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Archive of Chat with Stephanie Herman

Tish/NASAChatHost - 21 - 17:46:56 ]
Hello - This chat with Stephanie Herman will begin at 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time on April 23rd. The room is closed now and no messages will be posted until the chat begins. Please be aware that all chats are moderated and only well thought out and appropriate messages will be posted. Before asking a question read the dialogue and make sure your question has not been asked or answered in another way. We encourage you to continue reading the dialogue as the chat progresses and ask questions based on responses - take advantage of the live "chat dialogue." As in any public interview type forum we will do our best to accomodate as many questions as we can.

[ Bill/NASAChatHost - 22 - 13:56:27 ]
Hello everybody, we will begin the chat in a couple of minutes.

[ Tish/NASAChatHost - 23 - 13:57:28 ]
We will begin our chat with Stephanie in just a few minutes. If you have not read her profile please do so before her chat. Remember to compose thoughtful questions and read through the dialogue as it progresses so you do not ask repetetive questions.

[ StephanieHerman - 28 - 14:01:54 ]
hello I am here

[ StephanieHerman - 31 - 14:02:28 ]
RE: [T.G.I.F./OHaraParkMiddleSchool/OUSD] How long have you been dancing?
20 years

[ StephanieHerman - 32 - 14:03:22 ]
RE: [OPS/OUSD] Who do you feel is the best ballet dancer in history? Both male and or female?
Rudolf Nureyev and Baryishnikov, and Margot Fontain

[ StephanieHerman - 33 - 14:04:18 ]
RE: [Karina-Molly/WoodsideElementarySchool] Do you have any children? If so how many,and what are their ages?
No children, but a cute dog, and we live in Menlo Park California.

[ StephanieHerman - 34 - 14:04:47 ]
RE: [Kelly-Molly/WoodsideElementarySchool] Where do you currently live?
Menlo Park California

[ StephanieHerman - 38 - 14:07:13 ]
RE: [T.G.I.F./OHaraParkMiddleSchool/OUSD] Do you have a favorite dance, or routine?
I have several, I loved George Balanchine as a choreographer, and I used to love dancing in "Agon", Midsummers Night Dream, and "Appollo"

[ StephanieHerman - 41 - 14:09:13 ]
RE: [OPS/OUSD] Where did you start dancing when you were a little girl?
In New York City, at School of American Ballet, Balanchine's School

[ StephanieHerman - 45 - 14:09:55 ]
RE: [T.G.I.F./OHaraParkMiddleSchool/OUSD] How old are you?
47 years young!

[ StephanieHerman - 46 - 14:10:49 ]
RE: [T.G.I.F./OHaraParkMiddleSchool/OUSD] What was auditioning like?
Awful, I hated it, I used to get so nervous, and insecure. I felt I did better if people knew me.

[ StephanieHerman - 47 - 14:11:19 ]
RE: [Molly/WoodsideElementarySchool] What was your dogs name?
Bogart, as in Humfrey Bogart

[ StephanieHerman - 48 - 14:12:46 ]
RE: [OPS/OUSD] How long do you strech before you start to dance?
It depends, sometimes 10 minutes, or if the warm-up is good enough, I would stretch when ever I felt like it. Always at the end of a workout though.

[ StephanieHerman - 51 - 14:13:58 ]
RE: [T.G.I.F./OHaraParkMiddleSchool/OUSD] Do you prefer any type of music?
I love all music, classical, pop like Elton John, music that moves me is usually soulfull.

[ StephanieHerman - 53 - 14:14:58 ]
RE: [OPS/OUSD] Do you have a dance partner/male- that lifts you up and throws you around?
Yes, I have actually a favorite one. He was great, and boy was it fun to be thrown up in the air.

[ StephanieHerman - 54 - 14:17:34 ]
RE: [T.G.I.F./OHaraParkMiddleSchool/OUSD] How many different schools (of dance) have you been to?
I have been at the School of American Ballet as a scholarship student for 7 years, I also went to High School of Performing Arts for 4 years, and then I would also explore other classes at different schools several times in my career. If I would find some teacher that I liked I would study with him or her for as long as I felt I needed, usually for 2 years.

[ StephanieHerman - 59 - 14:20:46 ]
RE: [Hannah/Homeschooler] How did you successfully audition for George Balanchine's school with no prior ballet training?
This is a good question. I called up and said I wanted to audition for the school, and they asked if I had training, and I said no. Then I told them my age and they said I would be auditioning for the begginners class. At the audition, they started to judge everyone by their body type, how big were the arches on their feet, how long were the legs, how tall, thin, flexible etc. Then they showed us some steps to try to copy, and move so they would check our musicallity, and grace, coordination and balance.

[ StephanieHerman - 60 - 14:21:12 ]
RE: [Molly/WoodsideElementarySchool] About how many times have you performed on stage?
Many many times - about 15 years worth!

[ StephanieHerman - 61 - 14:22:09 ]
RE: [Molly/WoodsideElementarySchool] Do you have point shoes? How old were you?
Yes I had point shoes, I don't teach in them now. I seemed to have a love hate relationship with them.

[ StephanieHerman - 62 - 14:22:50 ]
RE: [T.G.I.F./OHaraParkMiddleSchool/OUSD] Were any other of your family members interested in dance?
no, I was the only one. But there was music and art interest in the family.

[ StephanieHerman - 69 - 14:28:12 ]
RE: [Hannah/Homeschooler] I'm 9 years old and love to dance. But I'm already 4'7" tall. Is height still a problem for dancers and is it as big a problem for modern dance than classical ballet.
Height is not as much a problem with modern dance as it might be with classical dance. It also depends on which company you go to. I think you should ask yourself if you love dance, and if so continue and wait to see how tall you become, you might stop now, or just grow alittle, or maybe you become such a good dancer that you will be tall and unique.

[ StephanieHerman - 71 - 14:30:33 ]
RE: [T.G.I.F./OHaraParkMiddleSchool/OUSD] Do you have any other hobbies aside from dance?
Yes, One is I love people, and usually love doing things with people. I have many other interests, art, and being creative. I used to like horseback riding, I still do but I don't do it as much. I like cooking and eating, movies, books, seeing art, playing and working in the garden, being with my husband, and the dog.

[ StephanieHerman - 73 - 14:33:41 ]
RE: [Molly/WoodsideElementarySchool] Do you still dance?
I teach my own method of a dance fitness workout, and I dance while teaching to show the energy and technique involved, and to help motivate my students. I have just produced 3 exercise videos, and I definately danced in that, it felt like a performance. I will actually be teaching school kids, at the Palo Alto High School probably May 13 & 14.

[ StephanieHerman - 74 - 14:34:20 ]
RE: [Molly/WoodsideElementarySchool] How old were you when you started to go on point
I think 13 or 14, but remember I started late.

[ StephanieHerman - 75 - 14:36:37 ]
RE: [Molly/WoodsideElementarySchool] who was your first teacher?
I had several at the School of American Bsllrt, but the first one I remember was Madame Dudin.

[ StephanieHerman - 76 - 14:37:16 ]
RE: [Molly/WoodsideElementarySchool] What play did you dance in?
I didn't dance in plays, I dance in Ballets

[ StephanieHerman - 77 - 14:38:08 ]
RE: [T.G.I.F./OHaraParkMiddleSchool/OUSD] This chat is also new to me but it's fun.
yes it is.

[ StephanieHerman - 81 - 14:40:44 ]
RE: [OPS/OUSD] I think yoru new dance bag is a great idea. Children often have to carry very heavy backpacks with school work, etc... Are they good for that use too?
They are perfect for school kids, because that is when kids bones are growing,and if they wear bags that distort their alignment, then the bones might form in that bad alignment. These bags evenly distribute the weight of all those heavy school books, and place the weight on the hips that can take the weight without really feeling it. And they are hip too.

[ Molly/WoodsideElementarySchool - 84 - 14:41:36 ]
Do you have any tips for me for going on point?

[ Molly/WoodsideElementarySchool - 85 - 14:41:36 ]
Have you ever danced in the Nutcracker?

[ StephanieHerman - 86 - 14:44:04 ]
RE: [Molly/WoodsideElementarySchool] Did you dislike any of your teachers?
Yes, there was one or two, sometimes I felt they didn't understand me or I might have felt insecure that they didn't care about me. Sometimes I didn't like a teacher because I didn't believe in her style and technique she was teaching. I then would look for a teacher that I felt could be compatable to my interests and goals, because there are so many different styles out there.

[ StephanieHerman - 87 - 14:45:50 ]
RE: [students/St.Joseph] What was most influential in your upbringing to make you so successful?
I think the fact that my mom didn't want me to dance, helped me, because I had to really fight to make it happen. I almost think that some of my major obstacles were the most infuencial in my will to succeed.

[ students/St.Joseph - 88 - 14:46:04 ]
Do you think ballet will ever be a lost art with all the new modern dance now?

[ StephanieHerman - 89 - 14:46:39 ]
RE: [T.G.I.F./OHaraParkMiddleSchool/OUSD] Do you normally go to different schools to teach? Would you be willing to come to our school to talk to us?
I wuold love to, just ask your teacher to contact me to discuss the details. thank you.

[ StephanieHerman - 92 - 14:50:29 ]
RE: [OPS/OUSD] How were you able to overcome your insecurities? What were some of the criticisms you received? How did you deal with them?
Insecurities, that is a major challenge in life, I think the more you have to deal with them the easier you understand the process of dealing with them. Some insecurities were, was I kidding myself to be a dancer? Was I good enough to keep pushing against odds, when I had difficulty in pirouetes. I think no matter what you do in life you will face insecurities and just need to look deep inside yourself and try to see the truth or reality behind the insecurity then try to be creative to face the fear and how to get over it.

[ StephanieHerman - 93 - 14:51:51 ]
RE: [students/St.Joseph] What plays or productions do you think would be good to bring young girls to who are interested in balet and dance?
How young? 5-12 could be Nutcracker or check the ballet company schedule and see what interests you. Is it a story ballet that you like? Story ballets are usually the most fun for kids.

[ StephanieHerman - 94 - 14:53:31 ]
RE: [OPS/OUSD] Where can we get your videos? Are they good for people of all ages and physical abilities?
Check my web sight at - http://ijs.com/dance or call 1800 775-1580 and ask for a brochure. They are good for all levels for specific needs.

[ StephanieHerman - 109 - 14:53:52 ]
RE: [Molly/WoodsideElementarySchool] Have you ever danced in the Nutcracker?

[ StephanieHerman - 111 - 14:54:25 ]
RE: [Molly/WoodsideElementarySchool] What was the biggest/most important ballet you have been in?

[ StephanieHerman - 114 - 14:55:31 ]
RE: [Molly/WoodsideElementarySchool] Which do you enjoy more,dancing on point, or just on slippers?
Now, just slippers

[ StephanieHerman - 117 - 14:56:13 ]
RE: [OPS/OUSD] Did you want to be anything besides a ballerina when you were little?
No, I did stop dancing at the age of 30, and then I wanted to be everything

[ StephanieHerman - 118 - 14:56:34 ]
RE: [Molly/WoodsideElementarySchool] What is your husband's name?
Richard Singer

[ StephanieHerman - 120 - 14:56:54 ]
RE: [OPS/OUSD] Every year we have an annual Career Faire. Would you like to come and talk to us? I can ask my Leadership teacher if you want.
yes, thank you

[ StephanieHerman - 121 - 14:58:16 ]
RE: [Molly/WoodsideElementarySchool] did your parents have any problums whith you doing ballet ? Were they proud?
They were very proud when I finally made it to a company but before then they were just scared that I would be hurt, and maybe not put into a company, then I would have to educate myself for another career

[ StephanieHerman - 125 - 14:59:04 ]
RE: [OPS/OUSD] Every year we have an annual Career Faire. Would you like to come and talk to us? I can ask my Leadership teacher if you want.
Yes, have her call me at #1800-775-1580

[ StephanieHerman - 127 - 15:00:20 ]
RE: [Molly/WoodsideElementarySchool] Did you get nervous before you would perform?
I got so nervous that I thought maybe I should not be in this field. But sometimes once I got out there I would be fine. Of course the more I got out there the easier it was

[ StephanieHerman - 128 - 15:01:43 ]
RE: [OPS/OUSD] Why did you want to be a ballerina?
I loved to dance, I felt I was destined to be a ballerina, it was like it was in my blood, it was my pasion, I loved music and love to express myself through music, and I enjoyed the science behind the technique

[ StephanieHerman - 129 - 15:02:13 ]
RE: [Molly/WoodsideElementarySchool] What part did you play in the Nutcracker?

[ Nan/MailTribune - 132 - 15:03:01 ]
We're at the Mail Tribune newspaper in Medford, Oregon. We're wondering about injuries - under the broad umbrella of "do your toes hurt when you dance?"

[ StephanieHerman - 133 - 15:04:51 ]
Thank you all for your questions. I enjoyed speaking with you.

[ StephanieHerman - 134 - 15:06:17 ]
RE: [Nan/MailTribune] We're at the Mail Tribune newspaper in Medford, Oregon. We're wondering about injuries - under the broad umbrella of "do your toes hurt when you dance?"
Yes at times, The more you practice the easier it becomes, but if you practice too much at one time, then they will hurt then.

[ Bill/NASAChatHost - 135 - 15:06:51 ]
Thanks for participating in today's chat. Great questions!

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