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Community and Outreach Initiatives

The U.S. Attorney's Office takes a proactive approach to crime and drug prevention throughout the district. U.S. Attorney Matt M. Dummermuth has adopted a number of strategies to carry out the Office's mission of making Iowa's communities a safer place to work and live. After the events of 9/11, an Anti-Terrorism Task Force was formed comprised of federal, state and local agents who coordinate and develop investigative and prosecutive strategies in dealing with terrorism in Iowa and throughout the country.

Project Safe Neighborhoods is a gun violence reduction initiative being carried out in each of the nation's 93 federal judicial districts.

As of June 2004, the Northern District of Iowa has its first Weed and Seed site - the Central Cedar Rapids Weed and Seed.

Through the efforts of the US Attorney and the Law Enforcement Coordinator, LECC, a variety of training opportunities are now available to all federal, state and local agencies.

The District continues to take a leadership role in the events of Red Ribbon Week which is a national campaign to honor the memory of Enrique Camarena, a DEA agent who was killed in the line of duty by Mexican drug traffickers. As part of the campaign, the office will again receive nominations for the Camarena Award exemplifying an officer who has done an outstanding job in drug prevention. Last year the award became national through a joint effort of the US Attorney's Office, the Elks and the Drug Enforcement Administration. The first national award winner was Deputy Sheriff Keith Flink from the Sac County Sheriff's Office.