United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service

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ARS Food and Nutrition Research Briefs Issued

By Kim Kaplan
June 4, 2008

A new technique for boosting the amount of iron infants absorb from solid food is among the new nutrition and health findings noted in the most recent issue of the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Food and Nutrition Research Briefs.

View the new issue at:


The popular online newsletter reports discoveries from researchers at ARS laboratories nationwide.

Among other findings, the current issue reports:

  • Many preschoolers exceed recommendations that they spend no more than two hours a day watching television and using the computer.
  • The better the elderly adhered to a physical activity program, the greater their improvements in physical functioning.
  • People whose diets were most similar to the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans were least likely to have metabolic syndrome.
  • ARS chemists have developed a new standardized profiling method for distinguishing even slight variations in the types and amounts of phenolic compounds in foods.

The ARS Food and Nutrition Research Briefs is offered with color photos and illustrations on the Web. And by clicking the "subscribe" link on the newsletter's home page, readers can sign up for two e-mail options: They can receive the full text of the newsletter by e-mail, or simply an advisory that a new issue has been posted to the Web.

Last Modified: 10/03/2008