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Low-Tech Alternative
to Activated Sludge
Promises Big Savings

An Evaluation of the
Ocean Drive Wastewater Treatment Plant
North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
July 1998
-EPA, Region 4, SESD, Athens, Georgia

[ Full Report ]

Increasingly, communities are finding it difficult to finance wastewater treatment plants that will meet more stringent effluent limits. For this reason, engineers are seeking low-cost treatment alternatives to the activated sludge process, commonly accepted as the favored process technology.

One such alternative consists of a short-retention time, aerated lagoon followed by an intermittent sand filter. One of these systems is the Ocean Drive Wastewater Treatment Plant located in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. To confirm the performance of the aerated lagoon-intermittent sand filter system and to study its costs, the EPA Region 4 Enforcement and Investigations Branch, conducted an intensive three-day, on-site study of the Ocean Drive plant followed by a six-month post evaluation.

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Low-Tech Alternative to Activated Sludge
An Evaluation of the Ocean Drive WWTP
North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
The following document is in Acrobat PDF format. It contains 7 pages and its size is 330 KiloBytes Full Report


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