Conference Rooms

Responsible Manager

Section Renumbered 8/06

  1. General
  2. Conference Room Coordination
  3. Reservations
  4. Standing Reservations


A number of conference and assembly rooms are available for use by Laboratory groups and by outside groups when the purpose of the meeting is related to Laboratory work. Use by employee organizations must be arranged through the Human Resources Department. Rooms may not be used for purposes unrelated to Laboratory work unless the proposed use has been approved by the Laboratory Director's Office. Although some rooms have been assigned to specific groups or departments, all Laboratory conference/meeting rooms are to be listed on Calendar and are intended to be available for general use by Laboratory employees. Meeting rooms and auditoriums that are 45 square meters or larger are defined as Institutional Conference Rooms and are administered and maintained by the Facilities Division. Institutional Conference Rooms are listed on the Facilities Web page and are scheduled through the Work Request Center.


Each conference room is assigned a conference room coordinator (CRC) to act as room reservationist and provide guidelines for conference room users. The Work Request Center is the CRC for Institutional Conference Rooms.


Reservations are made by the responsible CRC with consideration for the following:


Groups that need meeting space on a regular basis (e.g., weekly, monthly) may reserve a conference room under the following conditions:

Standing reservations that are not used on a frequent and regular basis may be canceled by the CRC.

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