General Appendix A(1)

Categories of Agencies

Cabinet Level Agencies and Departments

Executive Office of the President
Dept. of Agriculture
Dept. of Commerce
Dept. of Defense
Dept. of Education
Dept. of Energy
Dept. of Health and Human Services
Dept. of Housing and Urban Development
Dept. of Interior
Dept. of Justice
Dept. of Labor
Dept. of State
Dept. of Transportation
Dept. of Treasury
Dept. of Veterans' Affairs

Large Agencies (10,000+ employees)

Environmental Protection Agency (18,807)
General Services Administration (14,500)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (17,710)
Social Security Administration (64,000)
Tennessee Valley Authority (13,500)
United States Postal Service (800,000)

Mid-Sized Agencies (1000-9,999 employees)

Agency for Int'l Development (7289)
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (2850)
Federal Communications Commission (2000)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (7387)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (2210)
Federal Reserve Board (1700)
Federal Trade Commission (1135)
National Archives and Records Administration (3200)
National Credit Union Administration (1000)
National Labor Relations Board (1900)
National Science Foundation (1300)
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (2800)
Office of Personnel Management (3200)
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (1450)
Railroad Retirement Board (1196)
Securities and Exchange Commission (3500)
Small Business Administration (3200)

Small Agencies (100-999 employees)

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (500-600)
Consumer Product Safety Commission (478)
Corporation for National and Community Service (600)
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (104)
Export-Import Bank of the United States (400)
Farm Credit Administration (300)
Federal Election Commission (335)
Federal Housing Finance Board (110)
Federal Labor Relations Authority (211)
Federal Maritime Commission (138)
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (200)
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (just over 100 employees)
International Trade Commission (400)
Merit Systems Protection Board (240) (not done)
National Endowment for the Arts (160)
National Endowment for the Humanities (175)
National Transportation Safety Board (402)
Overseas Private Investment Corporation (200)
Peace Corps (870 employees, 6700 volunteers)
Selective Service System (170)
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (400)

Very Small Agencies (Fewer than 100 employees)

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (34)
African Development Foundation (33)
American Battle Monuments Commission (51) (not done)
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board ("Access Board") (30)
Commission on Civil Rights (90)
Commission on Fine Arts (7)
Committee for Purchase for People Who are Blind or Severely Disabled (20)
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission (50)
Institute of Museum and Library Services (40)
Inter-American Foundation (65 employees)
Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission (4)
Marine Mammal Commission (10)
National Capital Planning Commission (50)
National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (7)
National Council on Disability (10)
National Mediation Board (50)
Occupational and Safety and Health Review Commission (70)
Office of Government Ethics (85)
Office of Navajo and Hopi Relocation (65)
Office of Special Counsel (95)
Postal Rate Commission (55)
Trade and Development Agency (50)

1. This document is available on the Department of Justice's section 508 Web site ( People with disabilities may request copies in Braille, large print, or on computer disk by calling 1-800-514-0301 (voice) or 1-800-514-0383 (TTY).

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