Laboratory-Hosted (Funded) Meetings

Responsible Manager

Revised 2/08

  1. Definition
  2. Policy
  3. Objective
  4. Authority
  5. Scope
  6. Authorization
  7. Costs
    1. Sources of Funds
    2. Allowable Costs
    3. Unallowable Costs
  8. Food Service (On-Site and Local Meetings)
  9. Meeting Accounts
  10. Payment Processing
  11. Fees
    1. Meeting Registration Fees
    2. Voluntary Activity Fees
    3. Exhibitor Fees
  12. Service of Alcoholic Beverages (for On-Site and Local Meetings)
  13. Visitor Access
  14. Off-Site Meetings


1. Laboratory-Hosted Meeting

A Laboratory-hosted (funded) meeting is defined as an event or activity, conducted at Laboratory expense using federal funds, during which Laboratory employees, and contractors, guests, or visitors hold work-related discussions. The meeting may also include food service (meals and refreshments), provided the guidelines set forth in this policy are met.

For Laboratory Conferences, please refer to RPM §11.02 (Laboratory-Hosted (Funded) Conferences).


It is the policy of Berkeley Lab that all Laboratory-hosted meetings and/or conferences must be properly authorized, reported, and reimbursed in accordance with this section of the RPM. The use of funds for meetings and related costs must be always reasonable and prudent, using good judgment.


Meetings sponsored or co-cosponsored by the Laboratory must be accomplished in a manner that meet business needs, minimize costs to the government, and are held for the purpose of disseminating trade, business, professional, or technical information.


This policy is established under delegation of authority from the Laboratory Director to the Office of the CFO.


This policy applies to all Laboratory-hosted meetings. The terms set forth in this policy include areas that are governed by DOE Contract 31, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR).


It is the responsibility of each Division to ensure the requirements in this policy have been met. Prior approval by the Division Director or designee (deputy or business manager) and Conference Services is required for the following:

For on-site (Berkeley Lab, Joint Genome Institute, and UC Berkeley) meetings, the Laboratory-Hosted On Site Meeting Request Form must be completed.

For all off-site meetings and any on-site meeting where there are more than food and AV services costs involved, the Laboratory-Hosted Meeting Request and Authorization Form must be completed.

Forms for processing and securing approvals are available on the Conference Services Web site.

All meeting requests must be submitted to Conference Services for approval a minimum of two business days prior to the start of the meeting.


In all cases, costs must be reasonable. A cost is reasonable if it meets the "prudent person" test (i.e., the nature and amount of the cost reflect the action that a prudent person would have taken under the circumstances when the decision was made).

1. Sources of Funds

The source of funding will often determine the purpose for which funds may be used. Funding may originate from a number of external and internal sources, including:

Funding used for allowable costs:

2. Allowable Costs

Appropriate funds and fees may be used for, but are not limited to, the following:

3. Unallowable Costs

It is the meeting chairperson's responsibility to comply with restrictions on the expenditure of funds for Laboratory-hosted meetings. The Laboratory is prohibited from paying nonreimbursable costs with Laboratory operating funds. Funds administered under the DOE-LBNL Contract (regardless of originating funding sources) may not be used for the following costs:

H. FOOD SERVICE — ON-SITE AND LOCAL MEETINGS (see RPM §11.10 (Laboratory Food Service))


Meeting costs will be charged to a designated Divisional project ID and will be managed by the Divisions.


Payment for invoices received from offsite vendors, hotels, or facilities must be made by submitting a Request for Issuance of Check (RFIC) form to Accounts Payable (Disbursements). The RFIC form must be complete and contain signatures certifying the expenses were incurred for official business in accordance with Laboratory policy.  If all signatures are not present, the documents will be returned to the requestor.

The following supporting documentation must be attached:

Copies of the form and supporting documentation should be retained by the meeting coordinator.

Payments for invoices from Laboratory Cafeteria services will be paid directly with the required supporting documentation (i.e., completed Laboratory-Hosted On-Site Meeting Request Form). No RFIC is required.


1. Meeting Registration Fees

It is permissible to charge a registration fee to conference/meeting attendees. Laboratory and DOE employees pay the same registration fee for meetings as other participants.

Individuals responsible for the budget estimate must ensure that available and/or expected funding, including registration fees, will cover anticipated expenses, including an allowance for appropriate Laboratory burdens and contingency for unexpected costs. Payment of expenses for Laboratory employees authorized to attend conference functions is permitted if the expense is for a cost that is reimbursable with contract funds. Nonreimbursable costs (e.g., banquets, bus tours, etc.) must be paid individually by the employee. Most federally funded organizations have restrictions similar to the Laboratory's regarding allowable reimbursement of fees.

2. Voluntary Activity Fees

If applicable, a separate activity fee will be charged to cover the cost of any optional meeting activities such as the unallowable cost items listed above (see Paragraph G(3)).

3. Exhibitor Fees

Exhibitor fees must be used to reduce allowable costs, but they may not be used to provide unallowable items (e.g., liquor, mugs). Exhibitor fees may be used for the purchase of T-shirts or other apparel if they are to be worn for safety purposes.


Except as specifically authorized in this policy, the use, possession, or consumption of alcoholic beverages on premises owned or controlled by the Laboratory is prohibited.

With prior written approval, alcoholic beverages may be served on certain occasions at functions held on Laboratory premises. Such requests require the approval of the cognizant Deputy Laboratory Director or division director and must be made in writing and submitted in advance to the Laboratory Director or designee. The request must specify the official purpose of the function; the number of anticipated attendees; the date, time, place, and host of the function; and designate a nonfederal source of funds for purchase of the alcoholic beverages.


Prior notice of the arrival of nonemployee attendees must be given to Laboratory Site Access Services by submitting a list with the name and date of the meeting, Laboratory contact information, name of the visitors, their home institution, institution address, email address, citizenship, and country of birth. This list must be submitted four months in advance of the meeting.

Requests for reserved barricaded parking must be faxed to the Barton Security Manager at least one month in advance of the meeting by completing the Site Access Pre-Meeting Reserved Parking Request Form.


A decision to hold a meeting off site should be based on the additional benefit to the Laboratory of providing an environment that will facilitate the training and/or work-related discussions. Cost, attendance, transportation, logistics, and purpose should all be taken into account when deciding on an off-site meeting location. A cost comparison of three alternative site locations is required for all off-site meetings when submitting a meeting request and authorization form for approval. Meetings should not be held in resort-type locations or facilities unless careful cost analysis of the alternative, which clearly favors that site selection, is documented. A Laboratory-Hosted Meeting Request and Authorization Form must be completed and approved prior to making offsite logistical arrangements.


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