Find Help and Give Help
at Iowa 2008 Flood Resource Center

If you have been affected by the severe weather and flooding in Iowa, you'll find a variety of resources and state and federal assistance programs available to help you recover at Iowa 2008 Flood Resource Center.

If you want to help Iowans who have suffered from the historic flooding and storms, you'll find ways to make donations and volunteer opportunities here.

If You Need Financial Assistance:

State Individual Assistance Program Toll Free: (877)937-3663
FEMA Federal Assistance Program Toll Free: (800)621-3362 or (800)621-FEMA, TTY (800)462-7585
FEMA Disaster Recovery Center Locator - Find the FEMA center in your area.

REMINDER: The deadline to register with FEMA for individual assistance has been extended to September 29, 2008.

A Message from the Governor:

"Since the severe weather which began on May 25th, Iowans have been tested. We have faced the worst natural disaster in our history. This “500 year flood” displaced 40,000 Iowans and disrupted the lives of so many of our fellow citizens.

But there is more to the story of the floods of 2008 than the damage they caused. For every Iowan who was affected by the storms and flooding, there were countless others who locked arms and came together, to become a calm within the storm. 4000 brave soldiers and airmen of the Iowa National Guard worked around the clock to fill sandbags, build up levees, and keep communities safe. Thousands of state, county, and municipal employees worked overtime. And over 50,000 Iowans volunteered, donating their time and their labor to their neighbors, to help.

Now, as the focus shifts to the rebuilding efforts, we will once again rely on each other. We are faced with enormous needs statewide, and recovery will take years, not months. But Iowans know hard work, and Iowans know persistence. More than anything, Iowans are resilient and optimistic. These qualities of spirit have strengthened us since our first days, and sustain us today. As we meet this next challenge, I am confident we will rebuild better, stronger, and safer than before."

-- Governor Chet Culver

A Message from the Lt. Governor:

“Iowans have been through a lot this year. As director of the Rebuild Iowa Office, I will work to ensure that all Iowans affected by these natural disasters get back on their feet. Rebuilding our homes, our communities, and our state will not be easy, but by working together, I know it can be done. We will rebuild Iowa safer, stronger and smarter.”

- Lt. Governor Patty Judge

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