Senator Tom Coburn's activity on the Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, and International Security

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U.N. Report Renders Return to N. Korea Unlikely


New York Sun

June 3, 2008

UNITED NATIONS — A long-awaited report on the activities of the U.N. Development Program in North Korea provides enough vindication for the agency's leaders to declare that some American criticism of the program was "exaggerated." Critics say, however, that the report exposes troubling issues that make any return to Pyongyang for the agency highly unlikely.

Yesterday, eighteen months after allegations first surfaced about irregularities in UNDP's activities in North Korea, a committee headed by a former Hungarian prime minister, Miklós Németh, released its 353-page report. The document offered "a little bit for everybody," an official who has followed the issue closely said.

Questions surrounding the UNDP, which also served as "resident coordinator" for other U.N.-related funds and programs in Pyongyang — and allegations of rules violations, presented to the UNDP's board of directors — resulted in the North Korea program's suspension in March 2007.

"We don't see at this point any reason for the renewal or restart of the program," the American ambassador to the United Nations, Zalmay Khalilzad, said yesterday.

The UNDP administrator, Kemal Dervis, said that decision is up to the agency's board of directors. While he stopped short of claiming full vindication after the report's release, he told reporters that compared with the committee's conclusions, allegations in press reports and by American officials were "either vastly exaggerated or stemmed from misunderstandings, or some of them, maybe, from ill intent."

Still, a former American U.N. ambassador, John Bolton, said the report shows that agencies working in countries controlled by dictators have no way to ensure that their funds do not go to nefarious activities. "It is clear UNDP, like many others, cannot adequately control or monitor funds in North Korea," Mr. Bolton told The New York Sun. "Accordingly, no program there is warranted."

In one key finding, the Németh panel determined that the UNDP exported to North Korea American-made "dual use" items, such as GPS systems and computer programs, which are restricted by American law because they can be used in weapons systems. At least 95 items that Washington has classified "as being on the Commerce Control List" would have "required a licensee from the U.S. Commerce Department for export or re-export" to North Korea, the report says.

Click here for the full story.

June 2008 News

Senator Tom Coburn's activity on the Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, and International Security

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