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Democratic Votes Blocking Increasing Domestic Energy Production
May 29, 2008

 Posted By Marc Morano – 12:47 PM ET – Marc_Morano@EPW.Senate.Gov

Democratic Votes Blocking Increasing Domestic Energy Production
  • 10/27/95 – The Senate voted on a bill to implement a competitive leasing program for oil and gas exploration, development and production within the coastal plain of ANWR.  The bill passed 52-47.  Of that, 52 Republicans voted for and 46 Democrats voted against.   
  • 11/17/95 – The Senate voted on a motion to adopt a conference report on a bill to implement a competitive leasing program for oil and gas exploration, development and production within the coastal plain of ANWR.  The motion passed 52-47.  Of that, 52 Republicans voted for and 46 Democrats voted against.
  • 12/6/95 – President Clinton vetoed the Balanced Budget Act which included a provision to open ANWR.
  •  3/16/05 – The Senate voted on an amendment to the budget resolution to strike expanding exploration in ANWR.  The amendment to strike failed 49-51.  Of that, 48 Republicans voted for exploration and 41 Democrats voted against. 
  • 11/3/05 – The Senate voted on an amendment to prohibit oil and gas leasing on the Coastal Plain.  The amendment failed 48-51.  Of that, 48 Republicans voted against and 40 Democrats voted for. 
  •  6/13/07 – The Senate voted on the GAS PRICE ACT, as an amendment.  The amendment failed 43-52.  Of that, 43 Republicans voted for and 48 Democrats voted against. 
  • 5/13/08 – The Senate voted on an amendment to expand exploration in ANWR and to authorize drilling in offshore coastal waters currently subject to a federal moratorium.  The amendment failed 42-56.  Of that, 41 Republicans voted for and 48 Democrats voted against.
  • 5/15/08 – The Senate voted on a motion to instruct budget conferees concerning increased energy exploration on the Outer Continental Shelf.  The motion was rejected 44-51.  Of that, 41 Republicans voted for and 44 Democrats voted against.