Animated Maps of Insect Activity
in Oregon & Washington (1980-2004)

View animated maps showing annual observations of insect activity as detected during aerial surveys. These maps are based on cooperative aerial surveys conducted by Forest Health Protection staffs of the Oregon Department of Forestry, Washington Department of Natural Resources, and the USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region. Aerial survey data for 1980-2004 are available in both .e00 and shapefile formats.

Maps will automatically advance every 2 seconds (or every 4 seconds for the slow versions) until the final cumulative map is reached. To restart the animation, click on the "refresh" icon at the top of your browser.

 Mountain Pine Beetle

Oregon & Washington (3.4 MB) -- slow version

Oregon only (5.0 MB) -- slow version

Washington only (4.6 MB) -- slow version


 Western Spruce Budworm

Oregon & Washington (4.1 MB) -- slow version

Oregon only (4.7 MB) -- slow version

Washington only (4.6 MB) -- slow version

Download zip files containing a Powerpoint file or a show that runs automatically:

PowerPoint Files

Mountain Pine Beetle: OR & WA (4.8 MB), OR only (4.7 MB), WA only (4.5 MB)

Western Spruce Budworm: OR & WA (4.9 MB), OR only (4.6 MB), WA only (4.6 MB)


PowerPoint Shows

(run automatically when file is opened)

Mountain Pine Beetle: OR & WA (4.8 MB), OR only (4.7 MB), WA only (4.5 MB)

Western Spruce Budworm: OR & WA (4.9 MB), OR only (4.6 MB), WA only (4.6 MB)

More FHP Data and Maps

This webpage was last updated on August 1, 2005.

horizontal rule with trees

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