees in shaded areas are dead or defoliated. Click here to learn more about how aerial surveys are conducted.

Region 2 Aerial Detection Survey Results

2007 Colorado Bark Beetle Map
2007 Wyoming Bark Beetle Map

Follow the links below to view and download quad maps:

2008 100K Quad Maps

2007 100K Quad Maps

2006 100K Quad Maps

2004 100K Quad Maps

2005 100K Quad Maps

2003 100K Quad Maps

Download Region 2 Aerial Survey Data

Related Links

If you have any questions or comments regarding these datasets or the information they provide,
we would like to hear from you:

Bill Schaupp -- Entomologist and acting aerial survey program manager
Pat Ahern -- Aerial Observer
Al Dymerski -- Aerial Observer
Brian Howell -- Aerial Observer
Jennifer Ross -- GIS Specialist
Jeri Lyn Harris -- Forest Health Monitor & oversight for R2 aerial survey



You may also contact your local Forest Health Management (FHM) Service Center for more information. There are three service centers in the Rocky Mountain Region providing assistance to federal resource managers. These offices are located in: Lakewood, CO, Gunnison, CO, and Rapid City, SD.

R2 Aerial Survey Home Page | Learn More About Aerial Survey
2008 Quad Maps | 2007 Quad Maps | 2006 Quad Maps | 2005 Quad Maps
2004 Quad Maps | 2003 Quad Maps | Data Download | Links


U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region
Website comments? Please let us know.
Last modified August 04, 2008

USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo, which links to the agency's national site.