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                           Before the
                Federal Communications Commission
                     Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                 )
AT&T Corp.                       )    File No. EB-00-TC-043
                                )    NAL/Acct. No. 200132170012
Operator Service Consumer        )
Information Requirements         )


   Adopted: October 31, 2000            Released:   November   1, 


By the Chief, Enforcement Bureau:

     1.   In this Order, we adopt a Consent Decree terminating an 
informal investigation  by  the Enforcement  Bureau  (``Bureau'') 
into possible  violations by  AT&T  Corp. (``AT&T'')  of  Section 
226(b)(1) of  the Communications  Act of  1934, as  amended  (the 
``Act''), and Section 64.703(a)(3) of the Commission's rules.1 

     2.   Section 226(b)(1) of the Act and Section  64.703(a)(3) 
of the  Commission's rules  require operator  service  providers 
(``OSPs'') such as AT&T to disclose immediately to consumers, at 
no charge: (1) a quotation of its rates or charges for the call; 
(2)  the  methods  by  which  such  rates  or  charges  will  be 
collected; (3) the methods  by which complaints concerning  such 
rates, charges, or  collection practices will  be resolved;  and 
(4) how to obtain the total cost of the call by dialing no  more 
than two digits or by staying on the line.2

     3.   The enactment of  Section 226 and  the adoption of  our 
operator service  rules  occurred  in the  wake  of  considerable 
consumer dissatisfaction with the lack of information about OSPs' 
services, among  other  things.3  The  purpose  of TOCSIA  is  to 
protect consumers from ``unfair and deceptive practices  relating 
to their  use  of  operator services  to  place  interstate  long 
distance calls and to ensure that consumers have the  opportunity 
to make informed choices in making such calls.''4

     4.   On December 1, 1999, the Bureau's field staff began  an 
investigation of  aggregator  telephones located  throughout  the 
United States to determine  compliance with the requirements  set 
forth in the Act and in the Commission's rules.  The field  staff 
investigated,  inter   alia,  possible   violations  of   Section 
226(b)(1) of  the Act,5  and portions  of section  64.703 of  the 
Commission's rules.6   The  field  staff  checked  compliance  by 
aggregators and OSPs at over 1,700 telephones.

     5.   Based on the evidence  gathered in this  investigation, 
the Bureau  approached  AT&T  regarding  possible  violations  of 
Section 226(b)(1)(C) of the Act  and Section 64.703(a)(3) of  the 
Commission's rules.  The  Bureau reached an  agreement with  AT&T 
that will resolve this  investigation.  The terms and  conditions 
of the agreement are contained  in the attached executed  Consent 
Decree.  Among other things, the Consent Decree contemplates that 
AT&T will implement  a program  to ensure  its future  compliance 
with the  Act  and  the  Commission's  rules  and  policies.   In 
addition, the Consent Decree contemplates  that AT&T will make  a 
voluntary contribution  to  the  United States  Treasury  in  the 
amount of $105,000.

     6.   We have reviewed  the terms of  the Consent Decree  and 
evaluated the facts before us.  In light of AT&T's commitment  to 
be bound  by the  various  principles set  forth in  the  Consent 
Decree, we believe that  the public interest  would be served  by 
approving the Consent Decree and terminating the investigation.

     7.   Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Section 4(i) of 
the  Communications  Act,  47  U.S.C.  з  154(i),  and  authority 
delegated by sections 0.111 and 0.311 of the Commission's  rules, 
47 C.F.R.  зз  0.111, 0.311,  that  the Consent  Decree  attached 
hereto IS ADOPTED.  

     8.   IT  IS   FURTHER  ORDERED   that  the   above-captioned 
investigation IS TERMINATED.

                              FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                              David H. Solomon
                              Chief, Enforcement Bureau

1 47 U.S.C. з 226(b)(1); 47 C.F.R. зз 64.703(a)(3), (a)(4).

2 47  U.S.C. з  226(b)(1); 47  C.F.R. зз  64.703(a)(3),  (a)(4).  
``Operator services'' is  defined by  the Act and  our rules  as 
``any interstate telecommunications  service from an  aggregator 
location that includes,  as a component,  any automatic or  live 
assistance to a consumer to  arrange for billing or  completion, 
or both, of an interstate telephone call through a method  other 
than: (1)  automatic completion  with billing  to the  telephone 
from which the  call originated;  or (2)  completion through  an 
access code used  by the  consumer, with billing  to an  account 
previously established with the carrier by the consumer. ''   47 
U.S.C. за226(a)(7);  47  C.F.R. за64.708(i).   A  ``provider  of 
operator services''  means ``any  common carrier  that  provides 
operator  services  or  any  other  person  determined  by   the 
Commission to be a provider of operator services.''  47 U.S.C. з 
226(a)(9); 47 C.F.R. за64.708(l).  An ``aggregator'' is  defined 
by the Act and the Commission's  rules as ``any person that,  in 
the  ordinary  course  of   its  operations,  makes   telephones 
available to the public or  to transient users of its  premises, 
for interstate  telephone calls  using  a provider  of  operator 
services.''  47 U.S.C. з 226(a)(2); 47 C.F.R. за64.708(b).

3 Section  226 is  the codification  of the  Telephone  Operator 
Consumer Services Improvement Act of 1990 (``TOCSIA'').  Pub. L. 
No. 101-435, 104 Stat. 986 (1990).

4 Policies  and  Rules Concerning  Operator  Service  Providers, 
Order, 7 FCC Rcd 4014, 4014 (1992).

5 47 U.S.C. з 226(b)(1) (Requirements for Providers of  Operator 

6 47 C.F.R.  зз 64.703(a)(1), (a)(2),  (a)(3), (a)(4)  (Consumer 