Area Temperature/Precipitation Outlook for the Rest of the Year

...Slightly enhanced chances for above normal temperatures favored across eastern Wyoming and the western Nebraska panhandle October through December...

     The latest outlook issued by the Climate Prediction Center depicts this area to have slightly enhanced chances for above normal temperatures on average.  There is about a 36% chance that the temperatures for the rest of the year will average out above normal, with about a 30 percent chance that temperatures will average out below normal.   See map below.

Precipitation Outlook

     Equal chances for above, near or below normal precipitation are forecast over this area for the three month period, as the current observed weather patterns and oceanic conditions do not favor one category over another.


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  • NOAA National Weather Service
  • Cheyenne, WY Weather Forecast Office
  • 1301 Airport Parkway
  • Cheyenne, WY 82001-1549
  • 307-772-2468
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