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Lenny and Mugsy

Lenny Riegel, Transportation Specialist

Hello out there! My name is Lenny M. Riegel. I was born on October 19, 1956 in Wichita, Kansas. I was raised in Wichita and Wagoner, Oklahoma, where I graduated in 1975. I enlisted in the Air Force and served almost four years.

While we lived on a farm outside of Wagoner, Oklahoma, our landlord let me drive the tractors and the trucks they had out there. Sure did enjoy that, so guess that is where I got trucking in my blood. After getting out of the Air Force, I went to California and drove out there also.

In 1995, I got my own truck and I have been driving for American Red Ball Movers since then. I have been driving twenty-one years, so will probably stay with this for the rest of my life.

I am single, but I do have a little "boss".. and his name is Mugsy Malone, a little Chinese Pug. He is quite the dog, but he doesn't think so. We enjoyed seeing and talking to all of you kids when we stopped at schools and showed the "Wright brother's airplane".

Bye for now!



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