An Online Catalog of
Western Forest Insects and Diseases

Shoot & Twig Insects
Other Critters & Cruds

We're always looking for new links to add to this collection!
Contact our websteward for more information.

Many of the documents included on this list are in PDF format. To view PDF documents, you need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader, a FREE program. Once you have downloaded and installed your copy of Acrobat Reader, just click on a PDF file (below) to view it.

Shoot, Twig, and Terminal Insects

Other Shoot & Twig Insects

Douglas-fir Twig Weevil -- Oregon Dept. of Forestry, Forest Health Note (pdf)
Warren's Root-Collar Weevil -- HForest, Canadian Forest Service (html)

Douglas-fir Twig Miner (Pityophthorus orarius)

Douglas-fir Twig Miner -- University of British Columbia (html)

European Pine Shoot Moth (Rhyacionia buoliana)

European Pine Shoot Moth (Forest Insect and Disease Leaflet No. 59)
European Pine Shoot Moth -- University of British Columbia (html)
European Pine Shoot Moth -- HForest, Canadian Forest Service (html)

Lodgepole Terminal Weevil (Pissodes terminalis)

Lodgepole Pine Terminal Weevil -- University of British Columbia (html)
life history, impacts, management strategies -- B.C. Ministry of Forests (html)
Lodgepole Terminal Weevil -- HForest, Canadian Forest Service (html)

Nantucket Pine Tip Moth (Rhyacionia frustrana)

Nantucket Pine Tip Moth (Forest Insect and Disease Leaflet No. 70 - html)

Southwestern Pine Tip Moth (Rhyacionia neomexicana)

Pine Tip Moths -- Colorado State University (PDF)
Southwestern Pine Tip Moth (Forest Insect and Disease Leaflet No. 58 - html)

Western Pine Shoot Borer (Eucosma sonomana)

Western Pine Shoot Borer -- Oregon Dept. of Forestry, Forest Health Note (pdf)

White Pine Weevil (or Spruce Weevil) (Pissodes strobi)

White Pine Weevil Website -- CFS, Pacific Forestry Centre (html)
White Pine Weevil (Forest Insect and Disease Leaflet No. 21 - html)
Sitka Spruce Weevil -- University of British Columbia (html)
life history, impacts, management strategies -- B.C. Ministry of Forests (html)
Spruce Weevil -- HForest, Canadian Forest Service (html)
White Pine Weevil -- Oregon Dept. of Forestry Forest Health Note (pdf)

Quick links to other pages of our on-line catalog:
  Western Forest Diseases:
[mistletoes] [root diseases] [rots & decays] [foliage diseases] [cankers]
[rusts] [seedling diseases] [general]
Western Forest Insects:
[bark beetles | wood borers] [defoliators] [seed & cone insects]
[shoot, twig, & terminal insects] [sucking insects] [general]

This webpage was last updated on September 11, 2007.

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