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Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Science and Technology: Finland

Created and maintained by the
 European Division
Collections and Services Directorate

Includes scientific institutes and associations. Researchers may also wish to consult the Web site of the Library of Congress' Science Reading Room, which provides reference and bibliographic services in all areas of science and technology, with the exception of clinical medicine and technical agriculture, which are subject specialties of the National Library of Medicine and the National Agricultural Library respectively.

Finnish Science and Technology Information Service (
Statistics and other data on Finnish science and technology, with links to more in-depth information, statistical and other publications, and documents and databases as well as news, research environments, and more Searchable. In Swedish, Finnish, and English.

GrayLIT Network (
Science portal of technical reports generated through federally funded research and development projects and developed by the Department of Energy's Office of Science and Technical Information (OSTI) in collaboration with DOD/DTIC, NASA, and EPA. Search on Finland.

Opetusministeriö (
Chaired by the prime minister, the Science and Technology Council advises the government and its ministries in questions relating to science and technology. Information on its structure, tasks, and publications and reports as well as links to key statistics and other data on Finnish science and technology. Finnish, Swedish, and English.

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  Selected European Internet Resources - European Reading Room

  Library of Congress   >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Finland
  June 23, 2008
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