NAICS 331111 through NAICS 332510

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NAICS Industry NAICS Product NAICS Title SIC Product
331111 331111 Iron & steel mills 3312
331111P Primary products 3312P
3311111 Coke oven and blast furnace products 33121
3311112 Iron and steel powders, paste, and flakes
3311113 Steel ingots and semifinished shapes and forms 33122
3311115 Hot rolled steel sheet and strip 33123
3311117 Hot rolled bars, plates, and structural shapes 33124
3311119 Steel wire 33125
331111B Steel pipe and tubes 33126
331111D Cold rolled steel sheets and strip 33127
331111F Cold finished steel bars 33128
331111H Seamless rolled ring forgings 3312A
331111J Open die or smith forgings 3312B
331111L Other steel mill products, including steel rails
331111SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3312SM
331111M Miscellaneous receipts 3312M
331111S Secondary products 3312S
331112 331112 Electrometallurgical ferroalloy product mfg 3313
331112P Primary products 3313P
3311121 Ferrochromium 33137
3311123 Ferrosilicon 33138
3311125 Other ferroalloys and ferrous products
331112SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3313SM
331112M Miscellaneous receipts 3313M
331112S Secondary products 3313S
331210 331210 Iron/steel pipe & tube mfg from purch steel 3317
331210P Primary products 3317P
3312106 Steel pipe and tubes 33176
331210SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3317SM
331210M Miscellaneous receipts 3317M
331210S Secondary products 3317S
331221 331221 Rolled steel shape mfg 3316
331221P Primary products 3316P
3312211 Cold rolled steel sheet and strip 33167
3312213 Cold finished steel bars and bar shapes 33168
331221SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3316SM
331221M Miscellaneous receipts 3316M
331221MM Miscellaneous receipts
331221S Secondary products 3316S
331222 331222 Steel wire drawing 3315
331222P Primary products 3315P
3312221 Noninsulated ferrous wire rope, cable and strand 33151
3312223 Steel nails and spikes 33152
3312225 Steel wire 33155
3312225A Carbon wire 33155A
3312225B Alloy wire 33155B
3312225C Stainless wire 33155C
3312227 Steel fencing and fence gates 33156
3312229 Ferrous wire cloth and other woven wire products 33157
331222B Other fabricated ferrous wire products 33159
331222SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3315SM
331222M Miscellaneous receipts 3315M
331222S Secondary products 3315S
331311 331311 Alumina refining
331311P Primary products
3313111 Aluminum oxide, except natural alumina 28195
331311SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts
331311M Miscellaneous receipts
331311S Secondary products
331312 331312 Primary aluminum production 3334
331312P Primary products 3334P
3313127 Primary aluminum, except extrusion billet 33347
3313128 Aluminum extrusion billet 33348
331312SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3334SM
331312M Miscellaneous receipts 3334M
331312S Secondary products 3334S
331314 331314 Secondary smelting & alloying of aluminum 33417
331314P Primary products 33417
3313141 Aluminum ingot,including pigs,sows, and molten metal,excluding billet, produced
3313143 Aluminum extrusion ingot (billet), produced by secondary smelters
3313145 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloys powders, paste, and flakes
331314SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3341SM
331314M Miscellaneous receipts 3341M
331314S Secondary products 3341S
331315 331315 Aluminum sheet, plate & foil mfg 3353
331315P Primary products 3353P
3313151 Aluminum plate 33531
331315113 Heat-treatable 3353113
331315115 Nonheat-treatable 3353115
3313152 Aluminum sheet 33532
331315223 Flat, heat-treatable 3353223
331315224 Flat, nonheat-treatable 3353224
331315227 Coiled, heat-treatable 3353227
331315231 Coiled, nonheat-treatable, bare 3353231
33131523114 Coiled, nonheat-treatable, bare, beverage can stock 335323114
33131523115 Coiled, nonheat-treatable, bare, all others 335323115
331315233 Coiled, nonheat-treatable, precoated 3353233
3313153 Aluminum foil 33533
331315351 Plain aluminum foil (under .006 in.) 3353351
3313154 Aluminum welded tube 33534
331315455 Plain aluminum welded tube 3353455
331315SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3353SM
331315M Miscellaneous receipts 3353M
331315S Secondary products 3353S
331316 331316 Aluminum extruded product mfg 3354
331316P Primary products 3354P
3313161 Extruded aluminum rod, bar, and other extruded shapes except tube 33541
331316115 Extruded rod and bar with alloys other than 2000 and 7000 series 3354115
33131611511 Rod 335411511
33131611512 Bar 335411512
331316118 Extruded rod and bar with alloys in 2000 and 7000 series 3354118
33131611811 Rod 335411811
33131611812 Bar 335411812
331316125 Other extruded shapes except tube, with alloys other than 2000 and 7000 series 3354125
33131612501 Other extruded shapes, circle size 1 to, not including 2 335412501
33131612502 Other extruded shapes, circle size 2 to, not including3 335412502
33131612503 Other extruded shapes, circle size 3 to, not including 4 335412503
33131612504 Other extruded shapes, circle size 4 to, not including 5 335412504
33131612505 Other extruded shapes, circle size 5 to, not including 6 335412505
33131612506 Other extruded shapes, circle size 6 to, not including 10 335412506
33131612512 Other extruded shapes, circle size 10 and over 335412512
331316128 Other extruded shapes except tube, with alloys in 2000 and 7000 series 3354128
33131612801 Other extruded shapes, circle sizes 1 to, not including 5 335412801
33131612803 Other extruded shapes, circle sizes 5 and over 335412803
3313163 Aluminum extruded and drawn pipe and tube 33543
331316311 Hard alloy pipe and tube, 2000 and 7000 series 3354311
33131631101 Seamless pipe and tube, hard alloy 335431101
33131631102 Hard alloy pipe and tube other than seamless 335431102
331316313 Soft alloy pipe and tube, alloys other than 2000 and 7000 series 3354313
33131631301 Seamless pipe and tube, soft alloy 335431301
33131631302 Soft alloy pipe and tube other than seamless 335431302
331316SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3354SM
331316M Miscellaneous receipts 3354M
331316S Secondary products 3354S
331319 331319 Other aluminum rolling & drawing
331319P Primary products
3313191 Aluminum wire & cable (exc covered or insul), inc acscr, made in aluminum rollin
3313193 Rolled aluminum rod, bar, including continuous cast
3313197 Aluminum wire & cable (exc covered or insul), inc acscr, made in nonferrous wire
331319C Aluminum extrusion ingot (billet), produced in aluminum rolling mills
331319SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts
331319M Miscellaneous receipts
331319S Secondary products
331411 331411 Primary smelting & refining of copper 3331
331411P Primary products 3331P
3314111 Smelted copper 33311
3314112 Copper cathode and other refined copper, including wirebar, slab, and ingot 33312
331411SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3331SM
331411M Miscellaneous receipts 3331M
331411S Secondary products 3331S
331419 331419 Other nonferrous metal prim smelting/refining 3339
331419P Primary products 3339P
3314192 Primary lead 33392
3314193 Primary zinc 33393
3314195 Precious metals 33395
3314197 Other nonferrous metals, n.e.c. 33397
331419SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3339SM
331419M Miscellaneous receipts 3339M
331419S Secondary products 3339S
331421 331421 Copper rolling, drawing & extruding 3351
331421P Primary products 3351P
3314211 Copper wire, bare and tinned (nonelectrical) 33511
3314213 Copper and copper-base alloy rod, bar, and shapes 33513
3314217 Copper and copper-base alloy sheet, strip, and plate 33514
3314219 Copper and copper-base alloy pipe and tube 33515
331421SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3351SM
331421M Miscellaneous receipts 3351M
331421S Secondary products 3351SS
331422 331422 Copper wire (except mechanical) drawing
331422P Primary products
3314221 Copper wire (except mechanical) drawing
331422SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3357SM
331422M Miscellaneous receipts 3357M
331422S Secondary products 3357S
331423 331423 Secondary smelting/refining/alloying of copper
331423P Primary products 3341P
3314231 Secondary smelting, refining, and alloying of copper 33412
331423SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3341SM
331423M Miscellaneous receipts 3341M
331423S Secondary products 3341S
331491 331491 Other nonferrous metal roll/draw/extruding
331491P Primary products
3314911 Nickel and nickel-base alloy mill shapes, including nickel copper alloys 33561
3314913 Titanium and titanium-base alloy mill shapes, excluding wire 33562
3314919 Precious metal mill shapes 33563
331491C All other nonferrous metal mill shapes 33569
331491SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3356SM
331491M Miscellaneous receipts 3356M
331491MM Miscellaneous receipts 3356MM
331491S Secondary products 3356S
331492 331492 Other nonferrous secondary smelt/refine/alloying
331492P Primary products
3314921 Other nonferrous metal powders, paste, & flakes 33991
3314923 Secondary lead 33413
3314927 Secondary zinc 33414
3314929 Secondary precious metals & precious metal alloys 33415
331492A Other nonferrous additive alloys 33416
331492SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts
331492M Miscellaneous receipts
331492S Secondary products
331511 331511 Iron foundries 3321
331511P Primary products 3321P
3315111 Ductile iron pressure pipe and fittings 3321111
3315113 Other ductile iron castings 33212
3315115 Cast iron pressure pipe and fittings
3315117 Cast iron soil pipe and fittings (incl special fittings), all sizes
3315119 Other gray iron castings
331511A Standard malleable iron castings 3322131
331511C Pearlitic malleable iron castings 3322221
331511E Molds and stools for heavy steel ingots 3321429
331511SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts
331511M Miscellaneous receipts
331511S Secondary products
331512 331512 Steel investment foundries 3324
331512P Primary products 3324P
33151202 Hi-temp metal investment castings (iron, nickel, or cobalt-base alloys) 33244
33151204 Carbon, stainless, and alloy steel investment castings
331512SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3324SM
331512M Miscellaneous receipts 3324M
331512S Secondary products 3324S
331513 331513 Steel foundries (except investment) 3325
331513P Primary products
3315131 Cast carbon steel castings 33252
3315133 High alloy steel castings, except investment 33254
3315135 Other alloy steel castings, except investment
331513SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3325SM
331513M Miscellaneous receipts 3325M
331513MM Miscellaneous receipts 3325MM
331513S Secondary products 3325S
331513SS Secondary products 3325MM
331521 331521 Aluminum die-casting foundries 3363
331521P Primary products 3363P
3315211 Motor vehicle die castings 33631
331521111 Die castings for passenger cars 3363111
331521112 Die castings for other motor vehicles 3363112
3315214 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy die castings, other than motor vehicle 33634
331521411 Die castings for building and construction 3363411
331521412 Die castings for appliances 3363412
331521416 Die castings for computers and electronics 3363416
331521417 Other die castings, n.e.c. 3363417
331521SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3363SM
331521M Miscellaneous receipts 3363M
331521S Secondary products 3363S
331522 331522 Nonferrous die-castings, except aluminum 3364
331522P Primary products 3364P
3315221 Zinc and zinc-base alloy die-castings 33641
3315222 Magnesium die-castings 33642
3315226 Other nonferrous die-castings, including lead and copper, except aluminum 33646
331522SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3364SM
331522M Miscellaneous receipts 3364M
331522S Secondary products 3364S
331524 331524 Aluminum foundries (except die-casting) 3365
331524P Primary products 3365P
3315241 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy sand castings 33651
3315242 Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy permanent and semipermanent mold castings 33652
3315243 Investment and other aluminum and aluminum-base alloy castings and cast products 33653
331524SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3365SM
331524M Miscellaneous receipts 3365M
331524S Secondary products 3365S
331525 331525 Copper foundries (except die-casting) 3366
331525P Primary products 3366P
331525411 Copper and copper-base alloy sand castings 3366411
331525412 Other copper and copper-base alloy castings incl. bearings and bushings 3366412
331525SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3366SM
331525M Miscellaneous receipts 3366M
331525S Secondary products 3366S
331528 331528 Other nonferrous foundries (except-die-casting) 3369
331528P Primary products 3369P
3315281 Zinc and zinc-base alloy castings, except die 33691
3315282 Magnesium and magnesium-base alloy castings, except die 33692
3315283 Titanium castings, except die 33693
3315284 Nickel and nickel-base alloy castings, except die 33694
3315285 Superalloy/high temperature alloy investment castings 33695
3315287 All other nonferrous metal castings, except die 33697
331528SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3369SM
331528M Miscellaneous receipts 3369M
331528S Secondary products 3369S
332111 332111 Iron & steel forging 3462
332111P Primary products 3462P
3321115 Hot impression die impact, press and upset ferrous forgings 34625
332111511 Carbon steel 3462511
332111513 Alloy steel, except stainless and high-temperature 3462513
332111515 Stainless steel 3462515
332111517 High-temperature iron, nickel and cobalt-base alloys 3462517
3321116 Cold impression die impact, press and upset ferrous forgings 34626
3321117 Seamless rolled-ring ferrous forgings 34627
3321118 Open die or smith (hammer or press) ferrous forgings 34628
332111SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3462SM
332111M Miscellaneous receipts 3462M
332111S Secondary products 3462S
332112 332112 Nonferrous forging 3463
332112P Primary products 3463P
3321121 Other nonferrous forgings, inc. cold impres sion die impact and seamless rolled 34631
3321125 Hot impression die impact, press and upset nonferrous forgings 34635
332112521 Aluminum and aluminum alloy 3463521
332112523 Titanium and titanium alloy 3463523
332112527 Other nonferrous hot impression die forgings 3463527
332112SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3463SM
332112M Miscellaneous receipts 3463M
332112S Secondary products 3463S
332114 332114 Custom roll forming
332114P Primary products 3449P
3321148 Custom roll forming 34498
332114SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3449SM
332114M Miscellaneous receipts 3449M
332114S Secondary products 3449S
332115 332115 Crowns and closure mfg 3466
332115P Primary products 3466P
3321151 Metal commercial closures 34661
3321154 Metal crowns 34664
332115SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3466SM
332115M Miscellaneous receipts 3466M
332115S Secondary products 3466S
332116 332116 Metal stamping 3469
332116P Primary products
3321161 Metal job stampings, except automotive 34692
3321165 Other stamped and pressed metal end products 34699
332116SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts
332116M Miscellaneous receipts
332116S Secondary products
332117 332117 Powder metallurgy part mfg
332117P Primary products
3321170 Powder metallurgy parts 34996
332117SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts
332117M Miscellaneous receipts
332117S Secondary products
332211 332211 Cutlery & flatware (exc precious) mfg 3421
332211P Primary products 3421P
3322111 Cutlery, scissors, shears, trimmers, and snips 34211
33221111A Cutlery 342111A
33221111B Scissors and shears 342111B
33221111C Other knives (Incl. pocket, pen, and replacement blade knives) 342111C
3322112 Razors and razor blades, except electric 34212
332211SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3421SM
332211M Miscellaneous receipts 3421M
332211S Secondary products 3421S
332212 332212 Hand and edge tools, except machine tools and handsaws 3423
332212P Primary products 3423P
3322121 Mechanics' hand service tools 34231
332212111 Pliers 3423111
33221211112 Slip joint pliers 342311112
33221211113 Solid joint pliers 342311113
332212112 Ball peen hammers 3423112
332212113 Wrenches 3423113
33221211321 Sockets, drives, extensions, etc. for hand-operated socket wrenches 342311321
33221211322 Open-end wrenches 342311322
33221211323 Box wrenches 342311323
33221211324 Combination open-end and box wrenches 342311324
33221211325 Torque wrenches 342311325
33221211326 Adjustable wrenches, including pipe wrenches 342311326
33221211327 All other wrenches 342311327
332212114 Screwdrivers 3423114
332212115 Automotive jacks, mechanical, excluding hydraulic and pneumatic 3423115
332212116 Tools for automotive use, excluding jacks 3423116
332212117 All other mechanics' hand service tools 3423117
3322123 Edge tools, hand operated 34234
332212331 Axes, adzes, and hatchets 3423431
332212383 Chisels 3423483
332212385 Professional and craft edge hand tools 3423485
332212398 All other edge tools 3423498
3322125 Dies and interchangeable cutting tools, for machines and power-driven handtools 34235
332212551 Cutting dies, excluding dies for cutting metal 3423551
332212555 Machine knives, except metal cutting 3423555
332212559 All other machine tools, including woodcutting 3423559
3322127 Other hand tools, n.e.c. 34236
332212711 Shovels, spades, scoops, telegraph spoons, and scrapers 3423611
332212721 Light forged hammers, under 4 lbs, excluding ball peen hammers 3423621
332212731 Heavy forged hammers, sledges (4 pounds and over), picks, pick mattocks and mau 3423631
332212741 Steel goods, including forks, hoes, rakes, weeders, etc. 3423641
332212781 Soldering irons 3423681
332212798 Other hand tools, excluding edge and machine tools 3423698
3322129 Precision measuring tools (inspection, quality control, tool room, and machinist 35452
332212SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3423SM
332212M Miscellaneous receipts 3423M
332212S Secondary products 3423S
332213 332213 Saw blade & handsaw mfg 3425
332213P Primary products 3425P
3322131 Handsaws and handsaw blades 34251
332213SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3425SM
332213M Miscellaneous receipts 3425M
332213S Secondary products 3425S
332214 332214 Kitchen utensil, pot & pan mfg
332214P Primary products
3322141 Stamped and spun utensils, cooking and kitchen, aluminum 34694
3322143 Stamped and spun utensils, cooking and kitchen, except aluminum 34695
332214SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts
332214M Miscellaneous receipts
332214S Secondary products
332311 332311 Prefabricated metal building and component manufacturing 3448
332311P Primary products 3448P
3323111 Prefabricated metal building systems (excluding farm service bldgs. & residential buildings) 34481
3323112 Other prefabricated and portable metal buildings and parts 34482
332311224 Other prefabricated metal buildings 3448224
332311254 Panels, parts, or sections for prefab bldgs., not sold as a complete unit, steel & aluminum 3448254
332311SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3448SM
332311M Miscellaneous receipts 3448M
332311S Secondary products 3448S
332312 332312 Fabricated structural metal manufacturing 3341
332312P Primary products 3441P
3323121 Fabricated structural metal for buildings 34411
332312121 Iron and steel for industrial buildings 3441121
332312122 Iron and steel for commercial building 3441122
332312123 Iron and steel for residential buildings 3441123
332312173 Iron and steel for other buildings, and aluminum for all types of buildings 3441173
3323122 Fabricated structural metal for bridges, trestles, and viaducts 34412
3323123 Other fabricated structural metal 34413
332312SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3441SM
332312M Miscellaneous receipts 3441M
332312S Secondary products 3441S
332313 332313 Plate work manufacturing
332313P Primary products 3443P
3323132 Plate work manufacturing 34432
332313SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3443SM
332313M Miscellaneous receipts 3443M
332313S Secondary products 3443S
332321 332321 Metal window and door manufacturing 3442
332321P Primary products 3442P
3323211 Metal doors and frames, except storm doors 34421
33232111 Aluminum doors (excluding shower doors and tub enclosures) 344211
33232112 Iron and steel doors (excluding shower doors and tub enclosures) 344212
332321121 Iron and steel industrial doors 3442121
332321122 Iron and steel residential doors 3442122
332321123 Iron and steel commercial and institutional doors 3442123
33232118 Other metal doors, metal door frames, and shower doors and tub enclosures 344218
3323212 Metal window sash and frames, except storm sash 34422
3323213 Metal molding and trim and storefronts 34423
3323214 Metal combination screen, storm sash, and storm doors 34424
3323215 Metal windows and door screens, (except combination) and metal weatherstrip 34425
332321SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3442SM
332321M Miscellaneous receipts 3442M
332321S Secondary products 3442S
332322 332322 Sheet metal work mfg 3444
332322P Primary products 3444P
3323221 Sheet metal air-conditioning ducts and stove pipe
3323223 Sheet metal culverts, flumes, irrigation pipes, etc.
3323227 Sheet metal roofing and roof drainage equipment
3323229 Sheet metal flooring and siding
332322A Sheet metal awnings, canopies, cornices, and soffits
332322B Sheet metal roof ventilators, louvers, & dampers for heating, ventilation, a-c
332322E Other sheet metal work
332322SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts
332322M Miscellaneous receipts
332322S Secondary products
332323 332323 Ornamental and architectural metal work manufacturing 3446
332323P Primary products 3446P
3323232 Stairs, railings, fences, and gates (other than wire) 34462
332323213 Stairs, staircases, and fire escapes 3446213
332323214 Fences, gates, railings, and window guards 3446214
3323233 Open flooring, grating, and studs 34463
3323234 Scaffolding, shoring, and forming for concrete work 34464
3323235 Other architectural and ornamental metal work 34465
332323511 Iron and steel 3446511
332323512 Aluminum and metals other than iron and steel 3446512
332323A Grilles, registers, and air diffusers 3446A
332323SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3446SM
332323M Miscellaneous receipts 3446M
332323S Secondary products 3446S
332410 332410 Power boiler and heat exchanger manufacturing
332410P Primary products 3443P
3324101 Fabricated heat exchangers and steam condensers (except for nuclear applications 34431
33241011 Fabricated bare tube industrial heat exchangers, closed types (except for nuclea 344311211
33241012 Fabricated fin tube industrial heat exchangers, closed types (except for nuclear 344311215
33241013 Fabricated steam condensers (except for nuclear applications) 3443151
3324103 Steel power boilers (stationary and marine), parts and attachments (except for n 34433
332410SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3443SM
332410M Miscellaneous receipts 3443M
332410S Secondary products 3443S
332420 332420 Metal tanks (heavy gauge) manufacturing
332420P Primary products 3443P
3324204 Gas cylinders 34434
3324205 Metal tanks, complete at factory (standard line pressure) 34435
3324207 Metal tanks, complete at factory (standard line nonpressure) 34437
3324208 Metal tanks and vessels, custom fabricated at the factory 34438
3324209 Metal tanks and vessels, custom fabricated and field erected 34439
332420SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3443SM
332420M Miscellaneous receipts 3443M
332420S Secondary products 3443S
332431 332431 Metal can mfg 3411
332431P Primary products 3411P
3324311 Steel cans 34111
332431181 Food and beverage steel cans including lids, ends, and parts shipped separately 3411181
332431191 Other steel cans 3411191
3324312 Aluminum cans 34112
332431SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3411SM
332431M Miscellaneous receipts 3411M
332431S Secondary products 3411S
332439 332439 Other metal container manufacturing
332439P Primary products
3324391 Steel pails, 1 to 12 gallon capacity 34121
3324393 Steel shipping barrels & drums, exc. beer barrels, more than 12 gallon capacity 34122
3324395 Other metal container manufacturing
3324397 Air cargo containers, metal
332439SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts
332439M Miscellaneous receipts
332439S Secondary products
332510 332510 Hardware mfg 3429
332510P Primary products 3429P
3325101 Furniture hardware (excluding cabinet hardware) 34292
3325103 Builders hardware, including fabricated metal safes and vaults 34294
332510315 Padlocks including pin/non-pin tumbler all other padlocks 3429415
332510321 Doorlocks, locksets, and locktrim, except mortise deadlocks 3429421
332510352 Hinges, excluding cabinet hinges, including spring hinges 3429452
332510361 Cabinet hardware 3429461
332510377 Other builders hardware, nec (including metal safes and vaults) 3429477
3325105 Motor vehicle hardware 34296
3325107 Other transportation equipment hardware, except motor vehicle hardware 34297
3325109 Other hardware, nec 34298
332510SM Secondary products and miscellaneous receipts 3429SM
332510M Miscellaneous receipts 3429M
332510S Secondary products 3429S


Last Modified Date: March 04, 2004