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Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Libraries, Archives: Estonia

Created and maintained by the
 European Division
Collections and Services Directorate

Includes catalogs, web sites, databases, bibliographies, electronic libraries, and library organizations. For information about and links to all the national libraries of Europe, visit The European Library site. The Library of Congress' catalog may be consulted at


Common catalog for Estonian libraries. Searchable. In English and Estonian.

Estonian Patent Library (
Information on the library as well as links to the catalog, the patent office, news, IP databases, and more. Searchable. In English and Estonian.

National Library of Estonia (
Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu. With links to the catalog and contact information. In Estonian and English.

Tartu University Library (
Links to catalogs, reference services, and publications. In English, Estonian, and German.

Tallinn University of Technology Library (
Tallinna Tehnikaumulikooli Raamatukogu. In Estonian.

Tallinn University Library (
Tallinna Ülikooli Akadeemiline Raamatukogu. Before March 2005 called the Tallinn Pedagogical University Library. In English and Estonian.

Ühendused Eestis / Estonian Library Associations (
Click on links for Estonian library associations. From the National Library of Estonia. In Estonian, some English.


Estonian Historical Archives (EHA) (
Features the Estonian Historical Archives (EHA) in Tartu, Estonia. Information on the history of the archives, administrative structure, the research hall, the library of the archives, services, databases, and projects. In English, German, and Estonian.

National Archives of Estonia (
Rahvusarhiiv. Government agency is a system of state-owned public archives, including 13 archives in different locations of Estonia, under the administration of director general and a subordinate agency to the State Chancellery. Information on the structure of the national archives and its regional branches, news, reports, legislation, and more. In Estonian, some English.

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  Library of Congress   >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Estonia
  September 29, 2008
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