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Press Releases

November 07, 2003  
WASHINGTON, D.C.— Senate Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Susan Collins (R-ME) today released the following statement on the Defense Authorization Conference Report.

“The primary goal of the federal personnel system should be the recruitment and retention of the highest quality workforce to serve the citizens of the United States. But unfortunately, the current antiquated system does not always achieve this goal. It has become too cumbersome for agencies to hire good employees, to reward outstanding workers, and to remove poor performers.

“Earlier this year, the Department of Defense delivered to Congress a far-reaching proposal to restructure the Department's civilian personnel system. Unfortunately, its proposal went too far and did not include important provisions to protect good employees.

“To strike a better balance, I worked hard with several of my colleagues, including Senator Carl Levin and Senator George Voinovich, to craft an alternative that would give the Department of Defense the authority it needs to create a more responsive system, while providing vital protections for its civil servants.

“The language in the Defense Authorization Conference Report, while by no means perfect, is a reasonable compromise to the challenge of modernizing an outdated system while protecting employees' rights. For example, employees subject to adverse personnel actions will have an independent appeals process, and a third party will resolve collective bargaining disputes. In addition, the final bill does not include the unilateral waiver authority sought by the Secretary, and the Department's ability to change employee-management relations sunsets in six years.

“The Governmental Affairs Committee will closely monitor implementation of this law to ensure a collaborative process that will lead to a modern, effective, and fair personnel system.”
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November 2003 Press Releases
October   December   --   2002   2004  
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November 21 - Senate Approves Sen. Collins’ Bill to Create National Women’s History Museum

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November 18 - Chairman Collins Urges DHS Deputy Secretary Nominee to Make Port Security, Investing in First Responders Top Priorities

November 14 - Collins, Lieberman Urge Administration to Improve Port Security by Funding Key Coast Guard Project

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November 7 current Press Release

November 7 - Senator Collins: America Still Vulnerable to Bioterrorist Attacks

November 5 - Sen. Collins to Introduce Legislation to Reform the Postal Service

November 4 - Sen. Collins Comments on Office of Federal Procurement Policy Nominee

November 3 - Sen. Collins Questions Why SEC Has Failed to Detect Mutual Fund Abuses

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Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510