Software Appendix A(1)

Data Tables

Table 1: Software That Did Not Provide Keyboard Equivalent Actions for All Mouse Actions (Q1)
Overall (All Agencies) 221 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 129 out of 959
All Large Agencies 19 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 34 out of 185
All Small Agencies 16 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 23 out of 157

Table 2: Software That Did Not Provide Clear and Precise Instructions for all Keyboard Functions as Part of the User Documentation (Q2)
Overall (All Agencies) 428 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 250 out of 959
All Large Agencies 48 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 54 out of 185
All Small Agencies 39 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 37 out of 157

Table 3: Software Without Widely Available Keyboard Instructions Available to All Users in Component (Q3)
Overall (All Agencies) 496 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 310 out of 959
All Large Agencies 43 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 52 out of 185
All Small Agencies 43 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 48 out of 157

Table 4: Software That Did Not Provide a Logical Tabbing Order Among Fields, Text Boxes, and Focal Points (Q4)
Overall (All Agencies) 232 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 143 out of 959
All Large Agencies 19 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 31 out of 185
All Small Agencies 11 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 28 out of 157

Table 5: Software Where Focus Does Not Follow Logical Tabbing Order In Navigating Screens and Dialog Boxes (Q5)
Overall (All Agencies) 233 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 148 out of 959
All Large Agencies 16 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 35 out of 185
All Small Agencies 10 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 24 out of 157

Table 6: Software Where Focal Point Is Not Well-Defined or That Did Not Allow Movement with Keyboard Navigation (Q6)
Overall (All Agencies) 300 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 183 out of 959
All Large Agencies 30 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 44 out of 185
All Small Agencies 13 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 30 out of 157

Table 7: Software Without Shortcut Keys to All Pull-down Menus (Q7)
Overall (All Agencies) 618 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 356 out of 959
All Large Agencies 123 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 67 out of 185
All Small Agencies 33 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 39 out of 157

Table 8: Software That Does Not Support Existing Accessibility Features Built Into the Operating System (Q8)
Overall (All Agencies) 236 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 160 out of 959
All Large Agencies 18 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 27 out of 185
All Small Agencies 21 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 10 out of 157

Table 9: Software Requiring a Timed Response that Did Not Permit Users to Modify the Timing Parameters (Q9)
Overall (All Agencies) 185 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 107 out of 959
All Large Agencies 27 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 36 out of 185
All Small Agencies 10 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 5 out of 157

Table 10: Software That Did Not Provide Descriptions and Labels for Fields in a Manner that is Easy for Screen Reading Software to Associate Labels with Corresponding Fields (Q10)
Overall (All Agencies) 402 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 208 out of 959
All Large Agencies 75 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 51 out of 185
All Small Agencies 40 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 28 out of 157

Table 11: Software Without Clearly Named Labels for Every Window, Object, and Control (Q11)
Overall (All Agencies) 139 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 77 out of 959
All Large Agencies 15 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 14 out of 185
All Small Agencies 22 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 11 out of 157

Table 12: Software That Uses Owner-Drawn or Custom Controls (Q12)
Overall (All Agencies) 249 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 158 out of 959
All Large Agencies 25 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 28 out of 185
All Small Agencies 15 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 23 out of 157

Table 13: Software Without Option for Displaying Text on Icons (Q13)
Overall (All Agencies) 296 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 160 out of 959
All Large Agencies 41 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 37 out of 185
All Small Agencies 29 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 29 out of 157

Table 14: Software That Did Not Use Icons Consistently (Q14)
Overall (All Agencies) 76 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 49 out of 959
All Large Agencies 6 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 10 out of 185
All Small Agencies 7 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 4 out of 157

Table 15: Software That Did Not Provide Menus with text Equivalents for all Icon Features on Menu, Tool, and Format Bars (Q15)
Overall (All Agencies) 149 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 75 out of 959
All Large Agencies 24 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 25 out of 185
All Small Agencies 11 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 14 out of 157

Table 16: Software That Did Not Provide Visual Alerts for All Audio Alerts (Q16)
Overall (All Agencies) 167 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 97 out of 959
All Large Agencies 17 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 18 out of 185
All Small Agencies 19 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 16 out of 157

Table 17: Software That Did Not Support the "Show Sounds" Feature Built into the Operating System (Q17)
Overall (All Agencies) 305 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 151 out of 959
All Large Agencies 42 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 42 out of 185
All Small Agencies 43 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 27 out of 157

Table 18: Software Not Permitting User to Disable or Adjust Sound Volume (Q18)
Overall (All Agencies) 175 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 102 out of 959
All Large Agencies 13 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 19 out of 185
All Small Agencies 30 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 11 out of 157

Table 19: Software with Audio Output that Is Not Displayed in a Visual Format (Q19)
Overall (All Agencies) 225 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 117 out of 959
All Large Agencies 28 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 33 out of 185
All Small Agencies 27 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 20 out of 157

Table 20: Software with Patterned Backgrounds Behind Text or Important Graphics (Q20)
Overall (All Agencies) 265 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 156 out of 959
All Large Agencies 24 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 49 out of 185
All Small Agencies 16 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 20 out of 157

Table 21: Software Not Permitting User to Override Default Fonts for Printing and Text Displays (Q21)
Overall (All Agencies) 472 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 271 out of 959
All Large Agencies 68 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 55 out of 185
All Small Agencies 41 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 37 out of 157

Table 22: Software Not Permitting User to Adjust or Disable Flashing, Rotating, or Moving Displays (Q22)
Overall (All Agencies) 240 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 126 out of 959
All Large Agencies 36 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 28 out of 185
All Small Agencies 33 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 17 out of 157

Table 23: Software that Does Not Use Color-Coding as the Only Means of Conveying Information or Indicating an Action (Q23)
Overall (All Agencies) 220 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 122 out of 959
All Large Agencies 25 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 49 out of 185
All Small Agencies: 13 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies: 11 out of 157

Table 24: Software Not Supporting User-Defined Color Settings System-Wide (Q24)
Overall (All Agencies) 294 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 147 out of 959
All Large Agencies 52 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 51 out of 185
All Small Agencies 22 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 22 out of 157

Table 25: Software Not Permitting Highlighted Text to Be Displayed in Inverted Colors (Q25)
Overall (All Agencies) 260 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 134 out of 959
All Large Agencies 54 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 39 out of 185
All Small Agencies 8 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 25 out of 157

Table 26: Software that Draws Its Own Screen Elements, but Does Not Pick Up Size Settings Set by User in the Control Panel (Q26)
Overall (All Agencies) 247 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 136 out of 959
All Large Agencies 35 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 25 out of 185
All Small Agencies 33 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 18 out of 157

Table 27: Software where Manuals and Documentation are not Provided in Electronic Format, including ASCII Text with Text Descriptions of Charts, Graphs, Pictures, or Graphics (Q27)
Overall (All Agencies) 612 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 354 out of 959
All Large Agencies 93 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 67 out of 185
All Small Agencies 52 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 46 out of 157

Table 28: Software Generating Reports Without an Option to Allow User to Have Report Made Available in ASCII Format (Q28)
Overall (All Agencies) 430 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 270 out of 959
All Large Agencies 62 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 44 out of 185
All Small Agencies 33 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 21 out of 157

Table 29: Special Training Not Provided for Users with Disabilities and for Use of Software in Conjunction with Assistive Technology (Q29)
Overall (All Agencies) 882 out of 1676
Cabinet Level Agencies 464 out of 959
All Large Agencies 120 out of 207
All Medium Agencies 92 out of 185
All Small Agencies 110 out of 168
All Very Small Agencies 96 out of 157

Table 30: Software Potentially Excluding users who are Hard of Hearing
Question 8 (no only):
236 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
160 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
18 out of 207 (large agency responses)
27 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
21 out of 168 (small agency responses)
10 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 16 (no only):
167 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
97 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
17 out of 207 (large agency responses)
18 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
19 out of 168 (small agency responses)
16 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 17 (no only):
305 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
151 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
42 out of 207 (large agency responses)
42 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
43 out of 168 (small agency responses)
27 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 18 (no only):
175 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
102 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
13 out of 207 (large agency responses)
19 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
30 out of 168 (small agency responses)
11 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 19 (no only):
225 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
117 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
28 out of 207 (large agency responses)
33 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
27 out of 168 (small agency responses)
20 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 29 (no or not applicable):
882 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
464 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
120 out of 207 (large agency responses)
92 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
110 out of 168 (small agency responses)
96 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet all of the above survey questions:
28 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
18 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
0 out of 207 (large agency responses)
2 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
6 out of 168 (small agency responses)
2 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet one or more of the above survey questions:
1137 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
625 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
149 out of 207 (large agency responses)
117 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
130 out of 168 (small agency responses)
116 out of 157 (very small agency responses)

Table 31: Software Potentially Excluding Users Who are Deaf
Question 8 (no only):
236 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
160 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
18 out of 207 (large agency responses)
27 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
21 out of 168 (small agency responses)
10 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 16 (no only):
167 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
97 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
17 out of 207 (large agency responses)
18 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
19 out of 168 (small agency responses)
16 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 17 (no only):
305 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
151 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
42 out of 207 (large agency responses)
42 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
43 out of 168 (small agency responses)
27 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 19 (no only):
225 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
117 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
28 out of 207 (large agency responses)
33 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
27 out of 168 (small agency responses)
20 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 29 (no or not applicable):
882 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
464 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
120 out of 207 (large agency responses)
92 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
110 out of 168 (small agency responses)
96 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet all of the above survey questions:
34 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
19 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
3 out of 207 (large agency responses)
4 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
6 out of 168 (small agency responses)
2 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet one or more of the above survey questions:
1113 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
605 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
148 out of 207 (large agency responses)
117 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
129 out of 168 (small agency responses)
114 out of 157 (very small agency responses)

Table 32: Software Potentially Excluding Users with Low Vision Who are Either Deaf or Who are Hard of Hearing
Question 1 (no only):
221 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
129 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
19 out of 207 (large agency responses)
34 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
16 out of 168 (small agency responses)
23 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 2 (no or not applicable):
428 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
250 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
48 out of 207 (large agency responses)
54 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
39 out of 168 (small agency responses)
37 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 3 (no or not applicable):
496 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
310 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
43 out of 207 (large agency responses)
52 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
43 out of 168 (small agency responses)
48 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 4 (no or not applicable):
232 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
143 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
19 out of 207 (large agency responses)
31 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
11 out of 168 (small agency responses)
28 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 5 (no or not applicable):
233 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
148 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
16 out of 207 (large agency responses)
35 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
10 out of 168 (small agency responses)
24 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 6 (no or not applicable):
300 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
183 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
30 out of 207 (large agency responses)
44 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
13 out of 168 (small agency responses)
30 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 7 (no or not applicable):
618 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
356 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
123 out of 207 (large agency responses)
67 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
33 out of 168 (small agency responses)
39 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 8 (no only):
236 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
160 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
18 out of 207 (large agency responses)
27 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
21 out of 168 (small agency responses)
10 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 9 (no only):
185 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
107 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
27 out of 207 (large agency responses)
36 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
10 out of 168 (small agency responses)
5 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 11 (no only):
139 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
77 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
15 out of 207 (large agency responses)
14 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
22 out of 168 (small agency responses)
11 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 13 (no only):
296 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
160 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
41 out of 207 (large agency responses)
37 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
29 out of 168 (small agency responses)
29 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 14 (no only):
76 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
49 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
6 out of 207 (large agency responses)
10 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
7 out of 168 (small agency responses)
4 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 15 (no only):
149 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
75 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
24 out of 207 (large agency responses)
25 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
11 out of 168 (small agency responses)
14 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 20 (no or not applicable):
265 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
156 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
24 out of 207 (large agency responses)
49 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
16 out of 168 (small agency responses)
20 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 21 (no or not applicable):
472 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
271 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
68 out of 207 (large agency responses)
55 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
41 out of 168 (small agency responses)
37 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 23 (no only):
220 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
122 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
25 out of 207 (large agency responses)
49 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
13 out of 168 (small agency responses)
11 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 24 (no only):
294 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
147 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
52 out of 207 (large agency responses)
51 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
22 out of 168 (small agency responses)
22 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 25 (no only):
260 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
134 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
54 out of 207 (large agency responses)
39 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
8 out of 168 (small agency responses)
25 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 26 (no only):
247 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
136 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
35 out of 207 (large agency responses)
25 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
33 out of 168 (small agency responses)
18 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 27 (no only):
612 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
354 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
93 out of 207 (large agency responses)
67 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
52 out of 168 (small agency responses)
46 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 28 (no only):
430 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
270 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
62 out of 207 (large agency responses)
44 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
33 out of 168 (small agency responses)
21 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 29 (no or not applicable):
882 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
464 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
120 out of 207 (large agency responses)
92 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
110 out of 168 (small agency responses)
96 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet all of the above survey questions:
13 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
11 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
0 out of 207 (large agency responses)
0 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
0 out of 168 (small agency responses)
2 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet one or more of the above survey questions:
1413 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
771 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
194 out of 207 (large agency responses)
164 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
151 out of 168 (small agency responses)
133 out of 157 (very small agency responses)

Table 33: Software Potentially Excluding users with Lack of Color Perception and Who are Either Deaf or Who are Hard of Hearing
Question 20 (no or not applicable):
265 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
156 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
24 out of 207 (large agency responses)
49 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
16 out of 168 (small agency responses)
20 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 23 (no only):
220 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
122 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
25 out of 207 (large agency responses)
49 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
13 out of 168 (small agency responses)
11 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 24 (no only):
294 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
147 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
52 out of 207 (large agency responses)
51 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
22 out of 168 (small agency responses)
22 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 25 (no only):
260 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
134 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
54 out of 207 (large agency responses)
39 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
8 out of 168 (small agency responses)
25 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 29 (no or not applicable):
882 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
464 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
120 out of 207 (large agency responses)
92 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
110 out of 168 (small agency responses)
96 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet all of the above survey questions:
27 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
19 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
2 out of 207 (large agency responses)
2 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
2 out of 168 (small agency responses)
2 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet one or more of the above survey questions:
1125 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
587 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
160 out of 207 (large agency responses)
141 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
127 out of 168 (small agency responses)
110 out of 157 (very small agency responses)

Table 34: Software Potentially Excluding Users Who are Blind and Deaf
Question 1 (no only):
221 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
129 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
19 out of 207 (large agency responses)
34 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
16 out of 168 (small agency responses)
23 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 2 (no or not applicable):
428 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
250 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
48 out of 207 (large agency responses)
54 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
39 out of 168 (small agency responses)
37 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 3 (no or not applicable):
496 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
310 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
43 out of 207 (large agency responses)
52 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
43 out of 168 (small agency responses)
48 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 4 (no or not applicable):
232 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
143 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
19 out of 207 (large agency responses)
31 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
11 out of 168 (small agency responses)
28 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 5 (no or not applicable):
233 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
148 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
16 out of 207 (large agency responses)
35 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
10 out of 168 (small agency responses)
24 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 6 (no or not applicable):
300 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
183 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
30 out of 207 (large agency responses)
44 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
13 out of 168 (small agency responses)
30 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 7 (no or not applicable):
618 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
356 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
123 out of 207 (large agency responses)
67 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
33 out of 168 (small agency responses)
39 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 8 (no or not applicable):
533 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
349 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
50 out of 207 (large agency responses)
62 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
37 out of 168 (small agency responses)
35 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 9 (no or not applicable):
1383 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
769 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
192 out of 207 (large agency responses)
165 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
124 out of 168 (small agency responses)
133 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 11 (no only):
139 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
77 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
15 out of 207 (large agency responses)
14 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
22 out of 168 (small agency responses)
11 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 13 (no only):
296 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
160 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
41 out of 207 (large agency responses)
37 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
29 out of 168 (small agency responses)
29 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 14 (no only):
76 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
49 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
6 out of 207 (large agency responses)
10 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
7 out of 168 (small agency responses)
4 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 15 (no only):
149 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
75 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
24 out of 207 (large agency responses)
25 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
11 out of 168 (small agency responses)
14 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 23 (no only):
220 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
122 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
25 out of 207 (large agency responses)
49 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
13 out of 168 (small agency responses)
11 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 27 (no only):
612 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
354 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
93 out of 207 (large agency responses)
67 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
52 out of 168 (small agency responses)
46 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 28 (no only):
430 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
270 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
62 out of 207 (large agency responses)
44 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
33 out of 168 (small agency responses)
21 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 29 (no or not applicable):
882 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
464 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
120 out of 207 (large agency responses)
92 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
110 out of 168 (small agency responses)
96 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet all of the above survey questions:
13 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
11 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
0 out of 207 (large agency responses)
0 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
0 out of 168 (small agency responses)
2 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet one or more of the above survey questions:
1550 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
854 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
205 out of 207 (large agency responses)
182 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
162 out of 168 (small agency responses)
147 out of 157 (very small agency responses)

Table 35: Software Potentially Excluding Users who are Blind and Hard of Hearing
Question 1 (no only):
221 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
129 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
19 out of 207 (large agency responses)
34 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
16 out of 168 (small agency responses)
23 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 2 (no or not applicable):
428 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
250 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
48 out of 207 (large agency responses)
54 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
39 out of 168 (small agency responses)
37 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 3 (no or not applicable):
496 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
310 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
43 out of 207 (large agency responses)
52 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
43 out of 168 (small agency responses)
48 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 4 (no or not applicable):
232 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
143 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
19 out of 207 (large agency responses)
31 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
11 out of 168 (small agency responses)
28 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 5 (no or not applicable):
233 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
148 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
16 out of 207 (large agency responses)
35 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
10 out of 168 (small agency responses)
24 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 6 (no or not applicable):
300 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
183 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
30 out of 207 (large agency responses)
44 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
13 out of 168 (small agency responses)
30 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 7 (no or not applicable):
618 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
356 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
123 out of 207 (large agency responses)
67 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
33 out of 168 (small agency responses)
39 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 8 (no or not applicable):
533 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
349 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
50 out of 207 (large agency responses)
62 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
37 out of 168 (small agency responses)
35 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 9 (no or not applicable):
1383 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
769 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
192 out of 207 (large agency responses)
165 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
124 out of 168 (small agency responses)
133 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 11 (no only):
139 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
77 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
15 out of 207 (large agency responses)
14 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
22 out of 168 (small agency responses)
11 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 13 (no only):
296 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
160 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
41 out of 207 (large agency responses)
37 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
29 out of 168 (small agency responses)
29 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 14 (no only):
76 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
49 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
6 out of 207 (large agency responses)
10 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
7 out of 168 (small agency responses)
4 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 15 (no only):
149 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
75 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
24 out of 207 (large agency responses)
25 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
11 out of 168 (small agency responses)
14 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 27 (no only):
612 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
354 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
93 out of 207 (large agency responses)
67 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
52 out of 168 (small agency responses)
46 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 28 (no only):
430 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
270 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
62 out of 207 (large agency responses)
44 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
33 out of 168 (small agency responses)
21 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 29 (no or not applicable):
882 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
464 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
120 out of 207 (large agency responses)
92 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
110 out of 168 (small agency responses)
96 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet all of the above survey questions:
13 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
11 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
0 out of 207 (large agency responses)
0 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
0 out of 168 (small agency responses)
2 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet one or more of the above survey questions:
1548 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
852 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
205 out of 207 (large agency responses)
182 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
162 out of 168 (small agency responses)
147 out of 157 (very small agency responses)

Table 36: Software Potentially Excluding Users who are Blind
Question 1 (no only):
221 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
129 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
19 out of 207 (large agency responses)
34 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
16 out of 168 (small agency responses)
23 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 2 (no or not applicable):
428 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
250 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
48 out of 207 (large agency responses)
54 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
39 out of 168 (small agency responses)
37 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 3 (no or not applicable):
496 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
310 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
43 out of 207 (large agency responses)
52 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
43 out of 168 (small agency responses)
48 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 4 (no or not applicable):
232 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
143 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
19 out of 207 (large agency responses)
31 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
11 out of 168 (small agency responses)
28 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 5 (no or not applicable):
233 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
148 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
16 out of 207 (large agency responses)
35 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
10 out of 168 (small agency responses)
24 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 6 (no or not applicable):
300 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
183 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
30 out of 207 (large agency responses)
44 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
13 out of 168 (small agency responses)
30 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 7 (no or not applicable):
618 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
356 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
123 out of 207 (large agency responses)
67 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
33 out of 168 (small agency responses)
39 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 8 (no or not applicable):
533 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
349 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
50 out of 207 (large agency responses)
62 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
37 out of 168 (small agency responses)
35 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 9 (no or not applicable):
1383 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
769 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
192 out of 207 (large agency responses)
165 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
124 out of 168 (small agency responses)
133 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 10 (no only):
402 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
208 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
75 out of 207 (large agency responses)
51 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
40 out of 168 (small agency responses)
28 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 11 (no only):
139 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
77 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
15 out of 207 (large agency responses)
14 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
22 out of 168 (small agency responses)
11 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 12 (no or not applicable):
249 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
158 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
25 out of 207 (large agency responses)
28 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
15 out of 168 (small agency responses)
23 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 13 (no only):
296 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
160 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
41 out of 207 (large agency responses)
37 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
29 out of 168 (small agency responses)
29 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 14 (no only):
76 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
49 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
6 out of 207 (large agency responses)
10 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
7 out of 168 (small agency responses)
4 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 15 (no only):
149 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
75 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
24 out of 207 (large agency responses)
25 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
11 out of 168 (small agency responses)
14 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 23 (no only):
220 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
122 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
25 out of 207 (large agency responses)
49 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
13 out of 168 (small agency responses)
11 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 27 (no only):
612 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
354 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
93 out of 207 (large agency responses)
67 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
52 out of 168 (small agency responses)
46 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 28 (no only):
430 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
270 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
62 out of 207 (large agency responses)
44 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
33 out of 168 (small agency responses)
21 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 29 (no or not applicable):
882 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
464 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
120 out of 207 (large agency responses)
92 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
110 out of 168 (small agency responses)
96 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet all of the above survey questions:
13 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
11 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
0 out of 207 (large agency responses)
0 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
0 out of 168 (small agency responses)
2 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet one or more of the above survey questions:
1552 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
856 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
205 out of 207 (large agency responses)
182 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
162 out of 168 (small agency responses)
147 out of 157 (very small agency responses)

Table 37: Software Affecting Users Having Difficulty Using or Discerning Colors--- Broader Set of Questions
Question 20 (no or not applicable):
265 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
156 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
24 out of 207 (large agency responses)
49 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
16 out of 168 (small agency responses)
20 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 23 (no only):
220 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
122 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
25 out of 207 (large agency responses)
49 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
13 out of 168 (small agency responses)
11 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 24 (no only):
294 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
147 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
52 out of 207 (large agency responses)
51 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
22 out of 168 (small agency responses)
22 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 25 (no only):
260 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
134 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
54 out of 207 (large agency responses)
39 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
8 out of 168 (small agency responses)
25 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 29 (no or not applicable):
882 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
464 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
120 out of 207 (large agency responses)
92 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
110 out of 168 (small agency responses)
96 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet all of the above survey questions:
27 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
19 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
2 out of 207 (large agency responses)
2 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
2 out of 168 (small agency responses)
2 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet one or more of the above survey questions:
1125 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
587 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
160 out of 207 (large agency responses)
141 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
127 out of 168 (small agency responses)
110 out of 157 (very small agency responses)

Table 38: Software Affecting Users Having Difficulty Using or Discerning Colors--- Targeted Set of Questions
Question 23 (no only):
220 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
122 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
25 out of 207 (large agency responses)
49 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
13 out of 168 (small agency responses)
11 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 24 (no only):
294 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
147 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
52 out of 207 (large agency responses)
51 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
22 out of 168 (small agency responses)
22 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 25 (no only):
260 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
134 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
54 out of 207 (large agency responses)
39 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
8 out of 168 (small agency responses)
25 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet all of the above survey questions:
66 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
38 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
5 out of 207 (large agency responses)
16 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
4 out of 168 (small agency responses)
3 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet one or more of the above survey questions:
494 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
252 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
86 out of 207 (large agency responses)
82 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
31 out of 168 (small agency responses)
43 out of 157 (very small agency responses)

Table 39: Software Creating Potential Barriers to Users with Low Vision
Question 1 (no only):
221 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
129 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
19 out of 207 (large agency responses)
34 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
16 out of 168 (small agency responses)
23 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 2 (no or not applicable):
428 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
250 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
48 out of 207 (large agency responses)
54 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
39 out of 168 (small agency responses)
37 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 3 (no or not applicable):
496 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
310 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
43 out of 207 (large agency responses)
52 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
43 out of 168 (small agency responses)
48 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 4 (no or not applicable):
232 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
143 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
19 out of 207 (large agency responses)
31 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
11 out of 168 (small agency responses)
28 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 5 (no or not applicable):
233 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
148 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
16 out of 207 (large agency responses)
35 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
10 out of 168 (small agency responses)
24 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 6 (no or not applicable):
300 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
183 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
30 out of 207 (large agency responses)
44 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
13 out of 168 (small agency responses)
30 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 7 (no or not applicable):
618 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
356 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
123 out of 207 (large agency responses)
67 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
33 out of 168 (small agency responses)
39 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 8 (no or not applicable):
533 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
349 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
50 out of 207 (large agency responses)
62 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
37 out of 168 (small agency responses)
35 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 9 (no or not applicable):
1383 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
769 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
192 out of 207 (large agency responses)
165 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
124 out of 168 (small agency responses)
133 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 10 (no only):
402 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
208 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
75 out of 207 (large agency responses)
51 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
40 out of 168 (small agency responses)
28 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 11 (no only):
139 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
77 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
15 out of 207 (large agency responses)
14 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
22 out of 168 (small agency responses)
11 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 12 (no or not applicable):
249 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
158 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
25 out of 207 (large agency responses)
28 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
15 out of 168 (small agency responses)
23 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 13 (no only):
296 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
160 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
41 out of 207 (large agency responses)
37 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
29 out of 168 (small agency responses)
29 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 14 (no only):
76 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
49 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
6 out of 207 (large agency responses)
10 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
7 out of 168 (small agency responses)
4 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 15 (no only):
149 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
75 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
24 out of 207 (large agency responses)
25 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
11 out of 168 (small agency responses)
14 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 20 (no or not applicable):
265 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
156 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
24 out of 207 (large agency responses)
49 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
16 out of 168 (small agency responses)
20 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 21 (no or not applicable):
472 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
271 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
68 out of 207 (large agency responses)
55 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
41 out of 168 (small agency responses)
37 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 23 (no only):
220 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
122 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
25 out of 207 (large agency responses)
49 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
13 out of 168 (small agency responses)
11 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 24 (no only):
294 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
147 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
52 out of 207 (large agency responses)
51 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
22 out of 168 (small agency responses)
22 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 25 (no only):
260 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
134 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
54 out of 207 (large agency responses)
39 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
8 out of 168 (small agency responses)
25 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 26 (no only):
247 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
136 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
35 out of 207 (large agency responses)
25 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
33 out of 168 (small agency responses)
18 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 27 (no only):
612 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
354 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
93 out of 207 (large agency responses)
67 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
52 out of 168 (small agency responses)
46 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 28 (no only):
430 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
270 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
62 out of 207 (large agency responses)
44 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
33 out of 168 (small agency responses)
21 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 29 (no or not applicable):
882 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
464 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
120 out of 207 (large agency responses)
92 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
110 out of 168 (small agency responses)
96 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet all of the above survey questions:
13 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
11 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
0 out of 207 (large agency responses)
0 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
0 out of 168 (small agency responses)
2 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet one or more of the above survey questions:
1560 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
861 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
206 out of 207 (large agency responses)
182 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
163 out of 168 (small agency responses)
148 out of 157 (very small agency responses)

Table 40: Software Affecting Users with Low Vision Who Do Not Require Screen Reading Software
Question 8 (no or not applicable):
533 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
349 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
50 out of 207 (large agency responses)
62 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
37 out of 168 (small agency responses)
35 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 9 (no or not applicable):
1383 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
769 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
192 out of 207 (large agency responses)
165 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
124 out of 168 (small agency responses)
133 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 14 (no only):
76 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
49 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
6 out of 207 (large agency responses)
10 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
7 out of 168 (small agency responses)
4 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 20 (no or not applicable):
265 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
156 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
24 out of 207 (large agency responses)
49 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
16 out of 168 (small agency responses)
20 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 21 (no or not applicable):
472 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
271 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
68 out of 207 (large agency responses)
55 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
41 out of 168 (small agency responses)
37 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 23 (no only):
220 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
122 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
25 out of 207 (large agency responses)
49 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
13 out of 168 (small agency responses)
11 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 24 (no only):
294 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
147 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
52 out of 207 (large agency responses)
51 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
22 out of 168 (small agency responses)
22 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 25 (no only):
260 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
134 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
54 out of 207 (large agency responses)
39 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
8 out of 168 (small agency responses)
25 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 26 (no only):
247 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
136 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
35 out of 207 (large agency responses)
25 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
33 out of 168 (small agency responses)
18 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 29 (no or not applicable):
882 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
464 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
120 out of 207 (large agency responses)
92 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
110 out of 168 (small agency responses)
96 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet all of the above survey questions:
18 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
12 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
0 out of 207 (large agency responses)
2 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
2 out of 168 (small agency responses)
2 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet one or more of the above survey questions:
1524 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
831 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
202 out of 207 (large agency responses)
181 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
162 out of 168 (small agency responses)
148 out of 157 (very small agency responses)

Table 41: Software Affecting Users with Tremor or Limited Strength or Dexterity
Question 1 (no only):
221 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
129 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
19 out of 207 (large agency responses)
34 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
16 out of 168 (small agency responses)
23 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 2 (no or not applicable):
428 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
250 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
48 out of 207 (large agency responses)
54 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
39 out of 168 (small agency responses)
37 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 3 (no or not applicable):
496 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
310 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
43 out of 207 (large agency responses)
52 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
43 out of 168 (small agency responses)
48 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 4 (no or not applicable):
232 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
143 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
19 out of 207 (large agency responses)
31 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
11 out of 168 (small agency responses)
28 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 5 (no or not applicable):
233 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
148 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
16 out of 207 (large agency responses)
35 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
10 out of 168 (small agency responses)
24 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 6 (no or not applicable):
300 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
183 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
30 out of 207 (large agency responses)
44 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
13 out of 168 (small agency responses)
30 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 7 (no or not applicable):
618 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
356 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
123 out of 207 (large agency responses)
67 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
33 out of 168 (small agency responses)
39 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 8 (no or not applicable):
533 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
349 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
50 out of 207 (large agency responses)
62 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
37 out of 168 (small agency responses)
35 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 9 (no or not applicable):
1383 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
769 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
192 out of 207 (large agency responses)
165 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
124 out of 168 (small agency responses)
133 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 15 (no only):
149 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
75 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
24 out of 207 (large agency responses)
25 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
11 out of 168 (small agency responses)
14 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 29 (no or not applicable):
882 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
464 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
120 out of 207 (large agency responses)
92 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
110 out of 168 (small agency responses)
96 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet all of the above survey questions:
24 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
18 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
2 out of 207 (large agency responses)
2 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
0 out of 168 (small agency responses)
2 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet one or more of the above survey questions:
1535 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
842 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
203 out of 207 (large agency responses)
181 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
162 out of 168 (small agency responses)
147 out of 157 (very small agency responses)

Table 42: Software Affecting Users with Cognitive Impairments or Learning Disabilities
Question 2 (no or not applicable):
428 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
250 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
48 out of 207 (large agency responses)
54 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
39 out of 168 (small agency responses)
37 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 3 (no or not applicable):
496 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
310 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
43 out of 207 (large agency responses)
52 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
43 out of 168 (small agency responses)
48 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 4 (no or not applicable):
232 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
143 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
19 out of 207 (large agency responses)
31 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
11 out of 168 (small agency responses)
28 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 5 (no or not applicable):
233 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
148 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
16 out of 207 (large agency responses)
35 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
10 out of 168 (small agency responses)
24 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 6 (no or not applicable):
300 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
183 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
30 out of 207 (large agency responses)
44 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
13 out of 168 (small agency responses)
30 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 7 (no or not applicable):
618 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
356 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
123 out of 207 (large agency responses)
67 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
33 out of 168 (small agency responses)
39 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 8 (no or not applicable):
533 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
349 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
50 out of 207 (large agency responses)
62 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
37 out of 168 (small agency responses)
35 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 9 (no or not applicable):
1383 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
769 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
192 out of 207 (large agency responses)
165 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
124 out of 168 (small agency responses)
133 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 11 (no only):
139 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
77 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
15 out of 207 (large agency responses)
14 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
22 out of 168 (small agency responses)
11 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 13 (no only):
296 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
160 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
41 out of 207 (large agency responses)
37 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
29 out of 168 (small agency responses)
29 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 14 (no only):
76 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
49 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
6 out of 207 (large agency responses)
10 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
7 out of 168 (small agency responses)
4 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 15 (no only):
149 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
75 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
24 out of 207 (large agency responses)
25 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
11 out of 168 (small agency responses)
14 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 16 (no only):
167 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
97 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
17 out of 207 (large agency responses)
18 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
19 out of 168 (small agency responses)
16 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 17 (no only):
305 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
151 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
42 out of 207 (large agency responses)
42 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
43 out of 168 (small agency responses)
27 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 18 (no only):
175 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
102 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
13 out of 207 (large agency responses)
19 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
30 out of 168 (small agency responses)
11 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 19 (no only):
225 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
117 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
28 out of 207 (large agency responses)
33 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
27 out of 168 (small agency responses)
20 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 20 (no or not applicable):
265 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
156 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
24 out of 207 (large agency responses)
49 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
16 out of 168 (small agency responses)
20 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Question 29 (no or not applicable):
882 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
464 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
120 out of 207 (large agency responses)
92 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
110 out of 168 (small agency responses)
96 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet all of the above survey questions:
15 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
11 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
0 out of 207 (large agency responses)
2 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
0 out of 168 (small agency responses)
2 out of 157 (very small agency responses)
Surveyed items that did not meet one or more of the above survey questions:
1552 out of 1676 (all agency responses)
856 out of 959 (cabinet level agency responses)
204 out of 207 (large agency responses)
181 out of 185 (medium agency responses)
163 out of 168 (small agency responses)
148 out of 157 (very small agency responses)

1. This document is available on the Department of Justice's section 508 Web site ( People with disabilities may request copies in Braille, large print, or on computer disk by calling 1-800-514-0301 (voice) or 1-800-514-0383 (TTY).

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