Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
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Press Releases

November 13, 2003  
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Two provisions authored by Senate Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Susan Collins (R-ME) to change the Defense Department’s contracting process were included in the Defense Authorization bill approved Wednesday by the Senate.

One of Senator Collins’ provisions, sponsored with Sen. James Talent (R-MO), takes aim at barriers that now prevent small businesses from competing for Defense Department contracts. Specifically, Collins’ amendment would require federal agencies to perform a review of bundled contracts in excess of $5 million to determine whether the bundling was appropriate. It also would require that alternatives to bundling be considered and that the DoD conducts periodic reviews to determine whether small businesses are receiving their fair share of federal contracts.

“Bundling results in a dramatically reduced contractor base and lost opportunity costs because the government must choose among fewer firms with fewer ideas and innovations to deliver products and services at lower prices,” said Senator Collins. “This is a matter of making sure we have a healthy industrial base, that we have as many firms competing as vigorously as possible to do work for the federal government, and that our smaller companies have a fair shot at competing for federal contracts.”

Senator Collins’ other provision, sponsored with Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), would ensure that federal agencies make public the justification for any decisions to waive normal requirements for open and fully competitive bidding in Iraq reconstruction contracts.

“Fair and full competition would ensure the best value for American taxpayers,” said Senator Collins.
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November 2003 Press Releases
October   December   --   2002   2004  
November 25 - Chairman Collins Calls on SEC to Provide Information About its Investigation of Mutual Funds’ Questionable Activities

November 25 - Sen. Collins Urges President to Coordinate Federal Agroterrorism Preparedness and Response Efforts

November 21 - Senate Approves Sen. Collins’ Bill to Create National Women’s History Museum

November 20 - Sen. Collins Praises DHS for Efforts to Improve Cargo Security

November 20 - Collins Releases GAO Report on Electricity Blackout; Says Findings Emphasize Failings of Proposed Energy Bill

November 19 - Sen. Collins: America’s Agricultural Industry Is Vulnerable To Terrorist Attack

November 18 - Chairman Collins Urges DHS Deputy Secretary Nominee to Make Port Security, Investing in First Responders Top Priorities

November 14 - Collins, Lieberman Urge Administration to Improve Port Security by Funding Key Coast Guard Project

November 13 - Homeland Security Grants Will Help Protect High-Risk Areas, Says Chairman Collins

November 13 - Senator Collins’ Provision to Increase Federal Worker Pay Included in Conference Report

November 13 current Press Release

November 7 - Sen. Collins Issues Statement on Civil Service Reform

November 7 - Senator Collins: America Still Vulnerable to Bioterrorist Attacks

November 5 - Sen. Collins to Introduce Legislation to Reform the Postal Service

November 4 - Sen. Collins Comments on Office of Federal Procurement Policy Nominee

November 3 - Sen. Collins Questions Why SEC Has Failed to Detect Mutual Fund Abuses

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Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510