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Portland Cement Concrete Pavements Research


Validation Model Summary | HIPERPAV Technical Memorandums | HIPERPAV FAQ's

The paving industry has fully recognized the benefits of the award-winning HIPERPAV software.  Its value as a forecaster of critical performance factors during the crucial 72-hour early stages of concrete pavement is well proven.

HIPERPAV II contains many features requested by users nationwide and incorporates two new modules. The first module allows users to see the effects that early-age jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP) design and construction strategies can have on long-term performance.  The second module predicts the behavior of continuously reinforced concrete pavements (CRCP) for the first days and months after placement.

In addition, the results from previous FHWA studies related to optimizing concrete mix designs and the early-age behavior of dowel bars in concrete pavements also were incorporated. Other improvements in HIPERPAV II include enhanced materials characterization, additional flexibility in climatic inputs, and a totally redesigned graphical user interface that is more user-friendly and efficient.

The HIPERPAV's accompanying documentation, Computer-Based Guidelines for Concrete Pavements, is a three-volume series and each volume addresses a different aspect of the project:

Volume I, FHWA-HRT-04-121, is the Project Summary documenting the efforts undertaken for the development of the concrete pavement design guidelines used to enhance the HIPERPAV II software.

Volume II, FHWA-HRT-04-122, is the Construction and Design Guidelines HIPERPAV II User's Manual, which provides general instruction on the use and application of the HIPERPAV II.

Volume III, FHWA-HRT-04-127, is the Technical Appendixes, which documents the investigation, modeling, and validation of HIPERPAV II.

To further improve the usability and reliability of the software program, FHWA under a contract is currently working on enhancements to the current HIPERPAV II   These enhancements include:  (1) developing an innovative feature that allow simulation of an entire day’s placement with the click of one key, (2) improving the curing and moisture transport capabilities, and (3) improving the sensitivity analysis capabilities.  The new version of the software program will be released on March 2009.

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This page last modified on 10/16/07

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration