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Organizational and Expertise Directory (Spring 2008)

Office of Corporate Research, Technology, and Innovation Management


Office of Research, Technology, and Innovation Management, HRTM-01

Debra Elston
Acting Director

Primary Responsibilities

  • Overall leadership of research and technology (R&T) program development and innovation management
  • Lead for the Exploratory Advanced Research Program
  • Primary contact for national research partnerships and State research programs
  • Leadership and communication for the R&T program

Major Projects

  • Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) R&T program development and innovation management
  • Co-Chair Research, Technology and Education Reauthorization Working Group
  • Liaison with Transportation Research Board (TRB) R&T Coordinating Committee (RTCC)
  • Primary contact for coordination of international R&T programs

Backup Persons
Jack Jernigan
Joe Conway

Jean Landolt
Research and Technology Program Coordinator

Primary Responsibilities

  • Advice to office director on office operations
  • Program coordination and monitoring
  • Fiscal accountability within office
  • Contract administration support

Major Projects

  • Office management initiatives
  • Program and budget monitoring
  • Accountable property inventory

Backup Person
Jack Jernigan

Andrena Johnson
Administrative Assistant (Contractor)

Primary Responsibilities

  • Administrative support to the Office Director of Research, Technology, and Innovation Management

Major Projects

  • Office activities scheduling
  • Office materials proofreading
  • Correspondence control/routing organization
  • Time & attendance
  • Travel

Backup Person
Linda Simpson

Linda Simpson
Administrative Assistant (Contractor)

Primary Responsibilities

  • Administrative support to the Office Director, Research and Technology Program Development and Partnership Team; Communications and Outreach Team; and the Exploratory Advanced Research Team

Major Projects

  • Office and meeting support
  • Tour materials

Backup Person
Andrena Johnson

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R&T Program Development and Partnership Team, HRTM-02

Jack Jernigan
Acting Team Director

Primary Responsibilities

  • Legislation and budget
  • National research and technology program development and evaluation

Major Projects

  • Nationally coordinated Research and Technology (R&T) program
  • R&T partnership development
  • R&T Leadership Team secretariat

Backup Person
Debra Elson

National Partnership Manager

Primary Responsibilities

  • Coordination of national R&T programs
  • R&T program formulation in cooperation with FHWA headquarters and field offices

Major Projects

  • National Highway R&T programs
  • Liaison with Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) for University Transportation Center (UTC) program
  • Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program

Backup Person
Jack Jernigan

Jack Jernigan
Research and Technology Legislation and Budget Analyst

Primary Responsibilities

  • Development of R&T budget and budget delivery plan
  • Development and review of reauthorization legislative proposals
  • Development of R&T Legislative Implementation Plan for the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU)
  • Future Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2)

Major Projects

  • Annual R&T budget and budget delivery plan
  • Legislative proposals
  • Liaison with SHRP 2
  • Liaison with TRB RTCC
  • FHWA headquarters and field office coordination

Backup Person
Debra Elston

Bill Zaccagnino
Research and Technology State Program Analyst

Primary Responsibilities

  • RD&T State Planning and Research Program manager
  • FHWA manager for National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)
  • RD&T liaison for TRB activities
  • State peer exchange program
  • FHWA manager for State peer exchange program
  • Transportation Pooled Fund Program Manager

Major Projects

  • American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials' (AASHTO) Standing Committee on Research (SCOR) and Research Advisory Committee (RAC)
  • Core Program contract with TRB
  • NCHRP coordination
  • Liaison for NCHRP Projects 20-5
  • State peer exchange monitoring
  • University Transportation Center Liaison

Backup Persons
Jack Jernigan
Joe Conway

John F. Munro
Technology Transfer System Analyst

Primary Responsibilities

  • R&T strategic planning
  • Intellectual property system development and coordination
  • R&T performance planning and performance measures
  • Representative to Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC)

Major Projects

  • Staff support for USDOT RD&T Program Review Working Group
  • Intellectual property right coordination
  • Small Business Innovation Research
  • Scientific peer review support

Backup Person
Debra Elston

Transportation Pooled Fund (TPF) Program Manager

Primary Responsibilities

  • Promotion and administration of the TPF Program
  • Management of TPF Program

Major Projects

  • FHWA liaison for TPF projects
  • TPF Web site updates
  • TPF program annual report
  • Briefings and training on TPF Program
  • Communicate standard operating procedures
  • AASHTO Technology Implementation Group (TIG) coordination

Backup Person
Bill Zaccagnino

Erica Interrante
Professional Development Program Intern

Primary Responsibilities

  • Legislation and budget
  • Marketing and communications
  • Complete developmental assignments

Backup Person
Jack Jernigan

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Communications and Outreach Team, HRTM-03

Joe Conway
Acting Team Director

Primary Responsibilities

  • Leadership
  • Budget planning
  • Communications and outreach strategy

Major Projects

  • Innovation management and delivery
  • R&T story

Backup Person
Martha Soneira

Martha Soneira
Marketing and Communications Analyst

Primary Responsibilities

  • Marketing and communications leadership
  • Public Roads editor-in-chief

Major Projects

  • R&T Marketing and communication support services management
  • R&T marketing and communications network liaison
  • Federal Highway Administration Research Library
  • Telling the R&T story—the value of research

Backup Person
Paula Magoulas

Joe Conway
Information Management Analyst

Primary Responsibilities

  • R&T information management
  • R&T technology transfer and innovation delivery
  • Communications and outreach support

Major Projects

  • Federal Highway Administration Research Library
  • Office liaison for Office of Infrastructure R&D and Office of Safety R&D

Backup Person
TaMara McCrae

Paula Magoulas
Communication Specialist/Creative Director

Primary Responsibilities

  • Communications and outreach projects coordinator
  • Communications/publications support service coordinator
  • Communications/graphic consultation
  • Public Roads creative director

Major Projects

  • Communication support services management
  • Communication and outreach projects coordination
  • Success story coordination
  • Office liaison for Office of Safety R&D

Backup Person
Martha Soneira

Dawn Vanlandingham
Writer/Managing Editor

Primary Responsibilities

  • R&T multimedia and Web publishing
  • R&T and TFHRC Web site management
  • Communications and Web consultation
  • Public Roads managing editor

Major Projects

  • Communications and outreach projects coordination
  • Office liaison for Office of Safety R&D

Backup Person
Joe Conway

Zachary Ellis
Publishing and Marketing Specialist

Primary Responsibilities

  • Meeting planning contract management
  • R&T multimedia publishing coordination
  • Focus newsletter managing editor
  • Information sharing, management, and preservation

Major Projects

  • Meetings and conference planning management
  • Printing coordination and oversight
  • Office liaison for Office of Operations R&D
  • Records management and preservation

Backup Person
Joe Conway

TaMara McCrae
Marketing Specialist and Logistics/Tour Coordinator

Primary Responsibilities

  • National exhibit coordination
  • R&T communications support
  • Facility tour coordination

Major Projects

  • FHWA exhibit services support
  • Facility tours
  • R&T Product Distribution Center
  • Priority, Market-Ready Technologies and Innovations communication and measurement

Backup Person
Joe Conway

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Exploratory Advanced Research Team, HRTM-04

David Kuehn
Team Director

Primary Responsibilities

  • FHWA leadership
  • Scientific coordination
  • Partnership development

Major Projects

  • Visionary leadership for Exploratory Advanced Research (EAR) Program
  • Facilitation of EAR partnership development
  • International and national scientific program coordination
  • Leadership and communication for Corporate Master Plan for Research and Deployment of Technology & Innovation

Backup Person
Terry Halkyard

Terry Halkyard
Advanced Research Program Analyst

Primary Responsibilities

  • EAR program development and administration
  • Budget delivery
  • EAR partnerships

Major Projects

  • Broad agency announcements
  • Contract support management
  • Internships and rotational assignments

Backup Person
David Kuehn

Advanced Research Program Analyst

Primary Responsibilities

  • EAR program development and administration
  • Communications and outreach

Major Projects

  • Program planning and delivery
  • Internal research solicitation
  • Program publications, Web development, and marketing

Backup Person
Terry Halkyard

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R&T Publications Support

Carlton Brigham
Product Distribution Center Manager (Contractor)

Primary Responsibilities

  • R&T Product Distribution Center, Lanham, MD

Backup Person
Joe Conway

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Federal Highway Administration Research Library

Jennifer Boteler
Librarian (Contractor)

Primary Responsibilities

  • Federal Highway Administration Research Library manager
  • Reference and Interlibrary loans

Backup Person
Martha Soneira

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FHWA Organizational Chart

RD&T Organizational Chart

Office of the Associate Administrator

Office of Corporate Research, Technology, and Innovation Management

Office of Resource Management

Office of Operations R&D

Office of Safety R&D

Office of Infrastructure R&D


Map and Directions

Shuttle Schedule

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