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Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Organizations: Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora


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 African & Middle Eastern Division,
Collections and Services Directorate

The ancient lands of the Armenians comprehended a great variety of borders and fostered millennia-long mutual influences to and from the lands which surrounded it. Additionally, the diaspora of the Armenian people is centuries old and is far flung. One of the 15 federated republics of the Soviet Union through-out most of the twentieth century, Armenia declared its independence in 1991. The sites listed in each category of this selective portal page have been chosen for their utility in providing accurate narrative (either brief or extensive) information, as well as directories, extensive portal pages and other resources concerning all aspects of Armenian life and culture. They originate both in the Republic of Armenia as well as in the various communities of the Armenian Diaspora. All are either English language alone or bi- or trilingual lingual, unless noted in an annotation which follows. Many sites offer down-loadable Armenian and Russian fonts to make them easily accessible. For a variety of reasons, the links to Armenia and the NIS countries in general are often inactive; we recommend that you try again, should you not be successful in connecting.

For Library of Congress contact information and research and bibliographic materials on Armenia, consult the Armenia Country Page of the Near East Section of the African and Middle Eastern Division; see also the Library's online catalog for books and materials in other formats held by the Library; and the Library's Thomas Legislative Information Page for legislative materials (bills, hearings, acts, etc.) concerning relations between the United States and the Republic of Armenia, as well as the interests of the Armenian-American community.

Private, governmental organizations as well as NGOs, scholarly associations, and lobbying groups in Armenia and its Diaspora.

American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (
'The American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS) is a nonprofit, nonpolitical, scholarly society which is the leading private organization dedicated to the advancement of knowledge about Russia, Central Eurasia, and Eastern and Central Europe.'

Armenia International Involvement Links (
This page presented by Eurasianet provides links to the websites of the most active international organizations presently operating in Armenia.

Armenian Assembly of America (United States) (
'The Armenian Assembly of America is a nationwide nonprofit organization established in 1972 and headquartered in Washington, D.C. The Assembly promotes public awareness of Armenian issues, encourages greater Armenian-American participation in the American democratic process, and assists in humanitarian and development programs in Armenia.' Its official website describes its structure, programs, initiatives and other information related to its mission.

Armenian Engineers & Scientists of America (
The American-based AESA - the 'Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America, Inc.- is committed to address the professional, technical, and scientific needs of fellow Armenians throughout the world.' The website provides a variety of materials related to the fulfilment of its mission.

Armenian General Benevolent Union (
Established in 1906, this philanthropic organization's mission is 'to preserve and promote the Armenian identity and heritage through educational, cultural and humanitarian programs.' Its home page describes its programs, connects to international AGBU sites, and offers descriptions of all aspects of its activities both in the Republic of Armenia and throughout the Armenian Diaspora.

Armenian National Committee of America (United States) (
'The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is the largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots political organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters and supporters throughout the United States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues.' Its official website describes its structure, initiatives and other information related to its mission. It also presents digitized issues of its important monthly serial, Transcaucasus: A Chronology.

Armenian National Institute (United States) (
The Washington-based Armenian National Institute is dedicated to the study and documentation of the Armenian Genocide. ANI's website reproduces textual and visual documents and offers additional information about its organization and programs in support of its mission.

Armenian Network of America (
'The Armenian Network of America, Inc. ® is a professionally-based community organization that provides a forum for people to interact and communicate through.' The site is broken down by regions (Boston, New York, Chicago, Washington) and provides links, calendars, events and forums.

Armenian Relief Society, Inc (
'As an independent, non-governmental and non-sectarian organization -- and an NGO on the Roster in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations -- with affiliate entities in 24 different countries serving the social and educational needs of Armenian communities everywhere, seeking to preserve the cultural identity of the Armenian nation, and, whenever and wherever the need arises, to bring humanitarian help to all communities in distress -- Armenian and non-Armenian alike.' The ARS homepage furnishes basic information about it, a calendar of events, and their periodical Hai Sird in PDF format.

Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Armenia) (
The official website of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation - Dashnaktsutiune (Armenian Socialist Party) presents in both English and Armenian information about it and its activities as well as digitized versions of its official journals and publications, such Droshak.

Armenian Students' Association (United States) (
'The purposes of this Association are educational and charitable, in that it shall encourage educational pursuits by Armenians in America and the raising of their intellectual standards, provide financial assistance in the form of scholarships and loans to deserving Armenian students, develop fellowship among them, cultivate in them the spirit of service in the public interest, and acquaint them and the entire American community with Armenian culture.' The ASA's website gives information about its scholarships and awards, its members and its programs. (
"Run by an international consortium of agencies that help asylum seekers in Australia, Canada, the United States, and several countries in Europe. Over 95% of the content on this site is open to the public, including asylum seekers from any country and the lawyers or advocates who represent them."

Business Information of Armenia (
Spyur is an ' information and inquiry service that collects, processes and disseminates information about companies and organizations of Armenia." Its site (available in English and Russian) provides among its services directories and links to organizations, government agencies, and businesses.

Caucasus Environmental NGO Network - CENN
'The Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN) is non-governmental, non-profitable organization, which aims to foster regional cooperation by means of improved communication among environmental organizations of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.' A subscription based service, readers have access to a newsletter and information on all aspects of environmental concerns in the Caucasus.

Committee to Protect Journalists (
Searching this site results in a list of recent documents from a number of web sites concerning media activities and press freedom in many countries.

Development Gateway Country Overview (
"The Development Gateway helps communities, organizations, and individuals build partnerships, share ideas, and work together to reduce poverty." Search by development projects as well as by country to identify additional web sites and documents.

The Eurasia Foundation (
Located in Washington, DC the Eurasia Foundation 'is a privately managed grantmaking organization dedicated to funding programs that build democratic and free market institutions in the twelve New Independent States (NIS) of the former Soviet Union -- Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.' The site includes reports on the various NIS countries as well as information on grants and other economic and financial matters.

European Armenian Federation for Justice (
French, English and Armenian language homepage of a European based organization whose aim is to promote a European approach to Armenian issues.

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (
Includes the foundation's publications, information on grants, museums, exhibitions and information on Armenian communities. Also provides covers of past newsletters. In Portuguese and English.

International Association for Armenian Studies (AIEA) (
This bilingual (French and English) site of the Association Internationale des Etudes Armeniennes, a group dedicated to the scholarly study of all aspects of Armenian history, life and culture, presents academic tools, links, information about its structure and membership, publications, and news on conferences, workshops, and other events involving Armenian Studies.

International Committee of the Red Cross (
A search of this English language version of the ICRC site provides reports on the current humanitarian initiatives of this organization in any given country.

Internews Armenia (
'Internews is an international non-profit organization that supports open media worldwide. The company fosters independent media in emerging democracies, produces innovative television and radio programming and Internet content, and uses the media to reduce conflict within and between countries.' Its website furnishes indispensable information on all aspects of media (TV, radio, mass media) in the Republic of Armenia.

Middle East Studies Association (MESA) (
MESA's website provides news, descriptions of activities, lists of members, dates of conferences and other relevant information concerning this United States-based organizations dedicated to the study of all aspects of the countries, regions and peoples of the Middle East.

NGO Training and Resource Center (Armenia) (
This website of the Armenian Assembly of America, Inc.'s NGO Training Center, located in Yerevan, Armenia, offers information about, lists of, and discussions concerning NGOs presently operating in the Republic of Armenia.

National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (
The English-language official website of the National Academy of Sciences in Yerevan, Armenia, provides information on its organization, divisions, membership, staff and activities.

Society for Armenian Studies (United States) (
The Society of Armenian Studies is the United States-based scholarly organization dedicated to the study of all aspects of Armenian life and culture. Its website describes its mission, membership, publications and sponsored events.

United States Committee for Refugees (USCR) (
Founded in 1958 to complement the UN's initiative to aid refugees, the USCR's site offers brief and detailed reports on refugee status in and from the various countries of the world.

World Vision Armenia (
'World Vision is an international Christian relief and development organization working to promote the well-being of all people-especially children. "Search its index for contact information, reports of activities, and news involved in the relief effort of the countries where the organization has branches."

Zoryan Institute (United States and Canada) (
Founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1982, The Zoryan Institute for Contemporary Armenian Research and Documentation, and The Zoryan Institute of Canada, Inc., (incorporated in Toronto in 1984) together form a non-profit research institute 'devoted to the documentation, study, and dissemination of material related to the life of the Armenian people in the recent past and the present, and within the context of larger world affairs.' It's website discusses the Institute's structure, mission, publications, sponsored events, and services.

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  Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Armenia
  April 25, 2006
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