Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
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April 09, 2003  
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) introduced bipartisan legislation today authorizing the Department of Homeland Security, which awards homeland security grants, to provide waivers that would allow states to use funds from one category, such as training, for another purpose, such as purchasing equipment. “This bill would provide greater flexibility in homeland security funds that have been appropriated, but remain unspent,” Collins said. “I believe that states should have the flexibility to spend these dollars where they are most needed.”

At a Senate hearing earlier today, a panel of police and fire chiefs said they have yet to see a penny of the billions of dollars in federal grant money that has been appropriated to help them prepare their communities for a chemical, nuclear or biological attack. In large part, the problem is the federal grant system itself, which is overly restrictive and needlessly complex, they told members of the Governmental Affairs Committee, which Collins chairs.

Under current regulations, a federal grant might allow an agency to buy protective equipment, for example, but the agency would be prohibited from using any surplus in the fund to teach officers how to use the equipment. “In some cases, we may see agencies with up-to-date equipment, but lacking the training to use it most effectively,” Collins said. “This defies common sense.”

Today’s hearing is one in a series of hearings examining how effectively the federal government is assisting states and local governments, and first responders in their homeland security efforts. The next homeland security hearing will be held on May 1, 2003.
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April 2003 Press Releases
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April 30 - Ridge to Testify Before Governmental Affairs Committee

April 30 - Collins Releases GAO Report Showing Slow Progress in the Nation's Smallpox Vaccination Program

April 30 - Collins Announces Maine to Receive $5.7 Million Homeland Security Grant Award Another $15.2 Million is Available

April 15 - Congress Approves Additional $20 Million For Port Security, But Collins Says More Is Needed

April 10 - Statement by Senator Collins on the Introduction of the "Sunshine in Iraq Reconstruction Contracting Act of 2003

April 9 - House Passes Collins' Postal Reform

April 9 current Press Release

April 8 - Senator Collins Begins Hearings to Streamline and Enhance Homeland Security Grant Programs

April 8 - Senator Collins Introduces Bill to Streamline Federal Homeland Security Grant Programs

April 7 - Senate Governmental Affairs Committee to Hold First in a Series of Homeland Security Hearings

April 3 - Senate Approves Collins’ Legislation to Lower Postal Service Costs

April 3 - Bipartisan Amendment Calls for Explanations on Awarding of Iraqi Reconstruction Contracts

April 1 - Senator Collins to Co-Chair Congressional Port Security Caucus

April 1 - Senate Governmental Affairs Committee to Hold Nominations Hearing

April 1 - Governmental Affairs Committee to Hold Nominations Hearing

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Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510