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Recreation Resource Advisory Committees

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The Federal Land Recreation Enhancement Act (REA) gives the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Interior the authority to establish, modify, charge and collect recreation fees at Federal recreational lands. REA also requires the Secretaries to establish Recreation Resource Advisory Committees (Recreation RACs).


The Recreation RACs are Federal Advisory Committees. They provide recommendations on recreation fee proposals on federal lands managed by the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management (BLM). All meetings of Recreation RACs are open to the public and include opportunities for public comment.



The Forest Service and BLM signed an interagency agreement (29 KB PDF) to enable both agencies to use existing BLM Resource Advisory Councils (RACs), where appropriate, or new Recreation RACs chartered (145 KB PDF) by the Forest Service.


For a complete explanation of the advisory committee organization, including links to each Advisory Committee web site, click on map.


[IMAGE: Map of Recreation RAC - Click for Larger Version of Map.]



What They Do:

The Recreation RACs provide recommendations on implementing or eliminating standard amenity fees, expanded amenity fees, and non-commercial individual special recreation permit fees; expanding or limiting the recreation fee program; and fee level changes (increases or decreases).

What They Do Not Do:

Recreation RACs do not make recommendations on recreation fee sites operated by a concessionaire or contractor, commercial permits such as outfitting and guiding, or Forest Service special use permits and BLM special recreation permits issued for group events such as bike races.



Forest Service established Recreation RACs, consist of 11 members who represent the following interests as indicated in REA:

  • Five people who represent recreation users and include as appropriate:
    • Winter motorized
    • Winter non-motorized
    • Summer motorized
    • Summer non-motorized
    • Hunting and fishing
  • Three people who represent interest groups that include as appropriate:
    • Motorized outfitters and guides
    • Non-motorized outfitter and guides
    • Local environmental groups
  • Three people, one in each position:
    • State tourism official
    • A person who represents affected local government interests
    • A person who represents affected Indian tribes' issues

Existing Advisory Committees, such as the BLM Resource Advisory Councils, will retain their current membership. However these advisory council may consider establishing subcommittees specifically to address recreation fees.



The Forest Service will solicit applications for membership on a periodic basis as terms of members end or positions are vacated. If you are interested in applying for a Recreation RAC, visit Recreation RAC Application Materials for step by step instructions and contact information for the region where you would like to apply.



US Forest Service
Last modified April 28, 2008

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